Boom Goes The Marathon! - Chapter 12 - PlaystationPassenger - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)

Chapter Text

Cream and her family had been quite fortunate the last few months. When Eggman began his takeover of the world, G.U.N. soldiers were quick to put together a refugee zone at the North Star Islands. A sungazer named Trip was more than happy to offer her islands as a sanctuary for families and especially children upon hearing how fast Eggman and Infinite’s forces were spreading. Thanks to her precious stone and a young female sheep having possession of the red Chaos Emerald, they were able to cloak the islands to hide from any threats. It was very risky escorting families with young children there. A modern-day Underground Railroad if you will. But Vanilla was willing to take that chance if it meant keeping her daughter safe from war.

It did pay off as the whole Rabbit Family managed to make it to the North Star Islands. Spending the following six months assisting other families suffering from fears and uncertainties. Cream felt she wasn’t doing much at first, as she wished to help her friends who were working at the front lines as the Resistance. But after a few weeks bringing snacks and sweets to other refugees and giving smiles to them, lifting their spirits was more than enough to tell her she was making a positive difference. Gemerl was also a big help in ensuring the resources would not run low. There were times Eggman soldiers found their way to an island, making the designated defense force work to take them out before they could signal their leader on their findings. Other than that, the main mission was to have as much of a normal life as possible.

Once the war ended, everyone was able to return home after a few days. Those who assisted the survivors of G.U.N. in the refugee project were given Medals of Honor. The Rabbit Family being among the lineups. To this day, thank you letters were pouring out of their mailbox. It became a little hard for Cream to live normally with people treating her like a celebrity. Fortunately, her mother was quick to set boundaries with a hint of sugary malice in her tone to those who were very pushy. One gratitude gift that stood out from others was an outfit that looked like her typical dress but had blue, green-blue, and pink colors on the dress and shoes.

It took time before reuniting with her friends. Tears and hugs of relief were given before both sides could share their stories. Then a few days later, Amy told her honorary sister about a fun event watching a TV show about alternate versions of themselves. It took a lot of explaining on all-powerful things and what this show was but Cream was more than happy to accept the invite. After getting approval from her mother when she was told there would be no foul content. Gemerl offered to accompany her due to the fact Eggman would be present as well, albeit with a restraint and powerless. Once her work was done, she changed into her new outfit and the two headed to Emerald Coast to see a big castle somehow not noticed by anyone else. A look through the balcony window allowed the two to see where their friends were so they decided to enter that way.

“Cream!” Sonic opened his arms as she ran in for a hug. “Glad to see you’re doing okay! How are things at home?”

“They’re wonderful Mr. Sonic” she smiled. “My neighborhood’s back to normal and everyone’s been so grateful for everything mother, Gemerl, and I have done! What about all of you?”

The boys were at varying levels of recovery. “I’ve been alright” Knuckles sighed. “Thankfully no one took advantage of my absence on Angel Island to try and use the Master Emerald. A security system thanks to Ages is the reason I could do this.”

Cream looked lost, “Who is Ages?”

“Oh! She’s the second thing Amy told you about” Tails explained. “This is her home. She uses it as a sanctuary for refugees across the multiverse as well. She’s the host for our marathon.” He then noticed a staple of the bunny was absent. “You didn’t bring Cheese with you?”

“He and Chocola are assisting Miss Vanilla” Gemerl spoke up. “I am afraid we will be unable to stay for the entirety of the marathon as we have plans to visit a Chao Garden one hour from now. But that should allot us enough time to observe two of these episodes of the world with comedy driven antics.”

While Eggman was on edge of another creation gone rogue here, he wasn’t as scared of Gemerl since he was programmed to be a caretaker instead of a destroyer. Plus, with the rabbit here, her friends would likely tone down the teasing to set a good example. She was more for manners than snarking.

“We have a few more minutes until the next episode starts” Amy knelt to Cream’s level. “If you haven’t had lunch yet, we have a whole spread.”

“Allow me” a voice said as one of the plates floated up and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, carrots, strawberries, cherries, orange slices, macarons, and sand tarts were levitated onto it. A glass of apple juice was poured into a cup and it and the full plate floated into the bunny’s hands.

Her eyes lit up at what just happened. “Thank you, Miss Ages!”

“My pleasure dearie. Would you like me to get you a seat?”

“That’s okay. I can sit next to Miss Amy.”

With the current atmosphere, Metal was starting to feel a bit woozy. He wasn’t one for sickeningly sweet moments that could give his eyes and ears a toothache. Shadow could see the look on his face. “You get used to it. Even I need a little saccharine sometimes to avoid being bleak.”

“If you say so.” He returned to piling on the chips and sand tarts over his sandwiches.

Once everyone got their food, they returned to their seats. Half of the remaining time was spent eating and half was giving Cream the rundown of the episodes seen so far, what their doubles were like, and what to prepare for.

“So yours, Mr. Tails’ and Miss Amy’s twins are close to you?”

“Yep” Sonic nodded. “Though my twin has a lower tolerance for ungrateful behaviors.”

“And your twin is more sociable and happy-go-lucky. And there’s a badger named Sticks who loves nature as much as you do Mr. Knuckles” Cream looked to Knuckles who sighed.

“That’s a good way to put it.”

Eggman didn’t have a lot to say for his double. “Mine’s a loser. He lacks a real drive for villainy and it’s possible he wants to be friends with the blue pincushion!”

“How wonderful!” Cream cheered. “Maybe when they become friends, he’ll stop being so evil!”

The doctor let out a deep sigh as Metal snickered. “It would be a sight to see. As for my other duplicate, he was only seen once in the last season and failed to display the power I had while robotic. He is said to show up again in the finale along with the Ultimate Lifeform’s copy.”

Gemerl eyed said lifeform, “Do you wish to give the details?”

“He doesn’t pull punches like the other villains” Shadow answered. “He also has an attitude that’s like mine but without the moral restraint.” He was about to compare him to Infinite but figured that would be going too far.

“We’ve grown to like our doubles more since first seeing them” Knuckles added. “The majority of the villagers however are a different story.”

Cream raised her head, “Why? Are they mean?”

Her friends had conflicted expressions as it would be good to prepare the young rabbit. “Do you remember when Shadow was verbally harassed when the public found out he was a main catalyst for Eggman’s six-month success?” Amy asked.


“It’s like that for the villagers but for less justified reasons. Sonic’s twin and Sticks bearing the most of it.”

“That’s horrible!” Cream gasped. “Why would they be cruel when your twins save them on a daily basis?”

Gemerl gave a guess, “Collecting the data of what you have told us, it appears they have grown desensitized to rescues and feel they do not need to worry about long term consequences because of how their world works. They believe they have no need to improve and put in the effort themselves because there are already people to do just that. This brings concerns if a genuine threat outside their context arrives, leaving your duplicates powerless and the village suffering lasting outcomes due to the stagnant lifestyle.”

Tails simply nodded, “Yeah, that sums up most of our thoughts.”

Hearing all this made Sonic wonder if it would be worth it if the Chaos Crystals were found again and the memories restored. A theory then came to him. None of them knew how powerful these crystals were so who’s to say they also didn’t have the ability to alter the tone of a world? Going from mysterious adventure worldbuilding to comedy driven slice of life escapades. An attempt to keep the inhabitants safe in an ‘ignorance is bliss’ kind of way.

“Fortunately, more focus is on our copies dealing with the doctor. Episodes with village disdain so far are in the single digits” Metal explained. He housed the sandwiches and sand tarts before noticing the title of the next episode. “And it appears we will be seeing one of the former.”

Eggman saw it himself and it was enough to make him tense up. “‘Mombot?’ Why would your double make a robot mom?”

Shadow came up with an idea from Knuckles’ words. “I think he’s suffered too much loneliness. You’ve seen the impact the lack of a parent can cause.”

From Lady Walrus’ husband MIA and seeing orphans from the war, the other animals could understand. “I don’t know what would happen to me without mother” Cream’s voice was subdued. “Maybe your twin wants the same kind of affection.”

“Could be!” Sonic smiled. “It’s bound to be interesting.”

There wasn’t a teasing tone for now. But Eggman had no doubt the rodents would be all over him. He just accepted his fate for the next eleven minutes as Amelia pressed play.

Morning broke as Eggman’s lair was shown. Inside, Eggman and his robots were looking at a new creation. “Behold, my Eggs-Boson Super-Configurator” the doctor announced. “I’ve accomplished what no other scientist has ever done!”

“Prove climate change is real?” Cubot guessed.

Eggman scoffed, “Please. That’s next to impossible!” He had attempted something similar only to find all claims were based off of faulty science. When doing the work himself, he discovered the temperatures had remained stable, even cooling slightly. If anything was to blame for global warming, it was the sun. Not carbon dioxide.

His enemies were in agreement. “Studies have shown that fossil fuels actually aren’t dangerous to use” Tails brought up.

“It would be good to tend to the planet though” Cream said. “That way more people can see how pretty it is!”

Amy couldn’t argue with that. She had taken part in park and garden restorations after the war was over. Planting new trees and other plants to replace the ones destroyed. People did have a responsibility to tend to creation.

“Build a machine that creates a miniature black hole” Eggman corrected. “And makes broccoli taste like apple sauce.”

Sonic perked at that, “I can’t believe I’m saying this Eggy, but your double actually made something cool!”

Tails would be on board for his brother eating more vegetables but the invention causing a black hole was a point of concern. “I can make a version without the black hole.”

Silently, Eggman had to admit his double was on to something since he wasn’t a fan of broccoli himself.

“What are you going to do with it?” Orbot asked.

“I’m gonna start eating my broccoli, and simultaneously prove once and for all that I’m the greatest scientist who ever lived.”

Eggman turned the Eggs-Boson Super-Configurator on. A mini black hole appeared and sucked Orbot’s right eye into it. The broccoli followed it before the hole closed. “Nicely done, sir” the red bot said sarcastically.

“So much for that.” Metal noticed his plate was empty and went back to the table for seconds.

Given the former robot’s love for food and how he was reprogrammed to assist with home life, Knuckles asked Gemerl a question. “You ever wonder what it would be like to taste food?”

“I have been curious on experiencing the sensation. Seeing people enjoy culinary creations does show that good food makes people happy. However, I have high doubts something can be done for a robot to partake in digesting meals.”

“You never know!” Sonic smiled. “Mets became a real boy thanks to another thing and since Ages has similar abilities, she can give you a real body too!”

“That would not be necessary” Gemerl turned it down. “I am perfectly comfortable with who I am. And I am loved regardless of a hard exterior.”

Shadow felt a little envy from this. Still, the journey to self-love had different lengths for everyone.

Orbot started to leave but the lack of an eye made him hit something. “Depth perception is for losers” Eggman commented on the sight. “And now to present my brilliant invention to the scientific community and be honored by my peers!”

It cut to Mayor Fink’s mansion where a science fair was underway. Various booths were set up and people were talking to one another. Comedy Chimp was looking at a walrus child’s booth that only had a rock. “Waited ‘til the last minute, huh?”

“Wow. A children’s science fair” Sonic chuckled. “He must really want admiration from others.”

Eggman ran his hands down his face in embarrassment. He wasn’t surprised at this since his twin seemed to have the maturity of a child.

“You never know” Tails was getting interested with science being celebrated in the village. “Kids are known for creating more than just dioramas and baking soda volcanoes.”

“Cooking is a form of science too!” Cream added. “Different ingredients make all the difference!”

Amy had no doubt with her friend’s cooking and gardening skills, she could make a discovery to display in a science fair too.

Eggman grinned at the sight, “There’s no way I can lose. I mean sure, it’s a nice rock, but I think I have the edge here.”

“Unless it has powers similar to the Master Emerald, Chaos Emeralds, or Chaos Crystals I’m not interested.”

Knuckles agreed with the doctor. But he was guilty of rock collecting himself to pass the time. The formations they could make was worth the study too.

At another booth, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks were gathered around a diorama of the solar system. A pink shrew girl was displaying her work. “Hi, I’m Beth the Shrew, and I made this all by myself, I betcha.”

Sonic got a closer look, “Ah…the solar system. It’s so much less cluttered since they tossed that dwarf planet.”

“You think that’s what their solar system looks like?” Metal wondered. “It does appear vastly different from ours.”

“Not to mention we still have a dwarf planet as part of our galaxy” Gemerl added. “Still, it has been time since astrologists updated our star maps.”

Shadow was no stranger to star gazing and looking out into space. It was pretty much the best way to spend free time on the ARK.

“Except there’s no such thing as other planets” Sticks said. “They’re just holograms projected by aliens.”

Beth looked to Sticks, “If there are no planets, then where do the aliens come from, mister?”

The badger just gave an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture.

Knuckles snorted. “Someone questioning Sticks’ theories to the point of silencing her.” Seemed this girl had a sharp mind.

Now that he got a better look at her, something clicked with Sonic. “Wait, isn’t she the girl who wanted my twin’s autograph after escaping Mark?”

“It is!” Amy confirmed it. “Looks like they cleared things up since he isn’t afraid to be near her.”

“What happened with Mark? Who is he?” Cream asked.

The room became silent at her question. “You’re better off not knowing” Tails told her.

Soar was interviewing Eggman’s creation with little interest. “You see, particle theory is different from string theory” Eggman explained. “So my device-”

The eagle then looked to a female reindeer’s project which got his interest. “Whoa! A potato clock!” He walked away and left the doctor alone.

“In all honesty, simple science fair projects are more likely to keep the villagers’ attention.”

Eggman silently agreed with his creation’s words. Their attention spans weren’t the longest. Still, he couldn’t give a demonstration of making broccoli taste like applesauce to keep Soar’s focus? There was bound to be enough time to work out the bugs.

“What makes it a potato clock?” Orbot questioned.

“You wind it up when you go to bed, and it wakes you up potato clock!” Cubot answered like he was hoping for laughter to come after the punch line.

Crickets could be heard all around the room. “Were they both expecting a reaction when that was said?” Gemerl broke the silence.

“They failed in doing so like in everything else” Metal folded his arms.

Sonic felt like he was punched in the gut hearing that. Even his worst jokes weren’t that painful.

Fastidious Beaver, Tails, and Comedy Chimp were talking with one another as they wore judge sashes. Eggman eyed them and then looked at the other booths with a monkey child’s volcano, Beth’s solar system model, the reindeer girl’s potato clock, and the walrus boy with his rock. It cut back to Eggman who had a confident look on his face.

“Welcome to the Village’s Science Fair Awards” Comedy Chimp announced. “Did you see Lady Walrus on the red carpet? She’s had that dress so long, it’s been in style three times! Hah!”

The audience just looked blankly at him. Someone could be heard coughing off screen.

The sole noise in the room was Tails coughing.

“Two horrible attempts at comedy back-to-back” Shadow drawled. He was debating whether or not to pass out and sleep through the episode if more were on the way.

Cream looked to Amy, “Is this what the show is usually like?”

“Not always” the pinkette forced a smile. “There are a few funny moments with action. It can just take a little time to get there.” She was hoping that there wouldn’t be any inappropriate jokes though. Protecting whatever innocence Tails had left was difficult enough.

“Nothing huh?” Comedy Chimp sighed. “Fine. The award for best science fair project goes to…”

The camera showed the reindeer girl, walrus boy, Eggman, and Beth in four separate boxes as the monkey revealed the winner. “Beth the Shrew and her solar system diorama.”

Beth squealed with joy and ran to get her fancy trophy. Eggman grunted in anger while the audience clapped and cheered.

Most of the animals clapped too. “It did look nice” Knuckles stated. “The bright colors were also enough to hold attention.”

“And of course, everyone gets a participation trophy!” Comedy Chimp said in a brighter tone. “Because if at first you don’t succeed, you’ve actually succeeded.”

Tails and Fastidious handed out three trophies to the rest of the children.

“Yay! They still get appreciation for their hard work!” Cream smiled.

“They only got them because they showed up” Eggman sighed. Still waiting for the teasing of his twin’s actions.

“That doesn’t mean they’re not awards” Tails replied. “It takes lots of work to have your project displayed in a science fair.”

Eggman went up to get a participation trophy, but the beaver and fox ignored him. “Hey. Where’s my trophy?”

“You were disqualified. You exceeded the height limit for a children’s competition” Tails told him. He then pointed to the height sign close by.

“If Eggy was disqualified, why did they let him set up a booth in the first place?”

“Probably to give him false hope Faker. His mentality being childlike could be another factor.”

Comedy Chimp was talking to Beth while Eggman sulked. “You also win a week of observing our village’s top scientist.”

The doctor perked at this but the monkey was quick to dash his hopes. “Expert science judge, Tails.”

Tails smiled proudly while Eggman groaned.

The kitsune perked up in excitement. “Now that’s science fair prize! Learning about the wonders of science through my twin!” Guess the village saw the error of their ways from Dome-pocalypse.

“That explains why he was one of the judges” Amy finished off her lunch as she eyed Metal going to town on his seconds. Hoping the yucky bucket wouldn’t need an encore appearance. “And he’s probably the best member of the team for Beth to be around.”

Sonic and Knuckles couldn’t argue with that. Their twins weren’t known for science and Amy’s double wasn’t reliable with her views of how psychology should be used.

At Meh Burger, Eggman was in a miserable mood. “I know what’ll cheer you up” Orbot spoke to him. “Let’s see what Meh Meal toy you got.”

Cubot took the toy out and showed it to Eggman. It looked like a man with a burger for a head. “Councilman McMeh?” the doctor banged his fist on the table. “What nitwit thought kids would find a bean-counting bureaucrat character interesting?!”

In the background, Mayor Fink sneaked away when hearing this.

“What’s that place?” Cream pointed to the screen.

“Meh Burger” Metal answered. “It’s the main meeting point the copies hang out at despite the terrible food, service, and inability to be destroyed or improved for good.”

“It is unable to be shut down? Surely there is something in that world to improve health code violations.”

Amy wished she could confirm it for Gemerl. “We’ve all given up hope. Not helping matters is the reveal that Meh Meal toys can be dangerous too.”

The gizoid took this in, “Are your duplicates unable to cook? Explaining why they eat there constantly?”

“Only Amy’s twin can cook.” A long-ago memory then came to Tails. “Wait, my twin made a Salmon Eggs Benedict when the other Eggman stayed at his house! So, he could know how to cook too!”

“Don’t remind me of that” Eggman warned.

Not far from the doctor where Lady Walrus and the male walrus child holding his rock. The former took a selfie, “My son picked that rock out all by himself.”

“Son?” Knuckles paid attention to that. “She has two children?” It did make sense as she was the only adult female walrus in the village.

“The fact he survived for that long is surprising. Given her track record with her infant.”

Cream looked to the striped hedgehog. “What do you mean Mr. Shadow?”

“Well…” Tails wrung his hands. “Whenever there’s a crisis in the village, her baby tends to get in perilous situations. Leading to one of our doubles saving him. She could be a good mother, just needs some extra precautions.”

“And a leash” Sonic snickered.

Eggman wistfully looked at the sight. “Look how she’s gushing over him. It’s just a silly rock! I wish I had someone to give me unconditional love like that.”

His robots hugged him but were quickly shoved aside. “Not you! But maybe a robot is the answer.”

Here it comes Eggman inwardly sighed. The pestering and teasing on his own life.

“You know, I haven’t given it much thought but…what was your life like Egghead?” Sonic questioned. “We know you looked up to your grandfather but did your actual mom and dad have a hand in raising you?”

“I’m not telling you the story of my life rodent. I don’t need any pity.” Didn’t help that the whole family pretty much fawned over Maria even when he was right there. Getting a taste of favoritism not in his favor.

“I barely knew my family” Knuckles joined in. “I was fortunate enough to already know how to look after myself without a need for guidance.”

Shadow wasn’t going to go down the rabbit hole of his creation and who raised him. It was confusing enough already. Didn’t help that part of it was intended for evil. But could a mother-like figure help prevent all the unnecessary turmoil he went through?

Back at his lair, Eggman was typing on his computer to finish a female robot’s creation. “Uploading recipe file… Including happy face pancakes… Basic first aid instructions… Lullabies or bedtime stories where evil triumphs…”

Most of the heroes rolled their eyes while Gemerl and Cream shook their heads. The only source for the last one was real life. And maybe Shakespeare’s tragedies.

Eggman picked up a microphone and spoke into it. “Add to database: Don’t play ball in the house. No more screen time. And if you keep making that face, it’ll get stuck that way.” He put the microphone down. “My new robot will praise even my lamest accomplishments.”

On cue, Orbot and Cubot arrived. “Hello!”

Sonic and Metal snickered at that. “Now that was a good joke involving those two.”

Eggman turned the female robot on, and her optics landed on him. “My boy!”


Now that she had a good look at her, horror was on Amy’s face. “Why is there a mustache?!” She was already getting Eggheads flashbacks at the sight of it.

“It could be a staple in some of his creations” Gemerl guessed. Though he would have honestly done without it.

The boys were in agreement with Amy. “Some previous season traits never die” Knuckles sighed.

Meanwhile, Tails was showing Beth around his workshop. “Say, mister. You know all about science, I bet ya” the shrew smiled.

“Well, I have been working on some pretty awesome inventions.” Tails dashed off and showed her a bicycle. “Introducing: the Hover Cycle!” He rode on the bicycle as it began to levitate slowly. He pushed harder on the pedals, but the Hover Cycle ended up shutting down and falling to the ground. Despite that, Beth was smiling with enjoyment.

“Science is so interestin’.”

Tails was on the same boat as her. “My twin continues to inspire me with inventions to try out! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself!” He actually saw something like this in an old movie where a human and alien became friends.

“That does look like fun!” Cream grinned. “I can already fly but my ears can get tired.”

While not a bike rider, Amy was interested in something like that. An exciting way to get exercise and experience the world from another point of view.

Eggman finished a jigsaw puzzle with Fuzzy Puppies on it. “What would you like to do next, sweetie?” Mombot asked. “Pick out your clothes for tomorrow, or go get ice cream?”

“Ooh! Ice cream! Ice cream!” Eggman replied excitedly. “Then can we go to the movies, or the mall, or have high tea at the Fuzzy Puppy store? Maybe we should just have…a momtage!”

Amused giggles made the doctor want to disappear. He didn’t know what was worse: first or secondhand embarrassment. Is this punishment for my six month takeover?! Either my enemies will taunt me or give pity or use this to encourage me to change my moral alignment! Then again it was either this or sulk in the middle of nowhere! I wonder if prison would be a less painful than this.

The montage began with Eggman and Mombot drinking tea at the Fuzzy Puppy store. Back at the lair, Eggman was crying due to an injury on his leg. Mombot was quick to put a band-aid on it, cheering him up. Next, she put a bowl on his head and trimmed his mustache. The human giggling at the action. Later, Mombot put blueprints on the refrigerator doors and Eggman giggled when she pinched his cheek.

At a piano, the montage music paused as Eggman played a bit of Fur Elise. When he finished, Mombot stood up and applauded him. “My boy!”

“Huh, he looks to be a good piano player” Amy smiled at the shrinking doctor. “In all honesty, this is really sweet.”

“It is Miss Amy. It’s like seeing me and my mother spending time together!”

The rest of the males were silent with Tails looking down at his feet. Seeing this perked Eggman back up. Hmm. Maybe this isn’t complete torture for me after all.

The montage music resumed as a steak was placed on the table. Mombot converted her hand into a knife and sliced it with ease. She picked up a piece with her fork and brought it to Eggman’s mouth. “Ooh. Here comes the Eggmobile!”

He ate the steak happily. “I love you, Mombot.”

Fighting off tears, Metal looked to the other animals. “Why am I feeling tense and emotional seeing this? Why am I not teasing the doctor as his twin acts like this?”

“I might have a theory” Tails composed himself. “Since most of us grew up without parents, the lack of motherly or fatherly affection can impact us at certain points. Mostly when seeing a mom or dad interact with their children. It can bring a sense of envy since we were never given enough. I think it’s hitting harder for you since you were made instead of born.”

Cream felt for them since she did feel the effect of no father sometimes. The closest she had was her robot companion. This interested Gemerl when hearing this. “Whatever did happen to your parents?”

“I can’t really remember” Sonic replied. “They might have been around long enough for my morals to be on the right side. But yeah, this is actually hitting a little hard.”

Despite the humiliating scenes and his double’s quirks shining bright, Eggman found himself not hating the episode completely. The rodents’ feelings were keeping them from targeting him. But how much longer?

The montage ended as Eggman was outside with his robots. Wearing a red scarf, “Mombot made this for me. With wool, and with love. One of which I may be allergic to.” He scratched his neck at this.

Metal managed to let out a chuckle, “If anyone is allergic to love it is my copy.”

Amy, Knuckles, Eggman, and Shadow were hiding their mirth as Sonic tensed up. “I don’t hate family love and friendship love! I have better experiences with them to know they’re worth my while!”

“Romantic love is not to be forsaken” Gemerl stated. “It can provide feelings family members and friends are incapable of bringing. It is true not everyone is called to romance but it is worth a try.”

“I’d rather wait a few more years myself” Tails rubbed his arm.

Eggman put his hands on his hips. “Now I’m off to defeat Sonic and make Mombot proud.”

Mombot came out with a lunchbox. “Don’t forget your lunch, pumpkin; and don’t trade your raisins for candy.”

“Yes, Mombot” the doctor sighed. “I’ll be home after I obliterate Sonic.”

“Not likely” Shadow scoffed.

Cream noticed Sonic recoil at the mentions of raisins. “Do you not like raisins Mr. Sonic?”

Knuckles smirked, “He’s just squeamish because he lost a bet to Shadow and had to eat a whole bucket of them.”

“I think there’s still some in my teeth” the hedgehog hissed.

“What was the bet?” the rabbit asked.

“Whether or not my twin could trap his Sonic” Tails answered. “He succeeded with help from a frozen lake.”

“Sounds plausible” Gemerl said. “Perhaps you could be capable of something similar. I would be happy to assist.”

Eggman tossed a glare his way. “I’m going to catch this pincushion first! Not you!”

Back at Tails’ workshop, Beth was looking through a microscope. “Through the microscope, common objects are super cool or totally disgusting.” What the microscope was showing was displayed while this was said.

An alarm went off on the kitsune’s laptop. “I have to go battle Eggman. You better stay here where it’s completely safe” Tails told Beth. He then noticed a rusty chainsaw dangling precariously over Beth. Only hanging on by a chain. “On second thought, come with me.”

“You could just stay with her” Tails pointed out. “Four team members should be enough to deal with Eggman and his usual army of small badniks.”

“What if the attack requires every hero if the robots are huge?” Gemerl questioned.

“You won’t have to worry” Amy reassured him. “The stakes are usually low and our twins are able to take down attacks.” She just hoped Beth’s bout with seeing a fight would be better than Mike’s.

In the village, Sonic kicked a Crab Bot as Eggman grunted in anger. Amy hammered a Motobug and then gasped when another one and a Scorpion Bot approached her. The latter charged up its flamethrower but Sticks jumped on its body. When the flamethrower was activated, she redirected the flames to the Motobug in front of Amy.

By then, Tails and Beth had arrived as the former left the latter with Lady Walrus. “Will you keep an eye on Beth? I know you’re good with children.” He then flew off to join the fight as lasers flew past him.

Sonic tried to be positive on this. “She could have a better track record with watching older children. Given how her older son is doing okay by himself.” At least Beth would be watched over by an older adult and be further away from the crossfire.

“Come to think of it…” Knuckles realized something. “Where are Beth’s parents? Or parents for the monkey child and reindeer girl?”

Not wanting to jump to the option of orphans, Amy came up with something else. “Let’s go with them being permanently off screen.”

No one argued with that.

Beth and Lady Walrus looked at each other. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the queen of the Science Fair” the woman said in a neutral tone.

With the tone of voice, Shadow wouldn’t be surprised if she intentionally allowed Beth to end up hurt to avenge her son’s loss.

Amy hammered another Scorpion Bot and Tails flew next to a Crab Bot and kicked it. Eggman then unleashed Beetle Bots to try and turn the tides. But Knuckles clung onto the legs of one Beetle Bot and hit two more with it. With the badniks destroyed, the team looked at Eggman.

“That didn’t turn out very well” he sighed. “But Mombot’s programmed to love me unconditionally. So long, losers!”

He flew off as Knuckles bashed two more Beetle Bots. Beth was watching with awe at his actions.

Knuckles had a bad feeling form in his stomach at the shrew’s expression. Smart as she was, she was still a child, and they were known for loving destruction.

Tails looked to the echidna, “Even if she decides to spend time with him, he looks to have a soft spot for kids. His strength can also keep her safe.”

“I just hope she won’t be too inspired by him.”

“Let’s go Beth” Tails said to her. “I can show you this water displacement experiment.”

Beth ran over to Knuckles as he stood atop the robots’ remains. “You must be the strongest guy on the island, I betcha. How’d ya get so strong, mister?”

“Upper body workouts. Exclusively” Knuckles grinned.

The shrew gave a swoon worthy sigh.

“That is not very wise” Gemerl pointed out. “Leg workouts are essential to keep quads, cankles, calves, and thighs in proper shape. Lifting with them is also preferred to keep you from throwing out your back.”

“How is your twin like that Mr. Knuckles? I never knew muscles could look like that by working out so much. Unless he uses what mother says is bad for gaining strength.”

Knuckles knew what Cream meant. “No. He confirmed his muscles are from working out. And he was able to punch an asteroid to pieces. Still wasn’t enough to beat me in an arm-wrestling match.”

“Your twin was brought here?”

“In the previous marathon I mentioned” Amy spoke up. “It allowed us to get to know him better. Who knows? Another one of our twins could be brought here for an event.”

Eggman was hoping that wouldn’t happen. Or if it did, at the very least let it be Tails since he was the most tolerable. But with his luck it would be his double, or Sonic’s, or Sticks.

“The guardian’s copy did push my buttons a few times with asking if my copy and I are related” Metal added. “Otherwise, he kept the urge in relapsing to pain low.”

“In the end, he’s come a long way for all of us” Sonic finished up.

The scene cut back to Eggman’s lair as Mombot sat at a table. Eggman entered in a miserable mood. “Mombot. I just suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of that pesky blue rodent.”

“Oh, my poor baby” Mombot patted his arm. “Maybe villainy isn’t for you. You’re good with tinkering. Maybe you can take a course in air-conditioner repair.”

The human really didn’t like where this was going. Embarrassing mother-son activities were one thing but renouncing his villainy might be worse.

“B-But I’m a supervillain!” Eggman debated. “That’s very similar to an air-conditioner repairman. You should be proud of me.”

“I’d be proud if you were a doctor” Mombot replied.

“I am a doctor!”

“I meant a real doctor.”

Snorts were heard around the room as Sonic looked at his enemy. “I’m with her. I doubt you have an actual PhD yourself.”

“I’m ten times the doctor compared to my double, rodent!! I don’t need a certificate to prove my genius!”

“Your grandfather had one” Shadow chimed in. “Several actually. How else would he have run the ARK and created me? I was planned to be a miracle cure.”

Eggman just grunted in annoyance.

The two were now setting the table as Eggman kept ranting. “You see. Once I defeat Sonic-”

“Again with defeating Sonic?” Mombot interrupted. “He seems like a nice boy. Why can’t you two be friends?”

“Because he’s my arch-nemesis! A-Duh!”

“Gemerl, are you able to tell when this episode’s almost over?”

It took a few seconds for the robot to answer. “There are four minutes and thirty-four seconds remaining, Eggman.”

The doctor groaned at this news. He really didn’t want to see his twin get one step closer to succumbing to the plague of friendship.

“I’d like to see them be friends!” Cream smiled.

“It’ll certainly help keep the world safer” Tails agreed.

Sonic wished for the same thing to happen here. Sure it would have fewer adventures, but he’d take that over trauma, friends being blamed for events out of their control, and easily preventable deaths. Besides, there were other threats more than happy to fill the void.

Mombot made a call with her phone. “Sonic? This is Eggman’s Mombot.”

“Mombot, you’re embarrassing me!” the human whined.

“My baby doesn’t have any friends. Can you take him to the movies? I’ll pay.” She hung up as she saw Eggman grunt. “If you keep making that face, it’ll get stuck that way.”

“That is a good first step” Amy pointed out. “Movie theaters are dark, quiet, and people are more focused on the film than actually talking!”

“Is that not what we are doing right now?” Gemerl questioned. “We are conversing in between dialogue.”

Metal didn’t ponder on it, “I believe it pauses when we do so. We are not missing anything.”

At Meh Burger, Sonic was talking to Tails. “Someone named Mombot asked me to take Eggman to the movies.”

“Sounds like a trap” the fox stated.

“I know. But how can I say no to her?” Sonic showed a dark blue scarf. “She knit me this great scarf. I’m hoping the fans like it more than this one. Ugh.” He pointed to his brown one while saying this.

Despite being seen for a second, Knuckles noted it was a better-looking scarf. “I think it would suit him more. Brown doesn’t seem to go with his fur color.”

“I’m with you there Knucks. Scarves are as far as I’ll go for more clothes.”

Amy and Cream eyed the males’ lack of wardrobe updates. Surely some extra accessories wouldn’t be too much. Add some more personality to their attire.

Tails then shared his woes. “Beth was supposed to meet me here. But she’s more interested in watching Knuckles smash things than learning about science.”

“She’s a smart kid” Sonic reassured his brother. “She won’t want to watch someone smash things forever.”

Not far away was Knuckles smashing a rock. Beth clapped at this, “I wanna watch you smash things forever.”

“I can’t really blame her” the kitsune sighed. “Genius or not, even I get excited over childish interests and can get distracted.”

“Destruction is more entertaining.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.”

Cream inched away from the two dark hedgehogs. “Are you sure it was a good idea for Mr. Shadow and Mr. Metal to be a duo?”

“It was risky, but it actually turned out alright” Amy answered.

Tails walked in holding a bar. “Hey Beth. I can use this bar to show you how metal conducts electricity.”

Beth didn’t look enthused at this. But then Knuckles grabbed the bar. “Or this!” He bent the bar as the shrew applauded and squeed. Tails on the other hand just groaned.

“At this point, your twin needs to think more like a child fox boy.”

Knuckles blanched as memories of the splitting machine came back. “Or make science look fun like with the hovering bicycle.”

It cut to the movie theater as Sonic, Amy, Sticks, and some villagers were watching a movie. Whatever it was, it was playing Eggman’s main theme. The doctor himself came in with some popcorn and sat in front of Admiral Beaverton, blocking his view. A shush made him sit next to Sonic instead. This made the girls laugh.

“So Egghead, did your mommy make any more play dates for you today?” Sonic teased.

While handing his enemy the popcorn, Eggman spoke. “My saintly Mombot wants me to make peace with you, but I’d rather make pieces of you!”

He ran off as the hedgehog heard the popcorn beep. It exploded when Sonic jumped away just in time. Eggman then tried to escape but Amy and Sticks blocked him, making him laugh nervously.

A sigh of relief escaped the doctor. He wasn’t giving in to peace. And the rodents weren’t willing to bury the hatchet any time soon either.

“Yeah if Mombot wants them to be friends, she’s gonna have to try harder than a movie night.”

“Just accept it fox” Metal folded his arms. “Like how the doctor is ordered to lose eventually, he and my copy can never become friends and end their feud. Another thing we seem to have no control over.”

“I do wonder why that is” Gemerl mused. “Repetitive cycles are bound to be tiring and lead to burnout. I also heard of a protest group called the Justice Bringers who are sick of the ‘Sonic Cycle’ as they say. Claiming society will never be safe or free as long as Sonic and Eggman are alive.”

Shadow noticed a worried expression on his rival’s face. Seemed the mention of vocal minorities getting to him went a little deeper than he mentioned. “Is that true?”

“Y-Yes. I paid them no mind like typical ranters at first but as time went on, it was clear they meant business.” Sonic clearly recalled their leader, a green female tenrec, attempting to drown him not long after the war while relaxing at a lake. Blaming him for not preventing the war in the first place by renouncing his values on all life being precious. She failed due to a mysterious hooded being using fifteen different Wisps to send her packing. Sonic wished to give thanks, but the savior vanished right away. Seeing his twin almost drown did nothing to overcome that memory. “The restraining orders help but they keep searching for loopholes.”

“Well they have no idea who they’re dealing with” Amy brought out her hammer. “They mess with one of us, they mess with all of us.”

Eggman couldn’t care less as any group of people against the cactus was a win in his book. He was already racking ways to amplify their hatred and create a hate plague on the rest of civilization. All while directing animosity towards him far away.

Back at the lair, Mombot was dusting the table while Orbot and Cubot were wearing sailor suits.

“Did she make those outfits too? They look so cute!”

“They are fitting” Sonic agreed with Cream. He then looked to Metal with a smirk. “You think you could pull off that look Mets?”

“I refuse to be humiliated further copy.”

Giggles just spread around the room to his chagrin.

Eggman then walked in as Mombot noticed. “What happened to you?”

“Sonic beat me up” he answered.

“What did she expect?!” the human gestured to the TV. “Given how she knows of their feud, she should know by now that they’re destined to be fiends to the end!”

“Well, I’m just gonna have to make peace between you and Sonic myself!” Mombot announced.

Knuckles lowly whistled, “Now that’s a tall order.”

“Never underestimate a mother’s determination” Amy told him.

“Miss Amy’s right” Cream got a refill on her apple juice while talking. “Mother can easily bring troublemakers to their knees. Like those two skunks who broke in and made a mess of our home.”

Gemerl recalled that event perfectly. He never knew a silk hiding steel would be enough to create tears of remorse.

The rest of the animals couldn’t argue with that. Even Shadow was more than happy to stay away from Vanilla’s bad side.

Meanwhile, Beth was watching Tails and Knuckles as they held a coconut and bat respectively. “Knuckles and I are gonna play a fun game while I teach you about science” the fox stated.

Tails perked up at this, “Looks like my twin took your advice Knuckles! Using fun so Beth can be interested in science again!”

The echidna was pleasantly surprised at where this went. He once again missed the other kitsune’s way of thinking to make some sense of the villagers with five second attention spans.

Tails and Beth walked a distance until they were in front of Knuckles. The coconut was thrown as the fox gave some facts. “Now, the coconut’s velocity-”

He was cut off when Knuckles knocked the coconut up in the air with his bat. They all watched it fly down and hit someone.

Everyone in the room was impressed to varying degrees. “Talk about a home run!” Sonic grinned.

Shadow snorted at the sound of pain. “Sounds like it hit that chimp on the head.”

“I hope he’ll be okay!” Cream got worried.

“He will be” Amy reassured her. “Injuries don’t last long and heal rather quickly.”

Beth and Tails were impressed as well. “Holy cow, Knuckles! You really walloped that thing!” the former exclaimed.

“Say, mister…” Beth started but was cut off.

“Just a second, Beth.” Tails got another coconut and looked to Knuckles. “See if you can hit it over the trees this time!” He threw it and Knuckles used his bat to send it flying in the air. Tails flew up to try and catch it but missed while laughing. Beth on the other hand felt sad at being ignored and decided to listen to music on a walkman.

Excitement left Tails and Knuckles when seeing Beth’s actions. “So much for a compromise between all three.”

“Yeah…my twin’s letting science and fun get the better of him.” With how long Beth was going to be spending time with his double, Tails did wonder if the week was over yet. It was never said how many days went by in this episode.

Back at the lair, Sonic, Amy, and Sticks were sitting at a table with Eggman. Orbot and Cubot, still in their sailor suits, were at a kiddie table while drawing. Mombot then served a pancake to Sonic. “All right! Breakfast for dinner!? Thank you, Mombot.”

“Seems my copy’s copy knows manners. Something you can learn from him.”

“Well, it seems he’s warmed up to Mombot quickly at least. But if she wanted the whole team to make peace with Eggman, why aren’t the other Tails and Knuckles present?” They couldn’t be too engrossed in the velocity baseball game, were they?

“The fewer rodents who have to see my twin listen to a mom robot the better” Eggman sulked.

“What a polite young man.” Mombot then looked to Amy, “So Amy, I don’t mean to pry, but you and Sonic are friends or…”

The pinkette became embarrassed at this as she looked to her crush.

“Mombot’s right” Sticks chimed in. “You’re no spring chicken.”

Knuckles spat out some soda he had been drinking when hearing this.

“Wow” Sonic could only say.

Tails was stunned himself. Despite not knowing everything about personal stuff, he was aware of what the saying meant. At least it wasn’t inappropriate since it meant the other Amy was getting older. But she didn’t look to have aged much differently from the main pinkette.

Cream on the other hand was focused on something else. “What did she mean by that? Are yours and Mr. Sonic’s twins dating Miss Amy?”

“Erm…um…” She didn’t know what to say. She was glad she didn’t have to worry about her honorary sister’s innocence being tested. “For the longest time I thought they were, but we got confirmation that they’re just really close friends. Doesn’t stop the hints though.” There was the implication of Sonic’s twin being interested with the ‘you snooze you lose’ line however.

And the Blue Blur would forever be grateful for that tidbit. The other Amy’s questionable moments showed that a romance would be rocky at best.

Amy laughed nervously at what her friend said. Mombot then took notice of the badger’s attire. “Who let you leave the house dressed like that? You must get chilly.” She pulled out a ball of maroon colored wool and converted her fingers into knitting needles. With lightning speed, she knitted a sweater/jumper with a pattern on it and placed it on Sticks. This annoyed her but Amy seemed to like it.

“That’s such a cute sweater!” Amy complimented. “And Mombot can really knit!”

“No kidding! It only took three seconds at least to make it!” Sonic had to admit as fast of a runner he was, his speed didn’t translate well to most other activities that required focus.

Given how cold it could be, Metal wouldn’t mind getting something like that. That one mission in White Acropolis and the aftermath of not being prepared was enough to consider clothes to fight winter weather.

Eggman was on the same boat when it came to more clothes. Maybe he could create a robot to spice up his wardrobe to make him look more threatening.

Eggman leaned away from the table towards his henchbots. “I’m going to defeat Sonic in front of Mombot, so she’ll see what a great villain I am.” He scoffed, “Air conditioning repair.”

“Well, you know. It is good to have something to fall back on” Cubot said.

“I am shocked that what he said was helpful. You should consider alternative ways of expressing your pent-up frustrations as well doctor.”

“It’ll do the world some good. Us too.”

The doctor was not taking advice from the two hedgehogs who turned against him. But he said nothing as his takeover lead to them enduring more suffering than the rest and one wrong word would lead to him hoping the collar had healing capabilities. Then again, the lack of a shield wasn’t giving him much hope.

A button was pressed, and Mantis Bots entered the room. Despite having her back turned, Mombot knew what was going on. “I can see your attack robots. You installed eyes in the back of my head. Now, I spent all day planning this dinner and you ruined it. You’re my son! You shouldn’t upset me like this.”

At this, the Mantis Bots went back the way they came.

Frustration overwhelmed Eggman as he vented. “I created you! I’m your father! I’m your son! Your father! Your son! Your father and your son!” He got slapped in the face by Mombot.

Knuckles snorted, “If anything, she also heard his not so low whispering.”

All the male hedgehogs wished they could repeat the slap. And make the impact a little harder.

Hearing what the human said made Amy ponder on something. “Wait…Eggman, since you made Metal, Orbot, Cubot, and all your other robots, does that mean they’re all brothers and sisters with you as their father?”

“I’m not going down that rabbit hole!” Truth be told, Eggman doubted he could see himself as a father figure to any of his creations. He had yet to make one where a bond could truly form. Not to mention having said creation actually like him instead of being snarky, incompetent, or both.

“Mosquito” Mombot said. Clarifying that she was swatting a bug that landed on Eggman. “Now go to your room!”

Sulking, he did so as Sonic, Amy, and Sticks laughed at this.

“I hope one day your children break your heart like you did mine” Mombot sighed.

Cream didn’t like how the other versions of her friends were treating this. “They shouldn’t be mean. The motherly robot wanted them to be friends.”

“Their relationship is…complicated” Tails spoke up. “One day they’re battling in their own way and the next they’re chatting about everyday things with no battle at all. I think we have something like that too with these kinds of events.”

“It does seem peculiar” Gemerl stated.

“You sure?” Sonic asked. “As far as I know this is how human adults and anthropomorphic animals interact with each other.”

Beth was still listening to her music with a dour expression while Tails and Knuckles continued their game without her. One hit sent a coconut flying so high, it went through one of the clouds.

“I hit the sky fluff! I’m science!” Knuckles smiled with glee.

As sorry as he felt for Beth, Knuckles did find a silver lining. “Maybe this will help my twin learn more about the world. In a way, the other Tails is teaching science to someone who could use extra smarts.”

“He’s got a long way to go until he gains more IQ points” Shadow told him.

“Well, he sees science as something fun” Tails felt the same on enjoying the fun while being concerned for Beth’s state. “For now, that’s progress enough.”

Sticks then came up and took the headphones off Beth. “Headphones pump in subliminal messages from the government.”

“Really, mister?” Beth asked.

“They have lots of ways of controlling you: Fluoride in the tap water, chemtrails, diet soda.”

Amy had a bad feeling in her stomach. “I’m glad she’s giving Beth attention, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to teach her about how the world works.”

“Why is that?” Cream asked.

Given how what he would say wouldn’t be nice enough, Metal looked to his doppelgänger. Sonic read the cue, “The thing is, Sticks tends to have theories that more often than not, lack enough evidence to be true. Some of her methods can also be unsafe. She also has a mistrust of the government regardless of if those in charge are good or bad.” It was kind of spooky that the conspiracy of controlling methods were close to theories paranoid people had in this world.

Gemerl ran through his databases. “If the behaviors she engages in have the capacity to bring harm to the self or others, it would be beneficial to seek out a mental health professional. Does one exist in that world?”

The room looked uneasy at that question. “We…haven’t found a reliable one yet” Tails answered.

“At the very least her way of life doesn’t cause lasting damage and her friends help her out” Knuckles said.

The gizoid accepted that as he wracked his mind on another theory. It wasn’t a complete diagnosis yet, but more symptoms could make it likely.

Knuckles hit another coconut as he and Tails celebrated. They then noticed Sticks and Beth walk off together.

“In all honesty, I wouldn’t be too worried” Sonic leaned back. “You saw how fast she went from admiring Tails to Knuckles. It could be a phase.”

The lack of a sweater finally got back to Amy’s mind. “How long do you think it’s been since the dinner? Cause there’s no way Sticks could get back to the village from Eggman’s lair in just a few seconds.”

“It’s probably an hour or more” Eggman threw out. Which meant the two rodents had been playing their game for way too long. He just wanted this episode to be done.

Meanwhile, Mombot was washing the dishes as Eggman snuck behind her. “If you can ground me, I can erase you.”

Metal crossed his arms, “Whatever he has planned, it is doomed to fail. She still has her back eyes and can clearly hear him.”

Cream was getting worried at the implications. Amy was the same.

As Orbot and Cubot arrived, Mombot turned around. “Puddin’, did you get the email chain letter I forwarded to you?”

“Mombot, I’ve been thinking about it and…” Eggman hesitated for a moment. Clearly torn up on what he wanted to do. In the end, he couldn’t carry out his original plan. “I…I’m sending you on a cruise around the world!”

The camera revealed he had a magnet behind his back. Orbot grabbed it and it pulled him and Cubot together. They yelped as Eggman laughed nervously.

The sight brightened up the girls. “Yay! He truly does love her!” Cream beamed.

The male animals weren’t as overjoyed but were warmed at the sight. “It’s a good compromise. Eggy still gets to engage in his scheme of the day and Mombot won’t have to be destroyed!” Sonic smiled.

Shadow and Knuckles deeply envied her. She would get to see more of the world than just that island. Hopefully if she came back, she could share her experiences. As for Eggman, he ran his hands down his face in disappointment. At this rate, calling his twin a villain was generous. He was more like a frenemy or grumpy next-door neighbor at this point.

“What son would do that for his mother? I am so proud!” Mombot happily hugged her son as Orbot and Cubot were shown still attached to the magnet. Eggman then eyed the camera in annoyance.

“What? Does it always have to end on a joke?!”

“I never thought if it like that” Tails took in that last line. Pretty much every episode tended to end on one final attempt to bring laughs. Some more successful than others.

“Why did the other doctor look to the camera?” Gemerl questioned. “Is he aware of our presence?”

“Not exactly” Sonic replied. “It’s a side effect due to losing memories on that world’s equivalent of the Chaos Emeralds. Some of our twins and villagers notice the fourth wall as a way to make more jokes. Took a long time to find an answer on that.”

Cream didn’t pay it any mind as her smile was still present. “Either way, I liked that episode! I wish I could have seen more before coming here!”

Amy’s smile wasn’t as confident. “You weren’t missing much before coming here. Some of the episodes we saw wouldn’t have been good for you.”

Knuckles and Shadow were in strong agreement. Especially for the early Season 1 episodes.

“It’s going to be fifteen minutes until the next episode” Tails said. “Until then we can walk around and get some fresh air. If you want to see the castle, it might be best if one of us went with you, so you won’t be alone.”

“I can take her” Amy led Cream to the hallway. “There is an area I really want you to see.”

As the girls left, Eggman sighed deeply as he got a refill. He needed something heavy after enduring that type of torture. Only thing was the drinks didn’t go further than sodas. At the very least, the teasing wasn’t constant thanks to the bunny’s presence. He planned to get sand tarts too but saw they were gone. “Huh? Who ate all the sand tarts?!”

Everyone looked to Metal who had sprinkles decorating his mouth. Even Gemerl had an accusatory glance at him. “I don’t know” the former robot only responded.

Boom Goes The Marathon! - Chapter 12 - PlaystationPassenger - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.