Butternut Squash and Green Curry Soup Recipe (2024)

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I made this for dinner with some girlfriends last night. It was fun and easy to make. I great twist on butternut squash soup. However, it was so spicy we had a difficult time eating it. If you're planning to use traditional green curry paste from an Asian Market, I would absolutely recommend starting with just 3 or 4 tablespoons. Will give it another try soon!

Shari Gresh

I grew up in Thailand and know how to cook authentic Thai curry. The amount of curry paste in this recipe is ways too much. Usually we only use 2-3 spoons of curry paste per 2 cans of coconut milk/broth to make a real spicy green curry. For this soup, I'd say 2 tbp of green curry paste is more than enough. It's a butternut squash soup enhanced with green curry taste, not a bowl of curry itself. You can also use Thai red curry paste and it tastes really good too!


Braggs Liquid Amino is a great sub for fish sauce, not the same flavor but the umami boost is helpful to dish like this.


This soup is really easy to make and quite good, but it was super spicy/hot (and we eat a lot of spicy food.) I added a 3rd can of coconut milk and a little more broth. I would recommend starting with maybe 3-4 tablespoons of curry and building from there. I also added shrimp to have a protein in it. My daughter ate it over rice and liked it that way as well as a simple soup. The topping is delicious-do not skip that or the lime juice. It really enhanced the flavor. This is definitely a keeper.


This recipe is easily halved and still makes more than enough for a family of four for dinner. Roasting the squash ahead of time (halved, seeded, face down at 400F for 40 min) makes this come together really quickly and allows you to avoid peeling the raw squash, which I find a chore. You just scoop out the cooked squash, add it at the same point as above, and then the soup is basically done but for warming through and pureeing. The garnish is the bomb!

Suzanne Douglass

I halved the recipe and used red curry paste instead of the green (because that's what I had). I used home-made chicken stock and served it with some store-bought mini egg rolls. I could have eaten the whole pot of soup myself! A great way to use those big packages of prepped butternut squash from the supermarket.


You can make your own vegetarian fish sauce:
9 square inches dried kombu seaweed
1 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons powdered mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/2 teaspoon regular soy sauce

Tear the seaweed into small pieces and soak overnight in the water. The next day, add the mushrooms, salt, and soy sauce. Stir, then let sit for 2 to 3 hours.
Filter through paper coffee filter. Taste and add extra salt or soy sauce for flavor. If you add more mushroom powder, re-filter it.


I halved the recipe, except used the full amount of shallots and ginger, and less green curry because it was all I had. I roasted the squash in the oven, cut in half, face down...(so much easier than pealing and cubing!!),scooped it out when soft and followed recipe as per above. I used pumpkin seed instead of peanuts, and cilantro instead of Thai basil. It was delicious..Even at 1/2 recipe it was ALLOT of soup, as there are only 2 of us...Several servings in the freezer for a rainy day...


This soup freezes perfectly. For easy meal just defrost, and make the peanut/coconut garnish. I added about 1/4 C cooked jasmine rice per bowl to make it a more substantial meal


I like Trader Joe's Green Curry sauce a lot. It isn't very spicy, however but you can doctor it up.


This soup is AMAZING. Tons and tons of flavor.
- Agree with others re the curry paste - I used 3-4 Tbps and found the soup to be PLENTY spicy.
- Much of the spiciness comes from the topping (which is delicious) - be careful with your choice of chiles here.
- You can use mint leaves instead of the lime leaves or basil.
- I couldn't bring myself to use two full cans of coconut milk, so I used one and added some almond or cashew milk - still created a thick, delicious soup.

Maureen Demar Hall

My favorite curry pastes are by Mae Ploy, found in almost all Asian markets, Target and even some grocery stores! It has more heat than Thai Kitchen so be careful......I'd start with half the amount this recipe calls for!


I heartily recommend "Hand" brand Thai curry pastes, available via mail order from importfood.com The website also features recipes.

I have tried all the Hand varieties except yellow curry, and they are worth the wait for the mail order to arrive. Each packet is enough for several servings, and the leftover paste freezes beautifully.


Are you, like me, a Thai food aficionado who thinks you can handle 6 to 8 tablespoons of green curry paste, no problem?! Think again. I used almost a full can of Maesri curry paste, assuming the spice would mellow out with the coconut milk and chicken broth, but my friends and I couldn't eat the (otherwise delicious) soup without adding embarrassing amounts of heavy cream. You've been warned!

Ahda Best

I am sensitive to the heat of Thai foods, so used only one T. of green chile paste. Also, I don't like a lot of fish sauce in my soups so only used one T. of that. Perfect. Used home-made chicken stock. It was absolutely delicious, with just enough heat for me but with that delicious green child flavor. Yum. One of my favorites now. The topping is an extra treat and I did make it. Also delicious (skipped all the chiles because i didn't have any, so used a few red pepper flakes.)


Are you, like me, a Thai food aficionado who thinks you can handle 6 to 8 tablespoons of green curry paste, no problem?! Think again. I used almost a full can of Maesri curry paste, assuming the spice would mellow out with the coconut milk and chicken broth, but my friends and I couldn't eat the (otherwise delicious) soup without adding embarrassing amounts of heavy cream. You've been warned!

South Ender

The only changes I made were to add shrimp to the garnish (to make it more substantial and because my husband doesn’t like coconut meat, which I left out) and to use pepper flakes instead of dried chiles. It was divine! Half made three servings for us.


This is delicious and fairly simple. I halved the recipe and found that plenty. We have Mae Ploy curry paste which is very spicy so I used about 2 heaping tablespoons. That was just right for a first try.


This is pretty fabulous and offered some sinus-clearing heat. The surprising garish “granola” is the most addictive thing I’ve tasted in awhile. Had to make a few substitutions, which is tedious, I know, but I encourage you to try this. (Had only one squash, which I roasted, three to four tablespoons of Penang curry instead of green). Might actually simmer soba noodles in it then top with the amazing garish and cilantro and lime to provide a bit of respite from the heat.


Delicious soup but watch out for the chile de arbol. Recipe calls for eight dried chile de arbol, and despite my discarding the seeds, their heat was extreme in the topping. If I make this again, I will cut the number of chile pods way back or just use a much less searing variety.


I am on the fence with this and think it needs a littleore brightness - definitely use the fresh limes. Also I made the garnish using chile de arbol and it turned out EXTREMELY spicy. Too hot for me. And I wanted more sweetness in the garnish - maybe use honey roasted peanuts next time (blasphemous I know!).


Very hard time finding lime leaves. Went to three different stores looking today. Can you use dried lime leaves, which are available mailorder?


I halved the recipe and only used 1.5 tablespoons of curry paste and it still felt quite spicy. Definitely start slow on this one! Delicious recipe and a great twist on butternut squash soup.


So incredibly warming and perfect for a cold day. I only had yellow curry and 4 Tbsps of that was plenty spicy. The topping is how I imagine crack- once you try it you can't stop.


Any recommended substitutes to replace Thai curry pastes? Want to make today but cannot find Thai curry.


I can usually find them at just about any grocery store in the international aisle with no problem. Amazon would be another option. https://www.amazon.com/Thai-Kitchen-Gluten-Green-Curry/dp/B003VYH8AM/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2UQGJC526NKO6&dchild=1&keywords=green+thai+curry+paste&qid=1607963270&sprefix=green+thai+%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzSTVWR1YzQlk5VFpDJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDY0NzkwMVBNM1RITUlSNFdJOCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMDQzMTA3RUUwRDI0N044Qk1NJndpZGdldE5hbWU9

Sam B

We forgot to buy dried chilis and so mixed the peanuts & coconut with Lao gan ma spicy chili crisp for the garnish. It was great! We’ll be making this again for sure!


I added some seared scallops and it was amazing. This dish is a winner.


Incredibly good for not a lot of work. The garnishes required more effort than the soup--but don't skimp on them! They added such a variety of textures and tastes and really elevated the simple soup to another level. I used chopped cashews instead of peanuts and I can't imagine wanting it any other way. It was pretty spicy, so I tempered it with more broth at the end and it came out a treat.


Absolutely exquisite. You’d be hard pressed to find something this delicious even at the best Thai restaurants. The topping is off the hook. Made one minor modification: just 2 Tbs curry paste was plenty warm/hot. I’ve never spoken these words before, but I might even cut back a little bit on the coconut milk. We use the good stuff, imported from Thailand, and it was a little too rich. Could’ve upped the chicken stock, I suppose. Next time. And there will be plenty more next times.


This is great! Followed the recipe, used pre cut butternut from the store and that was such an easy shortcut. Used Maesri green curry paste (comes in a little .4 oz can (used one and a half of these for a moderate spice). Garnish is delish and I separately roasted a little eggplant and sweet red pepper just to bring in some extra veg for the day! Cook this soup; it will feed your soul in the best way

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Butternut Squash and Green Curry Soup Recipe (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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