Extreme Ways - Jagodbaird - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text


Five Years Later


The liquid fell over his head, running through all his Jet Black hair, that would leave it with a bad smell and sticky. Was this enough? Are they going to stop now?

They gave him a beating already, they spat their best insults, they Humiliated him in any way possible. Are they satisfied?

"Still feeling better than us, you f*ck?"

Shinazugawa Sanemi smirks as he stepped on Giyu Tomioka head. How much the wind pillar hated him?

The silver haired boy couldn't understand why was he given the hashira rank. Giyu is the most pathetic, antisocial and apathetic person in the whole school.

The blue eyes of the raven haired boy scanned his surroundings. He was being dragged to a corner at the back of the school by Sanemi's thugs. Just like usual, just like everyday. Not even Rengoku and Uzui could stop it anymore, it became an all out bullying problem against Giyu.

"Tch. You f*ck, if you hate everything that much, why don't you throw yourself from a bridge or something?" Sanemi growled with bleat as he pushed him even closer to the ground.

"Come on, eat dirt." A masked boy mocked while staring down at him with his etherocrromatic eyes "You deserve nothing but that."

Laughs came from all the bastards.

"Shinazugawa is right, you should kill yourself." Obanai Iguro rasped.

"H-hey, it's enough right?"

A ravenette girl called her 'friends'. She could only see how far they have gone.

Shinobu Kocho felt her heart yelling at her to stop this cruelty. Her hands began to sweat and her body began to shake without any kind of control.

What had she done?

"Just stop it!" She shouted atop of her lungs.

Puzzled looks, frowns and glares was what she earned. All of them directed their eyes to her. Shinobu felt her legs melting, one wrong move and she will lose all strength and fall to her knees.

"What? Stop?" Sanemi stomped his way to the girl "Stop what, Kocho?"

They clashed in a duel of glares.

"Stop this. Leave Tomioka-san alone, now!"

Sanemi sighed and scratched the back of his neck, he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing. Unfortunately, he was expecting this, he can be an asshole, however, he likes to observe his surroundings.

He knew what Kocho Shinobu felt and prepared a counter attack.

"Aren't you being a hypocrite, Kocho?" The oldest of the Shinazugawa brothers groaned "To begin with, this was all your idea. Wasn't it?"

A smirk crept up his face.

"Don't tell me that you really fell in love with this trash?"

Shinobu took a step back and her eyes betrayed her, it was clear like glass and even a blind man could see what was inside of her heart.

"Leave her alone, your problem is with me." This time it was Tomioka Giyu who stood up and faced the silver haired boy "She has nothing to do with this."

"Tomioka-san, don't..." the butterfly tried to stop him from interfering.

After all, their relationship was hanging from a thin wire. It could snap at any moment, with just one word or even the tiniest move.

It was then that everything clicked inside Sanemi's mind. Yes, a way to break him, a way to f*ck him so bad that he will throw himself from a bridge and free the others from his presence.

"Alright, I will leave her, she's your precious Kocho, right?" The wind Hashira closed the distance between the despicable water pillar and him "Though, let me tell you something about this little liar."

"Shinazugawa, don't!" Her efforts are in vain. It is too late to stop.

"She is just a faker, all that acting, all that stuff about liking you, about loving you. Are nothing but lies." Sanemi nodded "sh*t, she was the one who gave us the idea to wait until you were totally in love with her and then break you."

Shinobu Kocho will never wipe from her memories the face of a betrayed man. Specially when it comes to Him. Those blue eyes that she cherishes so much refused to believe what that man said, they trembled and teared up. His hands became heavy and his throat couldn't produce a single sound.

"And you know what?" Sanemi exploded into a maniac laughing "IT WAS SO f*ckING WORTHY, LOOK AT YOUR FACE."

Shinobu tried to say something, anything or whatever word she could blabber. But it never came. That pained expression, those hurt eyes that reflected his shattered heart. How could she say something to him? She already lied enough.

"Is that true, Kocho?" A snicker escaped his trembling lips as Giyu tried to keep his voice from breaking "That is just one of your jokes, right? Right...?"

Shinobu felt a tear rolling down her cheek. She couldn't deny it anymore.

She was the real monster.

Giyu Tomioka tried his best to maintain his wining in. It was true, she never liked him as a lover, she never meant all the words they've said to each other, she never felt the same as him. They never shared the same feeling.

"Now that you've lost your precious butterfly, why don't you make yourself a favor an—"

Giyu couldn't bare to stay a single second there and ran away.

He never came back to school after that.


"Hey, stop daydreaming and help me. There are a lot of boxes left." Makomo pouted while putting down a cardboard box.

For the first time in five years he came back to Japan and the first thing that he revives was that bitter memory. What a great start.

"Sorry." Giyu apologizes before striding towards the door.

He was indeed daydreaming and that won't help to get all their stuff off the moving truck.

When Tomioka passed through the main door a blinding ray of light forced him to cover his eyes. Spring in Japan is such a mild season.

"Giyu, help me with this." Sabito called while carrying two large hard leather cases "Put them, You-Know-Where."

The peach haired boy smile could rival the sun when it come to warmth. He was his one and only true friend, Sabito followed him even when he decided to left everything behind.

'I can't leave you alone, you can't take care of yourself.'

"Yeah, I know."

He took the cases inside and went upstairs. The house wasn't that big, only enough for Sabito and him to live. Two bedrooms in the second floor and one they could use as a 'studio room', while in the ground floor it had a kitchen, living room and dining space. They could not even complain about the three bathrooms around the house.

It was a great catch for such cheap price. Giyu felt like he was kinda deceiving the old lady when they successfully set the price for it.

He opened the door for the studio. It was cleaner than expected, an oak desk rested immovable in front of the wide window that let him saw the skyscrapers of the capital city of Japan. Empty bookshelves decorated the walls, they were open to welcome a new collection of books, Giyu is not that of a good reader, whatsoever. A sofa and cristal tea table were the last furniture at the room.

Giyu Tomioka strolled through the room and went into the furthest of the bookshelves. This was the place where he could leave this cases, the gentle grandma told them that behind a storage room could be found and they were free to use it.

"I'll leave them here." The ravenette put the cases down and walked out.

He got a moving to finish.

After two hours, the three friends could finally relax.

Makomo plummeted in the couch, her small build doesn't come in handy to physical labor.

"How come you have a lot of things?" She ogled both of them, Giyu and Sabito were not even breaking a sweat.

She bit her lip, somehow that was a good thing for her. How come they are so calm in those clothes? They barely fit on those t-shirts. The two of them were always fit, but now... they are more athletic than ever.

As expected of people from the army.

"This is nothing for us." Sabito crowed "We could even do triple of that, isn't that Giyu?"

Tomioka glanced over the girl and nodded. Big liar, they couldn't do it triple but fivefold. That was just the training he and Sabito received.

"Look at the time, it's almost dinner time. Makomo, you can take a bath while I prepare everything." The peach boy ordered, then he turned with an interrogation sign on his face "And Giyu..."

"I'm going out. Recon around the house."

Both men exchanged looks.

"Roger." Was the only thing Giyu received as an answer.

Makomo shifted her eyes between her two friends. What was that? Recon? She felt out of place when it came to those two, five years have gone flying and she already knew that the distance among the three grew more and more.

Still it was for good.

At least Giyu has changed that look on his face.


Everything seems fine. The neighborhood is tranquil. Just like any other suburbs, lot of houses with complete families, elder people and office workers. Only a place to live far from the uproar of the city. And it has the advantage that the train station is only a fifteen minutes walk away.

Giyu inspected the parks around. There was no homeless people there nor shady guys watching the kids playing outside; this speaks good of the area.

"Good." Tomioka nodded.

This quite place will do for now.

He kept walking until reaching a park. The fading light of sun caressed the growing shadows of the trees and playground. Dusk is such a peaceful time of the day. Giyu enjoyed this, personally; during his tour days this was the time when they could relax. Depending on the country, they could hear insects or animals around them, shuffling and rustling in the deep of the jungle or crawling on the burning sands of the endless desert.

There were two kids playing in the swings.

"Let's go, Shin-kun!" A brunette girl suggested.

"I have to wait for Onee-chan." The boy answered.

Giyu reflected himself in the boy. He was right, you have to wait for your big sister to come and pick you up.

"You're not fun! That's why nobody likes you."

That was like taking a knife to the heart. Those words were the same, even that teasing tone and smile. It was like returning to his highschooler days. The image of a purple butterfly popped in his head. Her pale cheeks colored with a crimson tint and those amethyst eyes that could steal his heart with just one wink.

That is in the past, whatsoever. And he won't ever forgive her for what she did.

"Wait, Shin-kun! Don't run like that!"

The boy was in the run, he tried to get away from that annoying girl. Just like the two of them back on their good term days.

When the boy was about to get out of the park, Giyu's sixth sense kicked in. An unpleasant feeling began to crawl up his gut, from his throat to his brain. Yeah, it was the same feeling he got back in his deployment days.

Danger close.

Where? Who? His eyes began to scan the surroundings, a small sign, whatever he could get.

The screeching of tires was more than enough, he could see what is coming up next. And the one with bad luck is that kid, no, it is Giyu who is f*cked. Not because he will be run over by a car, but because he can't stand still watching such a young lad losing his life.

Hard work never betrays you.

Giyu Tomioka endured hell to obtain the athletics and skills above the average person. Damn, he even was trained to be on par or above with most of the Special Forces Units all around the world.

Running the distance between him and the kid was nothing. Without any extra weight on his back, he covered the distance with ease.

They say that when we are in danger our bodies will froze, our defense mechanism called instincts will kick in and if we can't avoid the danger, the best course of action is to try and endure the impact.

Unfortunately, there was a man who discovered that when two forces collided it will cause a reaction. This time, the one with strongest power will push back the one with less mass.

Or that would be the case. Like a demon whirlwind, Tomioka Giyu snatched the boy from death grasp. He took the child in his hands and rolled out of the street.

Next thing they knew, the car crashed some meters away from the two of them.

"Are you okay?"


Good. The brat is now crying. He could not blame the kid, not everyday you face a near death experience.

"Stay here." Giyu put the crying kid down, it was just a second before the girl rushed to his side; he felt a stinging pain in the heart. They reminded of him and that butterfly.

The car sustained heavy damage, the air bags sprung out at the moment of the crash. The driver was injured, but nothing life threatening.

Tomioka Giyu called for an ambulance. It was the best he can do. He walked back to the boy, at least he have to help him to stop crying.

"It's fine, Shin-kun. That handsome Onii-chan saved you." The girl patted the back of her friend.

Handsome Onii-chan? Giyu smirked a little. Kids, they always find a way to make you smile or to make you mad.

"Are both of you okay?" The raven haired man asked with the sweetest tone he could.

"Yes, Onii-chan! I'm Midori, thanks for saving Shin-kun." the girl bowed.

"It's nothing, I wa—"

*click clop*

The sound of heels resonated.


Tomioka was shoved aside by a young woman. She was wearing an amethyst jacket, heels and a sable black purse. The woman began to pamper the small boy. A barrage of question came from her mouth.

Shin was not able to answer any of them. The Onee-san sighed and turned to the girl.

"Midori-chan, what happened?"

"We were playing at the park and I said mean things to Shin-kun, he ran out of the park when a car lost control, he was going to be hit by the car, but Onii-chan saved him." She pointed at Giyu.


When the girl turned a spark ignited inside of Tomioka Giyu. A pair of invigorating violet eyes beamed at him, a slim mouth with ruby lips shaped into an O as soon she realized who was the man standing in front of her.

Really. Five years and she hasn't changed at all. That body of her didn't grew an inch, still it attracts all the eyes to her with the perfect hourglass figure and pale skin. Even that butterfly ornament was the same, keeping in place her onyx hair in place, she didn't changed, that fading bangs of her will never leave, they stayed there in their usual purple tone.

The only person he didn't want to meet is the first one he encounters.

Shinobu Kocho is standing in front of him.


Every nerve in his body trembled when Shinobu whispered his name. His heart was beating so hard that it could rip off the flesh on his chest and run away.

Did he even wished to hear her lips saying his name again?

For now it is too late to think of anything. He bit his lips so hard that blood began to drip from them.

His azure eyes encountered with her and only one word was spoken.


Chapter 2: Are You Really?

Chapter Text

"Have you heard? He stole the first place from Kocho-San."

"That's not all, he is one of the top students in PE."

Shinobu sighed as she strolls through the halls of the highschool. These people has no shame? They don't even care if she is hearing all the venomous words that leave their mouths.

Well, she can't say that they are in the wrong. This really does piss her off, all this rambling about the new student, the new Hashira amongst the best students in the Kimetsu academy. It just piss her that he came out of nowhere and took everything from her.

The top student spot, the most popular person in the academy. At least she has to know who He is. Even a single glimpse will do.

The door of the classroom slided with grace. Her violet eyes scanned the whole room. From a simple glance she could tell that those who cowered behind their desks are not the one she was looking for; they know their places, she is the absolute ruler of this school and none would oppose her.

And then, she saw them for the first time. A peach haired boy, a petite girl and a boy with spiky hair and poker face.

"Are you Tomioka-san?"


"Are you really Tomioka-san?" Shinobu asked while her eyes ogled the man in front of her.

What does she even mean by that? The fact that his eyes have no light on them? Perhaps the change on his appearance?

Giyu felt her eyes going from his face to his arms, to his chest and his abdomen. He sighed, this girl's having a delusion right now.

"Kocho." She flinched in her seat, her face became crimson, like a little girl who just got caught doing mischief.


"Did I changed that much?" He leaned and his eyes returned the ogling, the girls has developed into a more sexier version of her highschool days, she must be pretty popular with men.

"I-it's not like that, I'm just surprised that you're still hated by everyone."

"I'm not hated by anyone." He took a single fry from his tray and ate it.

Where are they? Simple, in a McDonald's. Eating fast food as soon as he could. Bad for the diet, if this were the barracks, all the platoon would be punished for this habit. However he was far from there, now back at Japan, he could order whatever he wants and nobody can stop him.

Why are they there? It was the best place to come while Shinobu take care of Shinsuke. Yes, that small kid at the park is... his nephew. Who's kid? Kanae's of course.

The purple butterfly took a sip of her soda. This was not her favorite meal, but at least Shin-kun is playing with the other kids leaving the two adults alone for their talks.

"How come you are back after five years?"

"That's not your business." Giyu replied.

The girl rolled her eyes, he was still the same, he didn't changed at all, he is the same loner with a crude vocabulary. And yet, he felt so different, so distant. Shinobu Kocho sighed. This man really can put her life upside down. He did five years ago and he could do it now.

A phone ringed multiple times. Tomioka picked up. Shinobu is a witness of how Makomo can shout all the way to her ears even though he is at the other side of the table.

"Yes. Sorry, I will go home soon."

With a click, he cut the call.

"Ara~ Makomo-san was pissed."

"Yeah, she prepared dinner for Sabito and me, however I'm not there." Giyu let out a faint smile "She was so happy to see us again."

A smile? Shinobu tried to hold back her gasp. Is this reality? The Tomioka Giyu is smiling and it has nothing to do with food? He may be an impostor!

"What with that face?" His azure eyes locked with her violet eyes.

"Did you just expressed emotions?" She was simply dumbfounded by this once-in-a-lifetime event.

Tomioka held back his own desire to facepalm himself. This girl really don't know anything, did she just expected that he wouldn't change in five years? He wasn't the same loner, he could talk to people and he had no more inferiority complex. He was reborn as a new man. For good or for bad, it is what it is.

"Yes, I can express emotions, I am a human, Kocho." The water man retored "You whatsoever are the same annoying mosquito."

"Hey! I don't want to be called that by a man who is disliked by anyone, you smelly man, you—"

No insult or word that left her mouth could even compare to his first days during his boot camp. Specially THAT man, an old-school veteran who decided to train the new recruits.

Giyu took a sip of his drink as his mind began to drift away.


"Listen here you maggots, starting from this exact second you will forget about everything you have learned in your life, if you even learned something. From today on, you will become part of the US Marines Corps." A man with uniform walked through the barracks while shooting glares at his fresh recruits "The first and last word that you will spit will be Sir, are there any doubts?"

"Sir No Sir!" All of them shout at the unison.

Giyu stood in attention, at his side Sabito held the same stance as him. Why are two Japanese men in the US army? That is classified.

"I am the Staff Sergeant Cole. If you want to talk to me, you can address me as Sir or Staff Sergeant." He stopped in front of the first unlucky recruit "You! What's your excuse recruit?"

"Sir, what excuse sir?" The young man replied, he was no more than eighteen years, like most of the people in here. He is pale and you could put your money that he could glow in the sunlight.

"I am the only one who ask questions! Are we clear recruit?"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Why thank you! Are your afraid? Are you nervous?" His glare could melt even an iceberg,

"Yes sir, I am nervous sir!"

"Good! What is your height, recruit?" The drill instructor will not let him out of the hook so easily.

"Like a meter and seventy-five. Sir!"

"I didn't knew that there was a pile of sh*t of that height! I will put your ass to work!"

With that he moved on. He studied the fresh meat, years of experience in his shoulders helped him to determine who was his next target. And it was no one else but Giyu.

"You! What's your name, recruit?"

That face so close to him, the eyes of the Sergeant pierced to his very soul. Tomioka felt his legs tremble, it was a warning that they could buckle at any second.

"Tomioka Giyu, sir!"

"Oh? Are you the Japanese who they specially sent?"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"God dammit! From Japan only come fa*ggots and Anime Girls, you don't look like and Anime girl to me, that leaves only an option, right?" Giyu gulped "Do you like dicks, recruit? You sure like to suck it!"

"Sir, no sir!"

"Holy f*ck, I will be watching you to see if that's true!"

That was just the beginning of the hell he lived in there. But, after those months, he found what he was made for.


"Are you listening, Tomioka-san?" Shinobu pouted when the daydreaming man flinched, her face was close enough to feel her warm breath hitting his face.

In the past this would be enough to get him all red and nervous, but the western culture is impregnated in him, this kind of closeness doesn't put him in a bad spot.

"Sorry, I spaced out." They were walking back to their homes.

Shin was clinging to her auntie hand while trying to keep the pace. He played and ate until fed, he even got an ice cream cone, usually his auntie will be against this since it's unhealthy, however Giyu-niichan insisted in having a dessert. They ate their ice cream happily.

"Hmph. You were thinking in god-knows-what."

It would be easy to just say what was in his mind. Haha, as if he could. That would unleash a waterfall of questions. The best is to stay in silence

"I'll take an Uber from here, what about you, Tomioka-san?"

He turned with a stoic look on his face.

"I'll walk home, it's not too far from here."

Shinobu felt her brows and lips fell. Of course, what was she expected? She was hoping for the man to say, I will go with you and spend the night in your arms?

Foolishness Kocho Shinobu, foolishness.

"Onii-san! Will you come to play with me again?" Shin put his best puppy eyes.

That was when a light bulb appeared over Shinobu's head. This was an opportunity to see him again. She has a lot of questions for him, but this was not a good time. If she has another chance, then he will have to answer everything.

"I'm not sure. Your auntie and mother does not like me at all." Giyu scratched the back of his head "But I will play with you again."

It was weird. Shinobu can't believe that the Icy cold pillar can smile like that. A soft, warm and perfect curve. In his handsome face is almost illegal. She felt her body tremble.

"Your ride is here." Tomioka noted as a white Toyota parked and the driver began to send messages in the App "Take care on the way home."

And he walked away. Like five years ago. Kocho bit her lips, a hollow sensation press her heart and her eyes began to see the blurry silhouette of the man.

"W-wait, Tomioka-san!"


Giyu arrived home at ten o'clock. Not Ten and one, not nine fifty-nine. Ten sharp.

He turned the doorknob and went in.

He found himself in an empty entrance. There was no noise, no ruckus, no officer yelling at them for being worse than pigs.

It felt... void.

"You're back." Sabito was sitting at the couch in the living room, he had a steaming cup of tea and some books out "Makomo went home since you didn't came back."

Giyu felt a sting in his heart. Sabito said that on purpose, his partner ditched a dinner with his best friends for god-knows-what.


"You should be telling that to her, not to me." He then threw an envelope to the table, his eyes turned sour as he frowned "Urokodaki sent mail for us."

Giyu then knew that the die has been rolled.

Chapter 3: S.S.D.D

Chapter Text

Same sh*t, Different Day.

That's Kocho Shinobu morning motto. Every single day she would wake up at seven in the morning. Not seven one, not six fifty nine, seven sharp. She will open her curtains, take a shower and dress for work. All within an hour.

At eight in the morning, breakfast will be ready. Aoi and the girls will prepare them before going to school, they are the first ones to leave the house. After that, Kanae, Shin-kun and her will eat the delicious food before her elder sister drops his kid off school and leave for the company. Shinobu on the other hand, takes a ride with the chauffer to the laboratories where she works.

And that will happen everyday, over and over and over and over again, it has been like that for the last three years. Soon it became a living hell, repeating the same sh*t, only the numbers in the calendar and the weather changed.

However today was just a little different. She pressed the sent button and with sweaty palms, she locked her phone before digging into the eggs, bacon and coffee.

Such small change would be imperceptible to anyone. For Kanae Kocho this was something that felt out of place, her little sister was not the type to use the phone at the table.

"What is that, Shinobu-chan?" Kanae puzzled with curious eyes "Why the smile? You hate mornings, don't you?"

Don't get me wrong here. Everyone hates mornings, today was special for her whatsoever, there is a chance to turn her monotonous lifestyle. Yesterday she asked Tomioka Giyu for his phone number so she could contact him throughout the day. This was definitely the opportunity.

"Is that strange? Maybe I just woke up in a good mood." She pointed while taking a sip of her orange juice, the bitter drink twisted her face in a frown.

"Coming from you, yes. You are always mad, you know, having that angry face will take your pretty factions away." Kanae took a napkin and with a mother's love, she wiped the face of her little boy, he is still careless to eat "Has something happened lately?"

Shinobu ran a one millisecond diagnostic inside her head. Weighing the pros and cons of telling her sister about the return of Tomioka-san, the two of them never had the best relationship, it was more of a skirmish to monopolize her; she decided that for now it would be the best to keep it secret.

Or so she thought.

"It's because of Giyu-niichan?" Shin crooned before taking a spoonful of his cereal.

The glare that came from Kanae is indescribable, her eyes pierced through all of her body, reaching her deepest fears. Her older sister transformed into a raging volcano, the next words she says could either end her life or save her.

"Tomioka-san is back and you met with him?" She asked with venomous words.

"I-it was a coincidence, he saved Shin-kun from being hit by a car an—"

"SHIN-KUN WAS WHAT!?" Even the small boy jumped when her mother slammed her hands on the table.

Shinobu knew that she didn't picked her words carefully. Now she could see the flame of rage in her sister's eyes, the earful that is coming will be one of colossal dimensions.

'Please someone save me!'


Those were the words in the letter and some money was inside the envelope, Sabito and Giyu didn't think it twice and decided to have breakfast in this restaurant located on the twelfth floor of a building. And to tell the truth, the view is amazing, they can see most of the Shibuya square and the flood of people who crossed streets in a desperate attempt to reach their job on time.

"Not bad." Sabito comments, his eyes were looking even farther than the horizon, he was in one of those times where he began to recall what they've been through.

"Yes, the view is awesome, but I bet ten bucks that those offices from there have a better one." Giyu inspected the building in front of them, the big windows were smoked and it was hard to see through, his intuition and observation skills told him that it was the HQ of some enterprise.

The phone of the ravenette buzzed and a notification brightened the screen.

Kocho: Good Morning, Tomioka-san. 😴

He rolled his eyes. Not even a day has passed since he gave his contact information to the girl and she was already reaching for him. She was an annoying little mosquito. Giyu tapped a short reply and locked his phone again.

"Hey, why the idiotic smile?" Sabito shot a question that took him with the guard down. It was like an uppercut to the chin.

Was he smiling? Why is he smiling? Because of a simple text, come on Tomioka unf*ck yourself, remember what she did to you.

His 'brother' scanned Giyu. Even with that poker face, he can see right through his facade. Perks of being his one and only friend for so many years. It was just a little twitch in his eyes, a diminute spark on his deep azure eyes gave him out.

"Is it Shinobu-san, right?" He blurted.

"W-what? Why your brought that all of sudden?" Giyu replied, his eyes averted from Sabito's. When he is driven to a corner, he is so easy to read.

Sabito sighed and said: "How much years have we been friends? I can read your mind, bro. I've seen even your darkest faces."

And it was true. They have their hands full of blood and dirt but the world stays clean.


Africa is a continent full of riches. Oil, diamonds, gold, rare metals, natural resource. They could explode them and became first world countries.

History is cruel whatsoever. Since they were conquered, exploited and enslaved and their lands were plundered. Even after the independence of all the countries in the continent it didn't get better. Corrupt governments, dictatorships, famine, wars. You can't tell how much they have to suffer.

"Are you sure that Ndamukong will be here?" Giyu whispered "We've been here for two days."

"That's what Intel said." Sabito replied while looking through the spotter scope "We can only hope that they are right or this country will be under his rule again and a civil war will take over."

"And what does the upper echelon have to do with that?"

Both of them could be following orders, but at least they have to know why are they killing someone.

"This can trigger a chain reaction all over the central Africa. That would put some operations in risk." He was the man who knew everything about the mission, that was his role as Giyu's second man "I have movement, big window, second floor."

The house of Ndamukong is in the hills of the country. Surrounded by basin and hidden by foliage. A three stories mansion with pool and a collection of cars with diamonds in the steering wheel. He has been in the power for at least two decades. Power have drove him mad to the point that he already committed genocides and murder attempts against the people who opposed him.

They were tasked to eliminate him. He can be a threat to the United States interest if they leave him alone. That's why they sent the best sniping duo they had.

It didn't matter that they had to carry ghillie suits and their respective equipment nor the fact that they were in the middle of the jungle, with humidity and high temperatures. They got a mission and they have to clear it.

"It's him, his wife and his daughter." Sabito took his notes and the radio, the mission is on "HQ, we have the target in sight."

"Proceed to take him down, safety off, it's all in your hands." The radio answered back giving them the permission to finish off another life.

Both of them prepared to finish his job and go back to base to have a decent meal, a shower and clean their suits. They've been in there for two days, you don't want to know what kind of filth is inside.

"Big window, five hundred meters, adjust it, wind is none. You have a clear shot."

It was now or never, a single second and everything will be over. Just a blink, a breath and he could take life away. A high precision sniper rifle can pierce through surfaces, depending on the caliber the bullet can pass through concrete, wood, glass and even a human body.

When Giyu took a single shot that day he took two lives. One of them shall haunt him to the end of his days; but it was his job, no matter what collateral damage was.



The cold water brought him back to reality. His face was regaining color after Sabito warned him about his paling. Giyu drifted away and went back to what he did. An order is and order, those words resonated on his soul.

He looked at himself at the mirror. For some reason the man in the reflection felt like some kind of stranger. His azure eyes were from the deepest blue that you can find all across the seven seas, his lips can smile again. What is so different? Why does does he feels like a different person?

"Maybe I am over thinking..."

Giyu took his phone, another message from Shinobu, he sent a reply to Kocho before going back with Sabito.

As he exited the restroom, he perceived half dozen waiters coming and going from the kitchen to one table, carrying big servings of breakfast. One of the hosts began to cry his eyes out just looking at the big losses they are earning.

"That's it, no more buffet for breakfast!" He rumbled.

The ravenette swept the place with his eyes. He found the root of all the ruckus, a pink haired young woman and a young man with hair like fire.

Not someone he wanted to see. He slided back to his table, Sabito was paying the check. The breakfast was good and they got the Intel they wanted.

"Let's go."

His best friend nodded and both of them dissapered form the restaurant. They are ghost, phantoms that will not be remembered by anyone. They come and go as they please, they left before anyone can save their faces into their memories.

And now, they can start with the mission.

Chapter 4: Women are scary

Chapter Text


The door opened and Shinobu Kocho felt the pleasant breeze of the lab hit her face. It was a mix of alcohol, disinfectant and chemicals. She always liked that smell and every morning she took a deep breath, ahhh, exhilarating as ever.

"Good Morning, doctor Kocho."

She shared the laboratory with three researchers, she didn't remember her names since they have their own projects and works aside form her. But they do remember the name of the young woman. Who didn't want to greet on of the shareholders of the Kocho groups?

"Good Morning." She greeted and walked with fast pace, there is no time to lose.

"Oh, yeah, you have visits!" One of the researchers announced.

"Visits? Wh—"


A big pain in her...

Shinobu took a deep breath. Of all people, of the seven billion people around the globe it has to be him. One of the higher-ups of the Japanese government and unfortunately, her fiancé.


He is a man with fit body, ash blonde hair and an unusual yet mesmerizing rainbow color in his eyes. Indeed he can be good looking, handsome in other words. The problem does not recede on his looks but in his personality.

Before the man could even come close to her, Shinobu took some steps back and put a table between them. She loathe the man, if it wasn't for her late father, she won't have to marry this imbecile. If she could, she will poison him, dig a hole in the shadows of Mt. Fuji and throw him there to rot.

"What do you want?" She hissed at him.

"Muuu, you're so cruel, Shinobu-chan~" the blonde man tried to close the distance but he found another wall everytime "You're so cold toward your fiancé!"

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Kocho sent a glare to him; even with that harsh treatment he was delighted, some men like it rough.

"Ok. Let's get to the juice, the senator wants to know how is the development going." His smile turned into a bitter frown "He can be impatient sometimes and he wants the drug before the end of the month."

"End of the month!?" Shinobu slammed her hands against the table, every nerve on Douma's body twitched when his fiancée acted like that "Is he insane?"

"Well, he spent a HUGE amount of money in this place, didn't he?" The ash blonde mused with a toothy smile, the one's Shinobu hates the most, a co*cky one, the smile that only assholes put on their faces "He wants results."

The butterfly took a deep breath. She massaged her temple and ordered her ideas before talking. Yes, she hated the man, yes, she wanted to slap, punch, kick, stab, poison and give him whatever pain comes to her mind. However, when it comes to the Senator, it is another story.

Now they are not enganded, they are just a business man and a researcher.

She has no other option.

"It's ready, I will give it some more tests to ensure the safety." Shinobu explained. Her phone buzzed and a notification popped up, she caught a glimpse of it from the corner of her eye.

Tomioka-san: Good Morning, Kocho.

'He actually replied?' That was the most pleasant surprise she received since she got out of bed. No, maybe in years.

"That's wonderful! Then, I'll be taking my leave." Douma smiled with satisfaction, even when he wanted to attract the young woman attention ot will be impossible, her eyes were glued to her phone "How about dinner tomorrow?"

Who is that important to ignore The Douma? Hello, he is one of the most important figures surrounding The Senator, like his right hand, actually. He felt jealous for some reason.

"Not in a million years." Shinobu replied with that deadly smile on her face.

She was actually paying attention.


Tomioka stared at the girl in front of the house.

She was wearing tight jeans and a yellow blouse. It made her eyes more colorful than usual. Her smile widened as she saw her two friends turning the corner of the street.

"You're here!" Makomo hugged the ravenette as soon as he was close enough, comparing the well trained body of Giyu to the slim one of the girl, it was a different of that of heaven and earth.

"Makomo!" Sabito called with a smile on his face "You really came, I thought you will be at work."

"You serious? My two old friends are back and I'm supposed to work?" The girl pouted.

"Yes, that's what being adult means." Giyu answered as he took out the key and unlocked the front door, he ignored the rambling of the young woman.

They spent part of the day talking about how they did during this years.

Makomo went to college and after graduating, she decided to build a career as a journalist. Now she works for a renowned newspaper, not that she can give herself a life full of fancy clothes, foods and vacations, but at least she can sleep without worrying about having food the next day.

"And what about you two? How is the life in the army?" She looked at the two men. Their eyes were different from that day at the airport, they are sharp yet always passive.

Makomo gulped, she can't deny it. Giyu and Sabito came back as hunks, it was hard to find a place to look. What did they fed them?

"Welk, after we completed the JSDF boot camp, we were drafted by the United States and sent to a special training along some other Japanese comrades." Sabito commented as he shuffled the channels on the T.V. he was going from news to cartoons to movies and back again and again "We spent one year honing our skills."

"Oh? And what kind of training it was?" Questioned back the jet black haired girl.

Giyu gulped and shifted his attention to the television, the news were about some man who tried to rob a bank on his own, the police took care of everything. It was weird when there is crime in a country like Japan, even more if it's flashy like this one.

Tomioka's mind began to drift away.


Waking up at four in the morning, not even the sun is up at that hour. All the thirty soldiers will start their days with cleaning.

One hour later the Staff Sergeant Cole will come in and bring all of them out, now all of them will line-up and endure whatever sh*t leaves their superior's mouth.

"Now you're thirty idiots, at the end of the year I will have only ten well-trained idiots."

The Sergeant took long and heavy steps. He was looking at all his soldiers, fresh meat for him to bite, new clay for him to create the next generation.

"Do you have what it takes to be the meanest, the cruelest, the most savage unforgiving motherf*ckers in God's cruel kingdom?"

"Yes, Staff Sergeant!" The soldiers yelled at unison like a well timed clock, like one mind.

"Will you be able to one day say 'Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because I am the baddest motherf*cker in this goddamn Valley?"

"Yes, Staff Sergeant!"

The man walked until he faced Giyu. He, Sabito and other five Japanese soldiers were drafted by the United States for a special program, that doesn't meant they'll will be given any special treatment. It is the same as every other. And Sergeant Cole didn't cared at all, he picked on everyone equally.

"Do you have what it takes?" He interrogated with his frown and bloodshot eyes.

"Yes, Staff Sergeant." Giyu replied.

His superior let out a grunt.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, I have what it takes, Staff Sergeant!" Giyu roared.

"We shall f*cking see!"

It was just the start of a long and hellish training. Not everyone can become a scout sniper, only a few selected people were handpicked by the higher-ups. And Giyu was among them.

Now he can become strong. He can change and become what he always wanted to be.


"The salmon is delicious." Giyu blurted out as he stuffed his mouth with his favorite dish. It was the third time he has been served.

"I'm glad, you liked it." Makomo smiled with a faint red on her cheeks "What did you eat when you were away?"

"MREs." The two men answered.


"They are not bad, they are complete meals, main dishes, side dish, crackers or bread and even dessert." Sabito explained "I miss them somehow."


The young woman decided to not pry any further than that. They live in a different world. Even so, she missed this, the days when the three of them will have dinner together, just like highschool, when they were happy, when Giyu had that light on his eyes.

All because of that Kocho girl.

After what happened that day, Makomo took an oath to herself. She won't let any other girl near Tomioka Giyu again, even if she has to chase all of the harpies away, she does not care. Her heart is not not strong to see the poor boy crumble for a second time.

"Are you alright, Makomo?" Her hands stopped for a second and the azure eyed man noticed this.

If someone is not enjoying a good Salmon Daikon, it means that something is off. How can you stop eating the food of the gods?

At least that's how Tomioka saw it.

The jet black haired girl flinched a little. Feeling the eyes of his friend over her made her nervous, they are soft and calm. She remembers the ocean every time she lost herself on them. And now, they are focused on her, with that gleam she only found on those pair.

"Y-yes, just some stuff in my mind." She said while hiding her face, not wanting Giyu to see her crimson cheeks.

Sabito chuckled a little. That girl... she's growing up and began to realize her own feeling towards Giyu. The peach haired man felt some kind of relief on his heart.

And some mischief too, he can plan the seed of chaos if he wants. Oh, He wants to see the world burn.

"Shinobu-san didn't sent you more texts?"

Time froze for a second. Giyu felt a thousand knives stabbing him, they all came from Makomo, not even his Drill Instructor will send those kind of chills throughout his spine.

Both of them shivered as the girls broke her fork with her hands. Maybe Sabito went too far.

"Giyu..." She shot a glare at him, even if them looked for an exit, they found none "Start to explain!"

There is no way that anyone can stop an angry woman.

Chapter 5: Bubble milk tea

Chapter Text

"He really pisses me off."

Obanai Iguro growled to himself.

Sanemi Shinazugawa didn't said anything. He does not need to ask, since he is thinking about the same.

That Tomioka Giyu is an asshole. A stupid blank face, no matter what you said to him. Is he superior to others? f*cking bastard.

"And he's so f*cking popular and smart." Iguro crushed his pencil "Do you know what Kanroji said? That he is f*cking handsome!"

This time Shinazugawa rolled his eyes, it is nothing but stupid jealousy. Anyway, the snake boy is quiet right, since he arrived all school became upside down and he acts like nothing fazed him. Even Shinobu Kocho was shocked when someone took her spot as the first place in the academic rankings.


"Ara~. That's a scary face, Shinazugawa-kun." A purple butterfly said as she joined with the two boys.

"Oh, yeah? I don't care." The silver haired man snarked at the comments of the girl "What do you want?"

The gal walked to the two boys, swinging her hips and licking her lips. She does hate Tomioka Giyu, he is the most selfish asshole in the world. He does not even care when she talks to him, like he is the most important person in the world.

"Do you want to see him suffer?" Asked the butterfly.

"Yes!" Iguro jumped in front of her. If here is a way to make that bastard suffer, he will take it.

"I have a plan~"


When Shinobu opened the can of beer and took a big swing all her griefs and stress from work puffed away.

"This is the best!"

"You shouldn't be drinking on Tuesday." Kanae reprehends while helping Shin-kun with his math homework.

"You're so stiff, Onee-san."

"I am responsible, with the company and Shin-kun, I have to stay focused."

"Focused? Like crying when you accidentally burn yourself with the pan? Or focused like sleeping in your office? Or even fighting with Shin-kun for some chicken nuggets?" A flush of crimson color appeared on Kanae's face "Or that time when both of you began to cry until I bought ice cream?"

The oldest of the butterflies evaded any eye contact. Yes, she could be the elder sister, yes she is the director of the Kocho conglomerate, yes, she is the definition and living image of high status woman and gorgeous.

However, that is only the superficial layer. Her business face. Deep inside she is just a big little girl.

Shinobu sighed. The T.V. is on but nothing interesting is going on. News, cartoons, sports, bad movies and cheap soap operas. Shifting over and over until coming back to the beginning.

The headliners went to the background as soon as they appeared. Shinobu didn't care about what two old geezers will do. She took her phone and began to scroll through her social media.

Mitsuir and Obanai on another date. When are they going to make it official? For some reason Shinobu felt that there is something wrong with their relationship right now.

Kyojuro and his brother doing some hiking and a caption about the fire in his heart. She didn't pay much attention to it.

Uzui and his three wives were traveling to the hotsprings. Is polygamy even legal?

She scrolled and scrolled. Not a single thing that catches her eyes. Only boring everyday stuff. This life began to bore her it's just too repetitive for her own liking. She can go insane at any second.

It was like that every time. Until...

A photo appeareded in her feed. The trio of friends were enjoying some dinner, however, that girl... Makomo is extremely clinging to Giyu. She's even pressing her chest against him! Who does she think she is?

Thick marks began to appear on her hands and face.

'That unfaithful water flea!'

She huffed and puffed, the more she looked at the pic, the more enraged she is. That sly girl, does she thinks she can walks like that and steal HER man? Think twice about that.

As she frowned over it, Kanae finished with her little boy and sent him to change clothes, since bed time is coming. Now her eyes were observing her little sister sulking over the phone.

She sighed and smiled. It's been a while since Shinobu was this joyous. Kanae feared that her sister will be depressed, gloomy and gray for the rest of her life, after graduation from highschool it all changed, more to say that it went downhill. Well, she can understand why.

When Giyu Tomioka disappeared, it broke Shinobu. At first it unleashed the wrath of Kanae, who dares to shatter the heart of her imouto? However, after hearing the truth, all the pieces of the puzzle came together. What is more, Kanae can't blame anyone else but her sister.

After that Shinobu became an empty shell. Breathing only because she has to, eating only when her older sister pressured —begged— her to. Bringing her back to her feet was more challenging than being a mother, people take depression lightly, thinking that the one's suffering are just exaggerating or being dramatic to get attention.

Depression is no joke. It can lead a person to end his/her life.

"Hey, Shinobu-chan." Kanae called, the purple butterfly shifts her attention to her sister "Shall we go shopping tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? How come?"

"Well, the new season clothes are coming and Shin-kun needs a new pair of sneakers." She began to play clumsy with her fingers "I thought that we can spend some quality time as sisters."

Shinobu took some seconds before agreeing. Some fresh air can help her to clear her head.


"Why are we here?" Giyu retorted as he put his favorite hoodie over his head.

"We are short on groceries" Sabito smiled and rolled his eyes, the sense of fashion of his friend sucks as always, who the hell goes out with that half and half clothes?


"But nothing, Giyu, we need to live as normal as we can, I know it can be hard, although we have to try." The two of them wandered through the supermarket, it is the first stop, then they have to buy some other supplies "And also we can get a taste of that new popular Bubble milk tea."

"Milk tea?" His friend ignored the question and continue his stroll towards the market.

Sometimes Giyu can't understand his friend. He can be an enigma to anyone; on the outside he can be as a social butterfly, friendly, handsome and cool-headed. However, when you dig deeper, Sabito turns to be a old-fashioned, cunning and somewhat distant focused man.

'No wonder he was promoted to Second Lieutenant.' Giyu spoke to himself.

Doing shopping was fast. It ended up in a flash since both of them are not picky at all. Though Giyu made sure that enough salmon was bought. The more he can eat, the better.

Now he is just waiting for Sabito to buy his so called tea.

"Lets go babe, come with us."

"Yeah, with that body you sure f*ck good."

Giyu's eyes went straight to those voices. And as he expected a cliche event was going on. He just sighed. This idiots are pretending to be playboys and gangsters, bad boys in a good society. Cornering a girl on an alley? What lowlives they are.

This kind of idiots are those who thinks that earth is flat and vaccine are a cause of autism. They do not imagine what kind of sh*t is going on the other side of the world, where everyday is a fight to survive to not be caught on a crossfire and die without anyone caring about it.

For sure they do not even care what people like Giyu had to do for them to enjoy this peace and safety.

"I said let go!"

The slap was so loud that even Tomioka felt the stinging pain. It was a good hit.

"Now you've done it, bitch!"

This kind of scum does not care for whatever thay have to do to protect their ego. Even if that means beating weaker people than them.

Unfortunately, Giyu is not one of those who stays put when someone bullies the others. As a victim of it, he knew what is to be looked down and being unable to do something. He knows how it feels to be powerless.

With a flash-like speed he caught the fist, all the thugs shifted their gazes toward the ravenette.

"Huh? This fu—"

Trying to get some reason through their thick skull is useless as nipples on a men.

(AN: Hehehe. They are only useful for a piercing, torture or kink)

The best way to get them to acknowledge something is through their same language. Giyu Tomioka didn't blink when his elbow impacted against the face of this poor f*cker.


He wasn't finished at all. He slammed the face of the bastard against the ground. Giyu knew that the idiot would be knocked out after that. He didn't pulled any punches.

The sidekicks were trembling, if the man just used his fist then they could have joined and beat him to a pulp, whereas the display of brutality and violence was such that they knew what will be waiting if they try it. Soon the gangsters wannabes all escaped with their tail between the legs.

"Thanks for the help, they were bugging me." The girls bowed.

"It's nothing, what they do is not right." Giyu looked at the girl.

Coincidence or Bad luck?

Shinobu Kocho opened her eyes wide when she saw who was the hero behind the half and half hoodie.

Giyu on the other hand felt his heart began to beat faster and faster. He didn't expect to run into her, his mind nearly stopped working as he tried to find the next lines he will say.

"Ara~, what's wrong, Tomioka-san?" Shinobu giggled as the man looked away woth a blush, he was caught with a surprised face.

"N-nothing, I just didn't expect to see you here."

"Well, I was waiting for someone, it is just a coincidence to find you here." Kocho tried to close some distance earning a flinch from the guy, for some reason he felt that his body won't respond when that woman is around.

"Me too." He put on his stoic face and took a deep breath to control his emotions "He must be waiting so I wi—"

"Shinobu-chaaaan~" Kanae Kocho came from entrance of the alley, a handful of bags on one hand Shin-kun on the other one.


The elder sister smile dissapeared when she saw the man standing besides her. His azure eyes glowing in the shadows and his pale face resembles a ghost. She can't forget the man who caused disarray for her sister.

"Tomioka Giyu." She hissed.

"Kocho Kanae." The man responded not intimidated by the venomous tone of the girl.

"Onii-san!" Shin crooned at the sight of the cool big brother.

His mother shot a glare at him. She can't accept that her little adorable boy admires a man like him just because 'he's strong and protected me!', that man is nothing but bad news.

She opened her mouth to spit her poison, however what happened next froze her blood.

"Ayo! Giyu, what are you doing here? I forgot to ask if you wanted one, so I bought it anyway!"

A voice she thought that she will never hear again. Her pink eyes looked at the direction of the cause and they found it. Peach haired man, with charming lavender eyes and that ever present smile on his face.

Her hands lost all strength and the bags fell to the ground.


Time stopped for a second. The man studied with extreme precision what was happening in front of him. It wasn't the best time to butt in, however he didn't saw Kanae when he walked in. Now there is no way back, he needs to face what it was coming.


And before anything else happened, the queen of butterflies rushed to him, some would say that this can be just a cliche moment of a cheap romantic movie, where the two of them just have a reconciliation with a kiss.

However, Kanae Kocho is not that kind of girl. She focused all her strength in one move and...


Chapter 6: You laugh, you die

Chapter Text

The cafeteria was bustling with energy. It is lunch hour and people swarmed the establishment. Waiters going from one table to another with trays full of food and drinks.

One of the those had some kind of aura surrounding it, a murderous energy. Two men were in front of the young woman, the men with faces like inmates waiting for execution. Both women wearing a butterfly ornament. They attracted glance from every man on the establishment.

How can they not?

Their face is what you expect of a high class lady. Refined and straight noses, slim pink lips and their eyes with unusual colors were like precious jewels that everyone yearns to have for themselves.

"This is delicious!" Shinsuke digged into the cake, such rare occasion when he can enjoy desserts while his mother is there may not come again in his lifetime.

It all happened because of Giyu-niichan and his friend. That man with peach hair and sharp eyes. Even so, he felt somewhat... connected to him. Shin-kun wanted to talk with him, but her mother always stopped and cut off all kind of interaction between them.

"So? Are you you giving any explanations to us?" Kanae frowned as her eyes pierced like knives both men "At least that's what we deserve."

"Explanation?" This time Sabito answers with a frown himself "We don't own you anything, not after what your sister did."

"I'm not talking about her, I am talking about me." Kanae clinched her fists and gritted her teeth "Do you have any idea of what it feels like to be left alone without any idea of where are you?"

Sabito flinched and exchanged some seconds of glances with Kanae. Her eyes were holding back tears. She has been never the strong woman, yet she tries her best to show that she is dependable.

She still is Sabito's weakness.

However, this time he knows that it is not his fault.

"What are you talking about?" Even Giyu was taken back by her words, he is witness and partner in crime with Sabito, he knew that the peach boy couldn't do something that cruel like that, Tomioka helped him to maintain contact with her "I sent a letter every two weeks or every month."

That is no lie. It didn't matter where they were. If the clouds poured the ground with drizzle or if the sun tried to roast them alive with relentless heat. Sabito always wrote letters to Kanae, assuring that he was alright and will go back home soon. The last part was a motivation for him to keep going even when his mind, heart and soul were on the verge of breaking.

Both girls were taken back. In these five years not a single mailman has never stopped near their estate. A thousand eight hundred and twenty five days have gone by and not a single piece of news came to the hands of the queen of butterflies. All the nights she spent vigilant, all days she told her heart to stay strong. She will never forgive him.

Still her heart held hope of seeing him again.

Was she wrong all this time about Sabito leaving just like that?

"That can't be true..." She refused to believe the words of the man, after all, he is the man who refused to stay with her.

"It's the one and only truth." Those lavender eyes sent shivers down her spine, a million electroshocks running up and down her body, an antsy but pleasant feeling.

Sabito is not a man who tell lies at all.

Kanae bit her lip. Her ideas were a mess, confusion began to spread all throughout her head. A headache began to appear.

"Onee-san..." Shinobu reached for her sister, for now she decided to stay silent. She knew that even the slightest interruption will put her in troubles.

If she wants to have some kind of redemption with Giyu, she has to start with Sabito. It's like a brother to him, they grew up together and since then they became like nail and dirt. He even went with the idea of following Giyu when the ravenette dissapeared. That shows how strong is the bond they share.

"It's ok, Shinobu-chan." The girl took a big swing of her coffee, it felt like a kick to the gut "I just don't know what to think now."

The two men exchanged a glance. Even the two of them knew that something was wrong.

"I mean, you two just vanished and went to god-knows-where." Kanae felt a sting of rage as she remembers the day she heard about the two of them leaving "What were you doing? At least can you told us?"

What exactly?

Tomioka Giyu asked himself the same question on his head. What were they doing during five years? Most of that time can be said to be Classified and erased -blocked- from his memories, still there are some things he will never forget.

He began to drift away from the conversation.


"One Mile!"

"Ain't sh*t!"

"Two miles."

"Ain't sh*t!"

The thirty men began their days with a five mile run.

'A warm-up for you maggots.' That was what sergeant Cole said as soon as they finished. They would immediately proceed with their training. They need to be on top form to carry the extra equipment and weapons.

The drill was simple, since they will train to be a special unit, special training had to be done. That included weapon mastery, marksmanship and camouflage.

"In order to engage your target, you must see the target, but the target must not see you." Sergeant Cole explained.

He took all the platoon to the woods. They will learn in here the importance of the stealth and how to blend with the surroundings.

"Shevitz." He called.

A man emerged from the trees and foliage. Covered in a suit full of dirt, branches, leaves and all kind of sh*t you can find all around the forest. All the Unit members bursted into a laughter.

"You laugh you die, you scratch your nose you die, you shift your weight to take a piss, you will die. You want to take a sh*t? You better sh*t on your pants." The man was not pissed by the attitude of the newcomers, most of them didn't knew that this ghillie suits are made for infiltration missions where they spent days and weeks behind enemy lines.

"This suit will hide you. You will become a tree. A rock, you are mud, sand and dust." He swept them with a glare "Still funny?"

That was just one of the lessons he will take into practice on the near future. One of those who will save his life when the time comes.

Wisdom that helped him to kill a lot of people.

What were they doing? Really, he didn't wanted to even say it.


When the buzzing of his phone brought him back to reality, it all have turned around. Kanae wasn't fussing anymore, instead she and Sabito were having a tranquil conversation, his friend knows how to calm the queen of the butterfly sisters. For his surprise the eldest of the Kocho sisters is somewhat easier to handle than Shinobu.

Giyu smiled. He knew that Sabito missed her everyday. His friend left his life behind to follow the selfishness of his one and only friend. Tomioka won't forget his kindness, compassion and how he even endured hell side by side with him. Now, Giyu wanted Sabito to be happy.

He spotted Shinobu, who jumped a little when she was caught stealing glances at Giyu. She hide her face behind the cup of coffee as she hurriedly took a big sip of it. The boy had an interrogation sign over his head when he saw this.

Why she's acting like that?

Giyu brushed it off and took his phone. The message made him open his eyes wide. His azure eyes lost all light on them, his gears switched inside his mind. The civilian Tomioka turned off.

"Sabito, we have to go." He called. His voice became sober and his gaze shadowed.

The peach haired man didn't had to hear it twice. He knew that something is up and Giyu pushed the button inside his head.

Now he is not the Tomioka Giyu of everyday in Tokyo. He is the Tomioka Giyu who survived hell after hell out there, in jungles infested with creepy crawling insects, deserts with boiling temperatures and merciless tundras that can get you frostbite in matter of seconds.

"I'm sorry girls, something came up." Sabito left a ten thousand yen bill to cover the expenses "We have to be on our way."

Both butterflies contained their gasp. It's not being long since they just took sit in the table, on top of that, Kanae and Sabito were enjoying a nice chat. Getting to day with each other - even though Sabito refused to give any detail of his life abroad-, she already had him registered on her phone, at least he can't dissapear like he did five years ago.

"Are the two Onii-san leaving?" Shin asked with shrill on his voice. He enjoys whenever he can eat whatever he wants, of those two are present, he can delight himself with whatever come to his mind.

"Yeah, please don't be mad at us, Shin-kun, we can stop around another time." Sabito did all the talking. Giyu was nonchalant and his eyes were focused on the exit.

For Kocho Shinobu this didn't pass under her radar. Something felt odd. A grimly feeling made her shiver and her hands began to sweat. The face of Tomioka-san was something she has never saw.

It was the face of a man who can kill you at any moment.


'They have arrived.'

Those were the words that Giyu read on his phone an hour ago. A single message with no specification nor information that can clarify who is the person that arrived.

However, he needed no more to figure what was going on. If the higher ups decided to sent them here it was expected that the complete team arrived some days later. It is Tomioka Giyu and Sabito's task to pick them up at the airport.

"Hey, Monitsu, give me something to eat!" A blue-star haired young man bossed around his friend.

"Do I look like a food machine?" A blonde man answered while rolling his eyes. Sometimes his companions can be unbelievable.

"Hey, stop fighting, we are going to make a scene." A red hair youngster with a hoodie of green and black squares reprehends his friends.

"There are no clouds around, that's sad, don't you think, Genya-san?" A short guy with distant looking mint green eyes stared at the ceiling.

The scared faced young man didn't said anything. He just sighed and took his phone out. He wanted to dial the number of his nii-chan.

"Mhhmmm." A petite girl with pink eyes hummed as she ignored her companions. They were an eye sore.

As they made their way through the crowd, a ravenette spotted them. He analyzed the newcomers. Just as he expected, they look sharp as ever, baring their fangs even when they look so passive.

The Special Operations Unit, codename: Demon Slayers. Has arrived.

Chapter 7: Parfait

Chapter Text

Shinobu Kocho made her way to the government office. When Douma called her, it took her with the guard down. Usually the man will go to her lab when the Senator needs to rely a message.

However, this morning the sudden summon from him took all her good mood away. She was expecting some of his low intelligence chatting, instead she got a serious tone at the other side of the line. He gave her instructions about delivering the research to the Senator since he wanted to take a look at it.

It was the first time that Shinobu heard that kind of ice coming out of Douma's mouth. He is the kind of man to be always in a mellow mood. Something felt off.

She arrived on time. Punctuality is one of her perks. Those who arrive late to any appointment should burn in hell, in the deeper circle of it, for a thousand years while being harassed by imps and Devils for all eternity.

Anyway. Kocho didn't liked anything about the offices of any institution of the government. It was neither clean nor dirty, a ton of light poured from the ceiling. Security personal posted on every corner and stalkerish cameras covering all the lobby with omniscient eyes. As if someone tries to commit a crime inside this building.

"Good Morning." Kocho Shinobu approached the receptionist, a lady on her late thirties, with a face of a woman who is tired of the routine, she doesn't even make effort to put a smile.

"Do you have an appointment?" She rasped at the ravennete.

"Oh... yes, with Hashibira Douma." Shinobu tried her best to maintain the straight face.


Sigh. Such troublesome woman. How can the bureaucracy be run by such attitude? She is the face of all the people behind her. Can you trust a woman who only snarls at whoever comes to visit?

"Kocho Shinobu." So close to snapping. This woman should resign her job if she's not happy.

After the not so pleasant interaction with the lady, she waited for about five minutes or so before the ash blonde came down. He was wearing a gray suit and yellow tie. He gave the vibes of a different person, not the playful man with nasty personality.

"I thought that you will not come." His voice was stoic, almost lifeless.

"Well, The senator wanted to see it, doesn't he?" She handed an envelope, with the documents and a flash drive "This is all you'll need to mass produce the drug."

Douma inspected the papers. His eyes went from line to line, from page to page. This is the work of her life, a pharmac that can change the lives of millions and millions. Even prevent any pandemics from paralyzing the world.

"Mmmm, everything seems correct." He gave the Ok and he looked at the girl "I will go back, you can go home."

Even Shinobu Kocho was taken aback when Douma returned without any try to invite her for dinner or whatever plan come to his mind. Is he sick?

After that experience, she decided to take a stroll through downtown. Central square at Shibuya can be crowded, but there will be always something to see. A sea of people going from one street to another, office workers running late, students playing hookie, young delinquents with hands tucked in their pockets, cigarettes on their mouths and a shooting glares glares whoever crossed eyes with them. You can find whatever urban tribe you want in here.

As she explored the streets she reached the Jingu Gaien. There where not a lot of people at this hour of the day. For sure that at eleven o'clock most of the citizens will be working. Shinobu felt like a teen, like those days where she was happy without knowing.

She began to drift away.


"Let's go, Tomioka-san!"

Kocho Shinobu dragged him into the downtown. Snatching him away from Sabito and Makomo was the hardest task ever. They were vigilant all the time, however a butterfly can get what she wants.

Giyu grunted and tried to free himself, though it proved all useless, the girl was committed a hundred percent to spent the day with him.

How did all of that started?

After revealing her plan to Sanemi and Obanai, they all agreed to crush Tomioka until he can't even put that emotionless face in front of anyone. They will turn his heart to dust, shatter his soul into a thousand fragments. Maybe he will hurt himself to feel something.

It was simple, Shinobu will use her charms and make him fall in love with her. Then she will reveal her real intentions in front of everyone and ridicule the idiot man who tried to get all the attention to himself.

If that does not works, then nothing will.

That day they went to a karaoke. The gal was doing all the signing while Giyu cheered with his poker face, every now and then he even sang some chorus of a popular song. The girl knew that he was enjoying himself, he even smiled even if it was just a millimeter long smile.

Did he sang that day?

Those memories are blurry to her. She remember his voice singing some western music. He even said something about the meaning of the song for him.

Do you bury me when I'm gone
Do you teach me while I'm here
Just as soon as I belong
Then it's time I disappear

She can't remember a lot of the time at the karaoke. What came to her mind was the time spent at a local restaurant after that.

The hamburger was delicious and the hundred Yen milkshake was particularly good. It was Tomioka-san recommendation, since he use to dine a lot at that place. It is a small familiar restaurant, she remembers that the lady was so sweet as well as cheerful. Kocho could pinpoint that her last name was Kamado a name hard to forget even after the years pass on and on; she can bet a million Yen to that.

"Is your parfait good, Tomioka-san?" Shinobu eyed the dessert. He decided to have an extra bite after he wolfed down an extra large serving of Salmon Daikon.

She didn't expect him to have a sweet tooth.

He just nodded, in a trance of sugar and red fruits. He just heard the distant voice of the girl reaching for him. It made felt Shinobu a sting of jealousy, even a dessert can attract his attention more than her.

"Ara~, now I want to have a taste." She sent shivers down Tomioka's spine.

Her eyes were like succubus, inviting him to fill his urges and desires. Even if he does not want to accept it... Shinobu Kocho is a girl who can be described as gorgeous and sexy. Even now, he keeps his stoic face, not wanting to show any emotion that can give his liking for the girl. Though, his facade can crumble any time if she decides to do something like squishing her breasts against him.

"Well, you can have it, if you want it."

Before he could push the cup to her. The purple bangs girl shifter her weight and closed the distance between them.

"Feed me, Tomioka-san." The Kocho girl opened her mouth let out an 'ahhh~'

That night Giyu almost turned as red as a tomato. An expressionless tomato.


"But it happened as it happened."

Shinobu sighed. That was one of the most stupid things she could've done in all her life. She's not talking about the date and time she spent with Giyu Tomioka. On the contrary, if the opportunity came she would turn time and experience the same twice without a doubt. Only changing the fact that she toyed with him until he broke like a rag doll.

It was the first time that she felt void after completing her goal. Breaking something that is important can be more painful than what you think.

When she left the park, the clock was past two. She roamed around Shibuya until she found some decent place to have her food. Nothing very special, not even worth mentioning. After her meal, she decided to call it a day and go back to the estate, maybe Kanao and the girls would be already there.

At least she can go back somewhere she belongs to, spend time with her sister and calm the uneasiness of her heart.

As she walked, her attention was caught by two boys and a girl who were standing in front of some restaurant. A blonde who was bugging a pink eyed young girl while a scar faced man ignored them.

"Nezuko-chaaaan~" the blonde screeched while trying to hug the girl.

For some reason, they were familiar familiar her. She can't exactly remember where, but she had seen them before. Her brain could not get the information and she brush it off. Young people this days...

She wondered if soon she will have another encounter with Tomioka-san.


"So, this is her research." Douma observed as The Senator flipped page after page. His crimson red eyes read word by word all the information, it was really the work of a brilliant mind, one you can only see once in a decade "Kocho Shinobu is brilliant as you said."

The method was simple and cheap, they can mass produce the new drug as soon as he gives the order. She even listed the benefits that it can have on the people who are exposed to it. A table of results positive and negative alike caught the eye of the politician.

'She even took note on the side effects it can have.'

He smiled. Magnificent, splendid. He even laughed when he saw all the specifics. It was all here, all information he could need is in a hundred pages.

Now, the plan can continue and nobody will even foresee what will happen next.

"We won't be needing her anymore. You know what to do." He ordered.

Pawns are pawns they can be sacrificed and replaced as soon as they succed in their tasks. That is the way of the strong, to rule over the weak, use their strengths and then cast them aside.

Douma smiled. Yes, it is time to end this lie. He can at last, kill the butterfly with his own hands. He will order them to bring her alive and he will relieve his urges of gore on the girl. Oh! The excitement is so uncontrollable, a new toy to break is coming.

"Yes, Muzan-sama."

The ash blonde walked out of the room with the biggest smile he ever wore.

Chapter 8: Terror

Chapter Text

12:00 PM. Kocho Industries Laboratory. Outskirts of Tokyo, Japan.

Kocho Shinobu sighed.

Lunch at work is such a pain. Since she works at the laboratories at the most secure area of the building —the basem*nt—, the way to the dining hall is a journey back and forth. Like a hobbit going from the shire to the lonely mountain.

The procedures are rather simple, but they took a lot of time. From typing passwords to waiting for disinfection, the measures to take are always top tiers since they don' want those kind of viruses they handle to spread. Remember that she and her coworkers handle all kind of diseases to create their medicines and drugs.

She exited the elevator and made her way to her next food. Her grace and beauty made than more than one men couldn't help but to glance at her. Can they just approach her, ask for her number and walk away like heroes? Absolutely not. She won't give something like that to anyone.

Someone is already on her heart and mind.

Food was simple yet delicious. The Kocho conglomerate likes to treat their employees better than other corporations. They have a lot of benefits for working there, from three months payed vacations to a simple day to day two hundred Yen complete course meal. Even tho it is just some standar meal with soup, steamed vegetables and some meat that can vary from beef to chicken or fish. There were days that lamb was also on menu.

Shinobu let the tray in front of her and began to pick the vegetables, they were fresh and juicy. The meat and soup were just... decent. Nothing like Aoi's homemade food.

As she took small bites of her lunch, the butterfly scrolled through her social media, there were a lot of news about the visit of the United States president. Since he is coming to 'present' something that would change the relationship between the two countries.

Looks like a pretty important event, that meas that there is a chance that Kanae and her may attend...

"That would be boring, maybe I can escape from that with Tomioka-san." She imagined the two of them on a date, having a picnic, reviving their memories on the karaoke and after that, they will go to a love hotel and...

Shinobu felt her nose bleed, her delusions with the raven haired man are getting out of hand since he came back. She can't deny that he has changed from head to toe. He was handsome, however the first time she saw him again, her wild sexual desires came afloat. He was not the thin teen she once knew, instead, he was a young man with a well trained body.

Her lust telling her to jump on him, rip his shirt and lose her mind over pleasure. It wouldn't be the first time they do it.

Kocho Shinobu stopped those thoughts when she let the water flows out of the restroom sink. She needs to refresh herself. So much thoughts about Tomioka has raised her body temperature. I mean, it's hard not to when she has seen him wearing those tight shirts.

"Stupid and sexy Tomioka-san."

The girl looked at her reflection. She is nothing but gorgeous. She has a slim body that attracts eyes of any lustful man. Ha! She is just too much for any man. If she wants she can seduce Tomioka Giyu without any effort.

Or at least that's what she tries to believe.

"Well, let's wait until I have the chance to meet him again." Shinobu cheered herself before walking out of the bathroom.

Lunch time is over. Most of the employees will go back to their floors and return to their day to day labor. The same as always, monotonous, boring and gray. Just like everyday, their life has become a circle of repeating the same exact thing over and over and over and over again, expecting sh*t to change.

They would die for even the slightest change in their routine.

Today that desire will go away.

A deafening explosion sent a shockwave that made the whole building tremble. Shinobu Kocho saw a cloud of dust coming her way, when it hit her she could only think of Giyu.

She was engulfed by the dust and smoke.


The sun shines brighter on May. Being on the school rooftop only confirms this.

Shinobu thought about this since is mid-year and the break from school is approaching. She loathed those days since she spent most of the time shut in at her home.

However, this time can be different. Why? Because of the young man at her side. Tomioka Giyu.

She has been 'dating' him for almost three months. At first he was reluctant and approaching him felt like mission impossible. But after she put all her effort, charms and seductive abilities, the man finally accepted her.

That was the time when she became aware of all the truth. Why he closed his heart, cover it with ice and pushed all those who tried to get close to him away. Giyu lost all his family as a child. Even his precious sister passed away during that accident.

'Why did I survived?'

When he told her that, her heart ached. She could see his very own soul at that moment. The way he told her all of that. It made her heat pound.

"Are you okay, Kocho?" Giyu handed her a bottle of fresh water.

For a second, her breathing stopped. The towering figure of the ravenette combined with those stupid deep sea eyes and his handsome features. The rumor of the two of then dating spread like a wild fire, they were hot topic and jealousy began to arise among woman and men alike since the two of them were atop of the list of the most desired of all highschool.


The words didn't came out. What is she supposed to say?

'No, I am manipulating you, playing with your heart and feeling.'

"Kocho?" Giyu look at her with concern.

When that girl began to cry in front of him is because something is wrong.

"Eh?" She hurried to wipe of the tears coming from her eyes. One, two, three times. Even so, it didn't stopped at all.

It was then that Giyu's arms embraced her. He may be a glommy man, but whenever he hold her near him, the pumping of his heart will song a lullaby for her, all the warmth of his body will make sure to comfort the butterfly girl. Oh! The pain came like a tsunami, striking with cruelty and reality at her.

She feared that the day will come when the truth comes out. And then, there will no more days where Tomioka Giyu will be there for her.

"I will always be here for you. Whatever happens." He whispered before she broke into crying.


When Shinobu opened her eyes it was all blurry., Her dry throat tastes like dust and iron. Blood coming from her forehead and lips. The explosion sent her crashing against a wall.

How long was she out? Seconds? Minutes?

When her senses came back, she felt like the reaper itself has taken over her soul. All around her became dust and debris. The alarms ringed all around. Screams from employees and some people grieving.

The dinning hall was the room where the explosion took place. If Shinobu didn't walked out, she would've been caught on it.

"Kill everyone! Look for her and bring her alive!" From the dust they emerged, emissaries of pain, dark and death.

Then they came. Like roars of beasts made of iron and powder, gun shots erupted in a concert of death, gore and blood. People began to run away, if the bullets catch up to them it's game over.

For Kocho Shinobu the story wasn't so different. If you get shot, you will die. Her soul trembled and her brain yelled as hard as it could. 'Run away!' The survival instincts kicked in and the adrenaline rushed through her blood. With a leap, Shinobu decided to escape.

As she ran towards the exit, the detonation were closer and closer. They were chasing her, like a hound chasing a fox, trailing behind her with hunger.

Soon, the front door came to sight. Yes, the way out and a chance to get help. Unfortunately. Life is a bitch, when a ray of hope appears this lady makes sure that a huge storm overwhelm even the tiniest spec of hope left.

From the front door, a group of men wearing black clothes from head to toe made their entrance. Mask of Onis covered their faces, all of them carrying weapons. Shinobu felt like she was inside of an action movie, one of those where terrorists strikes a city and then...

And then what? She couldn't think of the second part since the masked men began to spread bullets left and right. The people on the front lobby were massacred by those savages in merely ten seconds.

The butterfly looked around. There is only one way out. No, one place that is the most safe place inside the building.

Pushing the emergency exit, she took the stairs to the lowest levels. Yes, if security is what she wants, then her own laboratory is the first and only option.

If only she told Giyu all her feelings. The things she regrets and apologize for what she did. Then, at least if she dies. No regrets will be carried to the grave.

Shinobu heard as some men broke through the doors some floors upstairs. They were talking amongst themselves about finding 'The girl with the hairpin'. If panic and fear weren't there, she could've guessed who this woman was. However, when you are being pursued by armed men. Thinking is not the first thing you do.

Soon, she reached the basem*nt. The expensive heels were thrown away some floors ago since they will only hinder Kocho. Money and materialistics will never have the same value as the live of a human being. At top speed Shinobu reached the security door and typed her password.

Now, she must wait five seconds for the system to give access. The longest five seconds she ever experienced and the reason they caught up to her. A procedure made for ensuring the safety of the personal worked against this principle. When the door opened, four men were already restraining Shinobu.

"Miss Kocho." A man with a red Oni mask chimed when he saw the girl.

Just as his boss said, the girl is a jewel to the eye. All man should be trying to get her. If it wasn't for the orders of that scary man, he would have fun with her. Well, that's a disappointment.

While Shinobu tried to free herself, the masked man inspected the laboratory. Even though they have killed most of the employees, he can't leave witnesses of the kidnapping. This has to be seen as a terrorist attack.


The gun roared and ended the life of two researchers. Coworkers of Shinobu. Now there is none that can say something about this.

"Stop crying. We won't kill you, yet." He dragged Shinobu from her arm.

'Yet?' Her mind fell into absolute terror. It was her all along, they came for her and only her.

Even though she cried, even though she pleaded. The butterfly knew that there was no escape from this situation...

When the men opened the door, it happened.

The man with red mask didn't knew what happened. He fell flat on his back when a bullet pierced his head. He died before he could see the reaper. Only a second after that, three men made their way inside and took out the remaining attackers. One of the newcomers stood back, watching the stairs.

"Clear." One said.

"Clear." The second one said.

The third one didn't said anything. They all wears a gray uniform, military gear and cover their faces, Kocho have seen movies, series and advertisem*nts with people dressed like that. All of them carrying weapons, Shinobu could tell that they were not with the Oni masked men since they just killed them in front of her.

The purple butterfly inspected the men. They look like some kind of soldier. The uniform was obvious. However, they have a flag of the U.S. on it. How can foreign soldiers be there?

Was she safe for now? Hard to say. Though is better than being dragged out by some murderers.

Her tears stopped when she exchanged a gaze with the man in front of her. For some reason, she felt an odd familiarity with this man.

Only one question left her lips.

"Who are you?"

Chapter 9: Task Force

Chapter Text

11:00 AM. Somewhere near Tokyo, Japan.

"They are on the move." Inosuke called from the radio.

Giyu gulped. Time to begin. He took deep breaths. He looked at the others, only three were with him. For once he thanked that the laboratories are far away from the city.

Finding a spot to hide was easy. The hills surrounding the facility were more than enough to conceal their presence. All the employees and visitors will never suspect of a Task Force stalking on the vicinity, lurking on the shadows and waiting for the moment to strike. Like a wolf pack hunting an elk.

"Everything should be ready." Sabito reassured while loading his rifle. Standard equipment, M4A1 with customized short barrel, grip, stock and a silencer, he enjoyed handling over firepower "We have to go."

Yes. Giyu knew that time has come. He has a mission and whatever it happens, he needs to settle it.

He loaded his own rifle. Following his friend's example, the same weapon, yet Tomioka didn't shared the emotion for handling. He prefers the accuracy, the attachments such as a M-16 stock and vertical grip can add some weight to the weapon. However, when it comes to shooting, it will be second to none. When you put a customized rifle in the hand of an expert like him. A carnage will take place.

"Let's move." He ordered.

A small yet deathly team. Compromised of only four men this time. Sabito, Tanjiro and Inosuke were chosen to accompany him. The rest of the team is ready to engage at any given moment.

The boar-man is an expert when it comes to scouting and surviving on the wilderness. You can throw him in the middle of the jungle, desert or snowy mountain and Inosuke will find a way to secure food and shelter. He could become the king of those habitats if he wants to.

Sending him to clear the way and observe was like a walk in the park.

"Zenitsu. Where are you?" He spoke through the intercom.

"On the air and ready to pick up some ladies." He chimed at the other side of the ear piece "Genya-san, Muichiro-san and Nezuko-chan are on board."

"Wait for my call, you know what to do."

Tomioka took a deep breath. Even looking for an excuse now will be pointless. He must carry on. He must go in and take Her. It doesn't matter if that means to kill in front of her. He is not afraid of that will happen if Shinobu has to see the monster he has become.

The three of them began to run through the forest. This time their feet were light like a feather, without any extra equipment, only their guns, ammunition and a small backpack with tools. They devoured the trail with inhuman speed.

"Oi, captain. We have a problem." Hashibira called again "It seems that the terrorists have bombs."

Giyu stopped when he heard those words.

"They have what?"

Next thing he knew a roaring explosion sent shockwaves through all the vicinity. It shook trees and the echo reached all the mountains. Hell, even downtown Tokyo could hear such explosive.

Giyu gritted his teeth. This wasn't part of the plan at all.


"The best option is this door." Nezuko pointed at the back of the building "It is a backdoor exit, it is closed, of course by a digital lock."

"And how we getting in?" Inosuke asked.

"Of course I will open it. This is easy for me." Nezuko praised herself while the boar rumbled around.

They were currently planning the next operation, since the day is coming soon. Thanks to Nezuko; the specialist on intelligence and technology of the team, she intercepted a call from the terrorist planning the attack on the Kocho laboratories.

Where are they planning this? That's classified for you.

"And what about the target?" This time Sabito took the initiative.

"Well, thanks to the captain." The only girl of the group pointed at the azure eyed man "We can pinpoint the exact location wherever she goes."

It was thanks to Tomioka that they got the phone number of the girl, it made easier to intercept the interactions she made on her phone. For Nezuko it was like finding a elephant inside of an empty room.

"And here I thought that you only gave your number became you wanted to flirt." The peach haired man mocked his friend "To think that it was a deep and crafty plan all along."

Giyu puffed his chest out and smiled. It was all part of the plan.

Lies, lies, lies. Tomioka Giyu didn't thought that it will come in hand at all. He just gave his phone that day... why did he? Now that he put some of his mind to it, no reason was behing giving up his phone number.

As his colleagues continue to discuss the plan of extraction. Giyu cursed inside of his head, even now Shinobu haunted him, five years later she is still the center of his life.

Not they way he wish, tho.

"Now, if there is only the shooting, then we can dissapear as soon as we appeared and no one will ever imagine that we were there." The pink eyes of the girl gleamed as she observed her majestic plan. There were no flaws on it "What do you think, captain?"

Tomioka only agreed. He trusted his team with his life.


"That attracted a ton of attention, you can hear the explosion from miles away." Tanjiro said, bringing Giyu back to the present.

"Nezuko?" The captain asked over the intercom.

"The police is going crazy, reports are pouring. Maybe..." She made a pause "Ten minutes before they got on the move, at least twenty to twenty five before they arrive."

"You heard her. We won't be here when that happens." Tomioka pushed forward. There is no time to waste.

When they reunited with Inosuke a pile of smoke rose from the building. The roaring of gun fire echoed and filled the air with a lullaby of death and blood. It just began a minute ago, but Giyu knew that a lot of people have died in just the span of sixty seconds. Guns in the wrong hands can take a lot of lives indiscriminately. Men, women, children. Bullets made no distinction when taking lives away.

"Open the door!" As soon as he said, the lock went from a red light to a green one. A signal that that could move in.

A simple formation of four. Every one of them covering a side. Tanjiro and Inosuke took the rear while Sabito and Giyu decided to be the vanguard.

The corridor was dark and lonely. As an emergency exit it wasn't even decorated like the rest of the rooms, it was just a monotonous gray color. Screams, cries and pledges reached their ears. Most of them went silent after some shots were fired. This bastards didn't had any plan to leave anyone alive.

They reached another door. Nezuko told them that it connects to the back of the warehouse, probably the kitchen. She gave instructions of how they need to navigate through the next rooms for not getting lost.

"And where is She?" Asked Giyu as he moved in silence through the rooms.

It felt like walking through the valley of shadows and death. Lifeless bodies scattered, bloody and shattered. Some of them were left in agony, leaving them to die slow and painfully. That was the time he remembered the words of Sergeant Cole.

'Will you be able to one day say 'Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because I am the baddest motherf*cker in this goddamn Valley?'

Now he understands what he meant by that. Even though he has seen this kind of scenario before, when it happens on his own home country, it become even more painful.

"She's going downstairs, to the basem*nt! There's a door to the emergency stairs at the next corridor."

They turned the corner. What used to be a lively lobby whose walls were decorated with exotic paintings is now full of holes from bullets. The once white and shinny floors were now stained with blood from the employees.

Although, Giyu can't do anything about it. He needs to put all his mind on the mission.

With demonic speed the four of them began their descent, it has become a race against the clock since they heard some terrorist going down too. Nezuko informed that the police will be there in ten minutes. Time's ticking.

The door stood in front of them. Gunshots were heard and some of them laughing. They made it in time... barely.

"Stop crying. We won't kill you, yet."

Giyu ordered to wait. They have no idea that the grim reaper is waiting behind that door, a single push and he will put a hole in their foreheads. Tanjiro and Sabito took the sides of the door while Inosuke watched over the stairs. Tomika took the front.

The footsteps were coming closer and Shinobu was pleading and crying for them to let her go.

'If they even touched a strand of hair. I will f*cking kill them!' His heart pumped a hundred kilometer per hour and blood rushed to his brain at the single thought of the injured butterfly.

And the door opened. A single second, like a lighting. Giyu couldn't saw the man he killed. He only pulled the trigger, a flash came out and the muffled sound of the gun was devoured by the crash of the dead body.

You know what they say about confident people? The higher they are, the harder they fall.

The men with Oni masks were so confident in the massacre they done and weapons they carried, that any idea of getting killed did not crossed their minds. When their brains proceeded what just happened, it was too late.

Sabito and Tanjiro sweept with the remaining attackers in a just a few shots.

"Clear." His best friend assured.

"Clear." This time Tanjiro said.

For a second time froze for Giyu. There she was. With a cut on her lips and forehead, the blood now dry and dust in her clothes. She must've been caught on that explosion. Her eyes gleamed when she inspected them from head to toe, her pale face showed relief and her lips trembled.

However, she only asked one thing.

"Who are you?"

That's classified, even for you who read this.

"Captain, we have to get outta here." Tanjiro approached him and after glancing at the girl he went back to where Inosuke was guarding.

Time is running low.

Tomioka Giyu reached for her. His usual blank face and Icy cold eyes. This is no time to lose the strives. For now, he need to unf*ck himself and focus on getting out of here.

He spoke a single line while helping her:

"We're getting you out of here."

Chapter 10: Who are you?

Chapter Text

Shinobu didn't have any time to process what just happened. A massive explosion took place on the lobby. Masked men came with guns and began to spread death left and right. She had to run for her life escorted by four men, all clad in black and carrying weapons.

Her brain was near the breaking point.

"Where to?" The man whom they referred as captain talked to no one she could see. After some seconds he nodded "Be sure to be there in five minutes... yes, we will."

He filled in the details. Kocho couldn't heard it at all. Her eyes went from one place to another, wherever she looked at there were bodies scattered. Blood and gore covered what once was her work space. White walls were tainted red, she felt her heart on her throat.

The captain walked to her. A pair of deep sea blue eyes pierced Shinobu's heart. A fierce yet warm gaze came from them, a man who feared nothing and will face the reaper itself. One man who can kill anytime. She have seen those eyes before... only a name come to her mind when she sees that color.


"We have to go. They will come here soon." She was cut off before the name was spoken "We will guide you to somewhere safe."

A ray of hope. A way out of here for her and maybe...

"W-what about the others at the lobby?" Her voice trembled as her eyes began to water "If you four go there then sure—"

"We are not here to save any other than you." The man cut her before she could finish her request "Now, move. We have to go."

She didn't move. Instead her legs refused to hear her commands.


The butterfly was taken aback. It wasn't Tomioka-san at all. Only a rather strange man. And yet, she fluttered at the only sight of him.


She knew that it was no request but an order.


Keeping the pace of trained elite soldiers can be impossible for a normal civilian. Even though Kocho spend her days at college as part of the track and field team, she thought that fitness wasn't a problem at all, Shinobu even won competitions all around the country.

However, this four men are monsters. They were carrying guns and extra equipment, maybe ten or twenty pounds extra weight. Not even one of them seemed to be catching a breather. On the contrary, she felt sweaty and her lungs began to ask for more oxygen.

"Wait." The captain ordered. Even when everyone stopped their awareness remained. Hearing, smelling and watching became priority.

They must be on edge for any sense of danger coming at them.

It hasn't been long since they left the basem*nt. Going up the emergency stairs was the best option and they didn't ignored it. Nevertheless, the danger of those terrorist finding them lingered in the air.

Shinobu catched her breath. It was a relief. From the corner of her eyes, she watched as the captain observed her. For a second Kocho felt like that pause was her fault. A feeling of useless bursted inside her.

"Move." The man whispered after some second and they resumed their march up, up and up. To the only place a helicopter could land in there.

*bang!* a door was slammed a couple of floors down. They heard chattering and running. The men with Oni masks have found them.

"Oh, sh*t. Everyone run!" As soon as the captain said that a bullet made a hole right over Shinobu's head, just some centimeters away from her skull.

The young woman felt her body froze, maybe her primal instincts kicked in and told her to stop moving do she can survive. Wrong timing for that reaction.

Her mind began to wander around. Shinobu wants to turn back time, to a time long gone. If she can turn the clock many winters back... then she'll have the opportunity to redeem herself.

Maybe then, Tomioka-san won't leave and they can be together for a long time. Why was she so stupid to hurt him?

"Move!" A hand pushed her back to reality, one of the soldiers dragged her upstairs, her legs tried to match the high speed pace.

It was a race. A death race, they are being pursued by cold blooded killers. The gunfire and screams of the terrorist acted as a reminder of what will happen if Kocho stops for even a second.

Just some floor to go.

"Hashibira!" The captain yelled.

Shinobu's breath stopped for a second.

'Did he just said, Hashibira? Like Douma Hashibira?' No time to overthink what she hears now.

As they reached the top floors, one of the black uniform soldiers turned around. When you have the high ground, you can defend a bottle neck with ease. The last floor have a door to end and just one way up. It will become a shooting range for the one's on the top.

Hashibira Inosuke can be wild, ill mannered, hard headed and even a little idiot. Although, when it comes to his skills they are all top tier. Putting him in such place, it will only become a massacre.

He began to shoot. The first two terrorist to fall were lucky enough to die from a single bullet to the head. Those who came after that did not ran with the same fate. Some got injured in the leg or torso. Even when Inosuke emptied the magazine, the Oni masked men did not tried to go up anymore.

Another of the soldiers joined him and took place at the other side of the stairs. It was a perfect spot to defend.

"Agatsuma, are you there?" The captain spoke through the intercom "Bring your ass here, now!"

For a second everything went silent. A weird, painful and sad silence. Shinobu felt her heart at the throat. No words could leave her mouth even if she pushed them with all her strength. Soon the sound of a helicopter filled the air. It was a ticket out of there, far from this place.

The bullets came flying again. Terrorist won't give up so easy, not if their objective is about to escape. They have to push, it won't matter if some are killed, they have have reach for Shinobu Kocho.

Hashibira Inosuke and Tanjiro Kamado didn't waste any ammunition. Every bullet that left their rifles took out an enemy. Numbers matter not to them.

"Reloading!" Tanjiro said as he changed the magazine with sleight of hand worthy of a magician.

Shinobu covered her ears as the gunfight extended more and more. The buzzing of bullets flying over her, the smell of gunpowder and screams of those who fall. This was alien to the young woman. She has a normal live, no guns, no soldiers or terrorist are part of her everyday. Having armed men following her trail is not what she experience from Monday to Sunday.

And yet. The man beside her maintain such a blank face. His eyes looking in front. Focused, almost like what happened around him was just a distant reality. For a second she saw in them those azure eyes...


Spending time with Giyu after school. Most of the time Sabito and Makomo, however those rare occasions where Kocho Shinobu can spend the afternoon with Tomioka-san all for herself.

Even though he lives on his own. A two stories house for him and him alone; at first it was hard to believe, after Shinobu heard the story of his past and saw with her own eyes that the only memories left of his family are photos hanging off the walls around the house.

"Nee, Tomioka-san~" Shinobu called from the bed. They are currently studying since exams are coming.

"What is it, Kocho?" The ravenette looked at her. Since they've been dating for six months, her presence is normal to him by now, he doesn't care if she takes the bed for herself.

To be honest, Giyu loves the scent of lavender she leaves on his pillow. It's like she's right besides him all the time.

"Aren't you lonely here?" She asked.

For a second Tomioka tilted his head. Sabito and Makomo are just a house or two away from him. He can just call them over whenever he wants, they even have a room for them. However, there are nights were melancholy and solitude will assault him until dawn. Those nocturnal hours were phantoms of his former family dance on the edge of his eye.

His parents, his sisters. They will come to torment Giyu.

"Yeah, I am alone and sometimes it feels empty." He walked from his desk to the bed and left his weight rest on the edge of it "When you, Makomo and Sabito go back to their places, this place feels hollow, void."

Shinobu pressed her lips together. Her heart ached when he made that face. Those empty blue eyes, lightless a blank face. Like he just wanted to be on a distant reality.


Shinobu was brought back to the present when the door to the rooftop was opened with a kick by one of the soldiers.

"They are here!" The captain yelled as he dragged Shinobu out.

That was when she saw them. Two other men dressed with the same uniform got off a helicopter. The air vehicle did not have any logo, distinctive or color other than a pale black.

"Genya, Muichiro. Tanjiro and Hashibira will come, cover them."

And just like that, Kocho Shinobu got on board. It took exactly thirty seconds for the rest of the team to come up. In less than a minute, they were gone. Like darkness at dawn.

"Agatsuma, get us out of here."

In just fifteen minutes, they got in, rescued her and vanished as if they were never there. It was a mission complete.

Everything went as planned. Except for... a butterfly girl. After getting away from the danger, when the pillar of smoke couldn't be seen anymore, she decided to satisfy her desire for answers.

"Are you Tomioka Giyu?" Shinobu spat her question.

All the people on the helicopter fell into a gloomy silence. The captain shot a glare at the girl. His azure eyes studied the lavender color of the young woman in front of him.

For a second all the others held their breath. If there was someone they did not wanted to piss off, it has to be the captain. If any of them challenged him during their tour days, you can say that they will spend the rest of their tour doing hellish training under the sun, rain or snow.

Giyu left a sigh out. This woman. Since the day he met her, since that first greeting something inside him warned about her. He removed his mask and helmet and faced her. It would happen sooner or later. There is no day that will never come.

Shinobu held back her gasp. It was indeed, Tomioka Giyu who rescued her.

Chapter 11: Leave Her Alone

Chapter Text

"The bombing took place..."

"There are hundred of victims..."

"Tokyo filled with terror..."

"Heiress of Kocho groups missing..."

As the news channels struggled to get the spotlight on the biggest, juicy and most lucrative incident in the last decade.

Why lucrative? Tragedies always attracts attention.

"They haven't said sh*t about us." Inosuke laughed before stuffing his mouth with popcorn. They were watching the news on a laptop.

Shinobu sighed. After the rescue she was took to an unkown location, for starter as soon as they were at a safe distance from the laboratories, they covered her head with a black bag.

The rest of the way all went silent to her. Only the sound of the helicopter remained. It felt like hours for them to land. After that she only felt herself being carried out of the air vehicle.

Shinobu wondered if Giuu was the one who picked her up. No, she wished that he was the one.

Back to the topic. After that, she only felt the bumpy road for about thirty minutes.

Now they were all at an unkown location, a run down building with moss hanging on the walls and putrid air. A place were wood cracked when one took one step, it was so rotten that it could collapse at any time.

Where are they? Classified said Giyu.

Who are the others? Classified said Giyu

Why did they rescued her? Classified said Giyu

Not a single ounce of information could be milked from the raven haired man. His lips were closed tight. However it wasn't that bad at all; Kocho got the chance to meet with the rest of the saviors.

First of all was Giyu's best friend. Sabito, for some reason she expected that he would be involved in some way. Not much to her surprise.

Then, it was Kamado Tanjiro. A gentle man with a weird sharp nose and a scar on his forehead. Out of all the people on the room he can be labeled as the normal one. Polite even with Shinobu. He knows how to start the talking and carry on from there. The butterfly even got to witness a long conversation with Giyu.

Zenitsu Agatsuma is a different story. His mouth has the volume set in the highest setting. And for the love of God, every woman he meets, he proposed. Shinobu didn't thought twice before slapping him. That's at least what the blonde young man deserves.

Then it come the wild man. A unfairly handsome face he carries, mistaking him as a woman won't be seen as a bad thing since his looks are quite on the girly side. However the personality of the man is the opposite of the angelical looks. Snarky, savage, ill-mannered, bad mouth. He even called himself 'The King of the Mountain.' Whatever that means. His name is Inosuke Hashibira.

To her own surprise, Shinobu found that Sanemi's younger brother actually is a soldier too. Genya Shinazugawa could be scary at first. The scar on his face and those red blood eyes will give murdering vibes to anyone who approaches. Yet, inside he is just a soft, caring young soldier.

The surprise of the squad is the youngest member. Giyu is twenty four by now, though Muichiro Tokito is only eighteen years old. A prodigy, a one in a decade genius and the most recent addition to the team. He can be a riddle to everyone, there will be times where his mind wanders around and he escapes from reality. Yet, his skill are high tier. In some years he will be leading a special operations team of his own.

For her luck. She wasn't the only woman, she met Kamado Nezuko. A brilliant technology operator. Much to her surprise, it was like her brother. She's kind, easy going and easy to talk to. Shinobu cannot find a reason why a girl as cute, adorable and smart as her would enroll the army.

"Don't let your guard down. If even something comes up, we have to take action as fast as we can." Giyu barked the order.

Kocho Shinobu flinched at his voice. It was not something she ever heard before. He is not the kind of person to speak aloud or even show that he is angry.

All the others answered with a 'Yes captain!' And Giyu strolled out of the room.

"Don't mind him. He's still on soldier mode." Sabito said while typing on his cellphone "He tends to be bossy. If he ever becomes a drill instructor... God help the recruits."

"Giyu-san is not a bad guy." Tanjiro added "He can be hard to communicate with, but he's a great leader."

Sabito laughed at Shinobu's face. That woman who fancied herself on knowing Tomioka Giyu inside out is now perplexed by the sudden change the man showed. After five years it would be a sin if nothing changed inside and outside alike.

"By the way, Shinobu-san!" Tanjiro, who prepared a MRE for himself took the initiative for a conversation, again "What is your relationship with Giyu-san? It seems that you two are acquainted."

All the eyes on the room pointed to her. Nezuko stopped working on her computer, Zenitsu who was watching TV with Inosuke, became curious. Even Genya and Muichiro got their attention towards the young woman.

For them, the captain is a mystery. They just know that they have to obey him or a punishment will come.

The peach boy sighed.

"She is the girl of the diary." Sabito explained.


Thirteen months ago. Somewhere in Colombia Jungle.

If you hate insects, rains, mud and humidity... stay away from any South American country. Most of them have climate to develop rainforest. The Amazon is the perfect example.

Tomioka Giyu and his task force were assigned to a mission. A top secret operation to kill a guerrilla leader who is planning to attack the government on different cities around the country.

"Captain. How long are we going to be here?" Inosuke snarls.

They all have been deep inside the gut of the jungle. Where animals are vigilant from above and below, they crawl, jump and walk in their natural habitat. Days are gone with rain or dampened heat.

"It's been only two days, Hashibira." Giyu observed the green surroundings, I'm search of whatever that was out of place "I thought you liked the wilderness."

Tanjiro and Tokito went at the center of the team. While Sabito, Zenitsu and Nezuko walked covering the rear.

"I hate the jungle, it's full of mosquitoes, it rains and my ass sweats all f*cking day long." He snorted while keeping his awareness atop "I like the mountains more."

Chuckles came from all the party. They even commented how Insouke reeked like a boar. Maybe he is a pig deep inside.

"I will ask for a mountain operation next time." Giyu smiled.

The task force reached a river. The water was clear and they even got to see some of the fauna. Some monkeys played on the water, birds and fish played the old game of hunting. Lizards running across the river and frogs that let out a symphony of croaks.

He ordered a rest at the riverside. They can eat and get rid of some tiredness. However entering the water is prohibited, if something doesn't caught you, then it will enter your organism. Parasites, bacteria. It won't be nice if you caught something in there.

"Hey, lieutenant. Who you write to?" Zenitsu asked.

Sabito let himself rest at the shadow of an archaic tree, so big and green that the roots were deep underground and the log is the size of a car. Being so close to the water comes with benefits.

"To my... girlfriend, I guess." The peach haired man let a weak smile out "She has never answered my letters, but I understand that it would be difficult to locate me. However I want her to know that I'm doing great."

"I see, it is hard to be separated from someone you love." The blonde haired young man nodded "And it's even harder on us since we don't get to go back home often."

"Yeah, it's important to keep in mind those who are waiting for us. We must not forget our home for us to have a place to go back."

Zenitsu didn't pursued the topic further since the lieutenant is right. All of them have someone who they write or call whenever a chance come. Tanjiro and Nezuko have family back in Japan. The Kamado young man even had some kind of relationship back then, before joining the Corps. Genya has a brother, even though their relationship is not the best, they tend to exchange word with frequency. Tokito talked about a twin brother back home, he misses him a lot and tends to see his face on the clouds.

Goddamn, even Inosuke writes to her mother and step-father. He mentioned an "old geezer" who helped him during his childhood.

Though. Giyu have not sent a letter once. Not even a call. It's like... he's all alone.

"And what about the captain?" This time Tanjiro who worked on some map routing, asked diverting his attention from the paper "I've seen him writing on a small notebook. But never sent something ever."

Sabito sighed and before he could answer, a revenette with sharp azure eyes that could cut your flesh if they can took the initiative.

"My life is not of your concern." Giyu spat venom "However, I know that all of you are insistent and curious. So, I will just say that it's a girl back home"

All of them shared an 'Ehhhhh'.

After that day, everyone excluding Sabito began to bet about the looks and what she does for a living.

The current stash is at a thousand bucks and every month it raises fifty dollars.


"So he wasn't lying..." Zenitsu whispered.

Every team member got their eyes on the girl. A waterfall of thoughts came from them.

Shinobu is gorgeous. A body to die for, looks that could drop your jaw to the ground. There is no man and some women that wouldn't be wanting a night with her.

The butterfly felt like even a minimum move will detonate a chain of reactions on this... weird people.

"What are you all doing?" Giyu interrupted and everyone dispersed at the sight of the captain "Leave her alone and prepare everything."

They didn't have to hear it twice before the packing began. Everything has to be gone with them. Laptos got secured, weapons disassembled and traces of their stay will be burned outside. The house must remain empty and abandoned.

Giyu extended a coat, cap and backpack to Shinobu.

"Put on this." Hs ordered.

The woman tilted her head. The backpack was heavy, it has equipment for camping and hiking inside. Why would they need this at all?

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Out of here."

Chapter 12: Impulse

Chapter Text

Shinobu jumped from rock to rock. Maintaining her balance is crucial to not fall into the river. She skipped and skipped until her feet reached the ground. A bright sun illuminated her face in form of a smile.

"Ne, ne, did you saw that, Tomioka-san?" She clapped her hands together.

Giyu smiled. Kocho acted like a little girl even in this situations. Strolling through the wood can be relaxing; fresh air, chirping birds, the smell of wet soil and even the sounds of animals running around the forest. It could be a perfect date.

If it wasn't for the fact that Giyu is carrying a weapon under his clothes. The assault rifles has been disassembled and put into a large hiking backpack. However, a handgun can still be concealed.

"Hey, don't lose any second, we have to go." Sabito growled from the front, he was chosen to be the one to lead the way, but since they left the old cabin in the woods his mood became foul.

Shinobu felt a little bad for him. Since they separated in three groups, she had to wait until everyone left. First it was Tanjiro, Muichiro and Genya who walked out. The advance party had to scout in advance and prepare the alibi. The next in queue to leave were Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu. They took most of the equipment and weapons with them. Their objective consists in getting them into the vehicle.

Shinobu, Sabito and Giyu were the one who remained until the end. Like the last light of the sun at dusk. The butterfly didn't said a thing. She only sharpened her ears and tried to get any hint of her whereabouts. Though, they didn't said anything about it.

They are professionals.

As they waited, Sabito received a call.

"Hello? Kanae?" His face became a frown, a weird grimace that did not suits him at all.

On the other hand, since he received a call from her older sister, it was her chance to let her know that she is alright. The opportunity couldn't come at all since they took her phone away.

'Security reasons' said Giyu.

"What!? When did that happen?" His words felt real, like a man receiving the notice of someone's death "Her whereabouts are unkown? What about the police?"

Shinobu felt her heart thumping. This man... is he putting a facade? Is he lying to Kanae? To the woman who will throw herself to the abyss for him?

"No, I came with Giyu to do some hiking." He awaited for the answer "Yes, I will."

How cruel can they be?

The call was close to end when she decided to move.

"Nee-ch—" before she could even move forward or even end a sentence, a pair of hands captured her.

One to the mouth and the other one pressing her diaphragm. She found herself unable to talk, scream or plead, even breathing took a huge amount of effort. Giyu held her back.

"Don't do anything unnecessary."

For a second Shinobu felt that the man was a complete stranger. Not the Tomioka Giyu she knew nor the one she reunited with five years later. But a different person, a stranger in the body of Tomioka-san. An individual that could take her life with no effort.

After Sabito hung up, his bad mood came.

That was an hour ago. It has been half an hour since they left behind the cabin. It returned to the state of abandoned and waiting for their next dwellers.

"Hey! I said move, you two walk like we have all the time in the world." Again he snarls at them.

Shinobu felt mourn when someone like him is upset. It felt alien. Just like when her sister rages.

"Don't mind him." Giyu reassured her "He feels bad about lying to Kanae."

Shinobu looked at him. The ravennete walked alongside, matching her pace. It was no secret that he is taller than her. Giyu could walk faster than her of he wants. Nonetheless he prefers to be by her side.

"He's just too good of a person." The girl has discovered that when Giyu smiles, it comes from the thought of Salmon Daikon or when he talks about his loved ones.

She wondered if he smiles like that when talking about her.

"It was hard for him to leave Kanae." Tomioka made a pause, he was looking for the right words for his next sentence "Because of me, he could not enjoy his life alongside her and Shin."

Shinobu didn't respond. Deep inside her rage against Sabito raged. For Shin-kun to grow up without his father was hard. What were they supposed to say when he asked 'why I don't have a papa?' Fortunately, he has never asked since Kanae told him that 'papa will come back soon.'

That was two years ago. Certainly she didn't lied at all. Now his father is back.

"This time I will be paying him back all his kindness." Giyu added.

And Shinobu saw it two. That Icy fire in his azure eyes. A determined look that will not accept anything but success.

She wanted to kiss him.


"Everything is ready!" Inosuke smiled while putting some meat into the grill.

Shinobu tried to find any sense on what was taking place in front of her. The ones who left first took the freedom to prepare the grill and seasoning the meat before Sabito's group arrived.

"Does anyone wants their meat with secret sauce?" Inosuke wore an apron with the image of a boar and a... unique hat with the same design of a wild pig. He's in charge of making the food for everyone.

"No!" Zenitsu cried while carrying a red icebox "We don't want any antifreeze on our food."

Tanjiro and Nezuko agreed while Genya held back his stomach, the simple memory of that food was enough to twist his insides.

Giyu chuckled. A deep voice formed his laughter, one that even Shinobu only have heard little to no times. The simple sound of it reminds her of the days they spent together in highschool.

The butterfly looked at him. For the first time she finally got to see his smile again, not one like the restaurant, but a genuine one. Something that came from his heart.

It could be a perfect time to bond with him, however...

"Tomioka-san, what is the meaning of this?" She asked.

"Well, you see, once he promised a secret ingredient for the food and we—"

"No, no." She stopped the explanation "I mean, you said that we will be gone by now. You kidnapped me, basically and no more than two hours ago we were chased by terrorists."

Giyu glanced at her. Goddamn. She look gorgeous even with that improvised hiking clothes, though she covered her hair with a cap. Those hiking pants were just too tight against her slim legs. Not gonna lie. He wanted to be squeezed between them. It will not be a bad way to die.

"They wanted to have some time like these once we came to a peaceful country." He shifted his weight and with a melancholic smile he followed: "It has been long since they can enjoy an afternoon without risking their lives."

Shinobu pressed her lips together. The man took note of this and with a sign, he asked her to follow.

The two of them left behind the group and their ruckus. Walking down a road until two gray colored suvs were at sigth. The vehicles they used as transportation after the chopper landed.

"You can deduce what we are, Kocho." Giyu spoke as he left the backpack on the trunk of the car. Not much needs to be explained, she's no idiot at all "They have seen things that are too much for young people. We've been in places where we had to fight for our lives every single day. We have committed sins with our hands, getting them dirty, full of blood and mud."

Shinobu felt her heart throb. Tomioka-san fell silent after his last words, his azure eyes lost a little light on them. The memories remaining from those days felt like a thousand pounds of iron on his back. Little by little he will be crushed. If this goes on, if he continues walking down that road, it will end with tragic results. Her heart won't be able to stand a second time losing him.

"Why?" Shinobu blurted reducing the distance between them, now she was only half step away from him "Why did you have to do that?"

Giyu looked at her. Time froze. Yes, they reunited not long ago and he has never mentioned his motives to join the army.

Why, indeed. However, that is a story for another time.

"It was my own decision. I had nothing back then."

Shinobu took Giyu's hand. Her warmth invaded the body. A feeling lingered inside of him. Like a million butterflies on his stomach. He found this hillarious. Maybe Kocho has become a witch and with a single graze of her skin she can cast a spell on him. Magic that made him feel in love.

"You had me..." She whispered. Giyu tried to keep his eyes away from her, although it prove to be impossible when the thin lips of the girl attracted his attention.

For the most of times Giyu tends to act rational. He learned to use his brain to see more than what the eyes can perceive. Unfortunately the gleaming eyes of Kocho Shinobu combined with a seductive yet almost imperceptible perfume of wisteria flowers made his senses to go wild. Not only causing disarray on him, but also a bewildered idea popped in his head.

He fought back that impulse. He fought and fought. However, the heart will always beat the brains.

'f*ck it!'

His lips locked on hers. At first Shinobu flinched back, apprehension of the actions from the man. Nevertheless, her body began to give into the impulse. She countered with her tongue, deepening the kiss, wrapping her arms around him. All his muscles were trained and she could only fantasize about what the raven haired man hides under the clothes.

'Gosh! What is Tomioka-san made of?' She thought. She tugged his shirt when he countered with his own tongue.

It ended as soon as it started. Abruptly and without warning. What felt like hours were not more than mere seconds. What Shinobu waited for five years was gone like dust in the wind.

Their eyes met. The heat crawled up her cheeks. Why did he kissed her?

Why indeed. Even Giyu puzzled himself with the same question. Was it a bad thing? Probably. Did he regrets it? Absolutely not.

His heart is racing and he cannot find any sense on what just happened. One part of him felt like in heaven while the other part was giving him a mental beating.


"I'm sorry" He interrupted.

And without any other word, he walked back at the others.

Shinobu sighed when the man was far enough. Really, she pressed her lips together and giggled. Five years passed away and yet his lips are as soft as she remembers.

For a moment all what has happened dissapeared from her mind.

With a jolly stride, she followed the man back. Maybe she have a small opportunity and she will do whatever to fix her errors.

Chapter 13: Captive

Chapter Text

When the car stopped the clock was at noon. An hour late from when the first contact was made. Too late for saving someone, too late to even take a glimpse of the helicopter that extracted Giyu and his team.

Sanemi Shinazugawa growled when the view of the Kocho laboratories came to him. A plum of smoke danced and dissipated into the clouds. Hundred of police agents went in and out. The Special teams have already wiped the remaining attackers.

"It's a disaster." He growled before he took his usual stride to the building.

No sh*t. One of the most prominent facilities in the capital city of Japan now stained with death and gore... who can predict such horrible situation?

As soon as he stepped into the installations the reek of blood invaded him. Holding back his stomach took all the effort he can put on it.

How many were killed? Better not to know, this tragedy will pass on into history as one of the most dreadful days in Japan's modern era. Tenths of families will never see their parents, brothers, wives and husbands return again.

"Chief!" A short man who's name Sanemi won't ever remember came rushing to him.

Who is this again? Murata? Mosuke? The silver haired man growled in annoyance. Such a hassle.

"What?" He barked at the young officer.

"Ekkk." He babbled something about the advance unit calling him to the rooftop.

Rooftop? He tried to find any sense to those words, why would those men dare to call him to such place? Are there any survivors over there? Did they catch some terrorists?

Shinazugawa hoped it was the later, maybe he can take some time alone while interrogating them and use some... methods not so fancy to be spoken of.

As he made his way to the stairs something caught his eyes. Even amongst the corpses, rubble and gore, he spotted it. On the handle of the emergency stairs door, a stain printed in the doorknob. A crimson, dry red color in the metal.

'Why would...'

"Oi" Sanemi shot a glare at Murata "Have everyone gone to the basem*nt?"

Murata almost pissed his pants when that pair of murderous eyes went over him. He felt like a gazelle under the gaze of a lion.

"N-no sir. The team have not reached the underground lab yet."

Sanemi stood there in silence. For a second the young officer could not read the expression on his face. Though a hint came when the silver haired man took a look around.

"Let's go to the basem*nt."

Since he first started working in the Police force, Sanemi had a brilliant nose when it comes to sniffing things that others can't see at all. To open a path where no one else have ever thought about it, that is his specialty. It all began with that stain of blood, there was no body in there nor a pool of blood around the door, if someone died traces of it would be left behind. And yet, there were none. Instead it was something else... an escapee perhaps?

As the two of them descended until the basem*nt, a door came into sight. It was open and dead bodies inside the room could be seen.

"More civilians..." Murata informed through his radio that there were more casualties at the laboratories on the lowest floor.

Sanemi ignored his coworker and made his way to the entrance. Four men laying on the ground, a strange Oni mask covering their faces and weapons on their hands.


"What in f*cking hell?" Shinazugawa crouched to inspect them; clean deaths. Precise bullets to theirs vitals, this was not the job of the attackers since they are nothing more than savages that will unload their guns without remorse "Maybe the security guard..."

He sweept the room with an insightful gaze, trying to connect pieces of a puzzle, a clue that led him here could be next step into finding the whereabouts of Kocho Shinobu. Since she hasn't been identified along the deceased. Maybe... she made it out.

But how?

The answer came from a bullet shell. When his fingers reached to it an odd current of electricity ran through his spine. That feeling he ways get when he gets close to an answer.

With a scrupulous investigation he ran a quick research of it. And then he reached a conclusion.

'5.56 NATO. This is not from weapons of terrorists...' He clicked his tounge.

"Ah! They are the same!" Murata exclaimed as soon as he entered the room "The got the same masks as the others!"

Sanemi shot another glare to him.

"What do you mean?"

"T-there are other bodies on the rooftop stairs, all wearing the same masks." Murata trembled as he informed the detective.

Sanemi growled. He is right, the hypothesis he constructed is taking more sense. A third party came and...

"They kidnapped Kocho Shinobu."


Shinobu yawned. Waking up early is automatic for her body. Since it has become a habit, is hard to get rid of it, even if she has no need to go to work anymore.


She's currently locked in God-knows-where. The woman has been brought here by Tomioka and Sabito after their BBQ with the rest of the Demon Slayer Unit.

Three days have passed since she was rescued by them. And all the time she has been recluse in a room. It's not that bad as it sounds, she's given clean clothes everyday, the room has it's own bath to take showers and the food is not bad; Giyu and Sabito take turns to bring the breakfast, lunch and dinner. They even gave her whatever she request as an entertainment. Except for a computer or a cellphone. That's it.

"It's just precaution." Sabito laughed it off when she asked.

Though she understood the situation at least her sister needs to know that she is safe. How to do it? No, when to do it. That is the question.

*knock knock*

The door opened after she gave permission. Tomioka Giyu strolled with a new change of clothes for the woman.

"Good Morning, Tomioka-san~" She greeted the raven haired man.

"Morning, Kocho." He sent a salute back.

Shinobu knew that even though he has changed, that unfazed personality of him will never go away. That part of him will never fade, Tomioka will remain as a stoic man for the rest of his days.

She knew it since those days will be at her side. With steam coming out of her ears, Shinobu chased away those thoughts. This is no time to he thinking about a future with Tomioka-san.

Her amethyst eyes ran from head to toe around the body of the young man. He's wearing a pair of black jeans, azure sneakers and a t-shirt of the same color. It's like he is ready to go out...

"Ara~ are you going anywhere?" She interrogates.

Giyu didn't said anything at all. He only observed the girl before passing the clean clothes to her. Slack gray pants, a lilac top and... matching underwear same color as the top.

Shinobu shot a glare at the man and found that a meager smile peeked from the lips of the man. He even held back his chuckles at the expression of the girl.

"You..." She took a deep breath, bit her lip and restrain herself from blurting her best insults against him.

"Anyway" Giyu rasped "Take a bath and go downstairs. Sabito will prepare breakfast for you."

"Eh? Can I go out of this room?" Shinobu tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes. That's what I said. Just hurry up, Sabito will be watching over you." Giyu made a pause and looked at her "I will go out and come back in the afternoon."

She wanted to ask where he was going. Though, something inside her warned that the answer she will receive will not be good at all.

"Okay then. I will be waiting for you, Tomioka-san." She reduced the distance between the two of them and smiled with such warm that even the sun would be cold in contrast "Please come back soon."

Giyu tried to cover his blush with his forearm. A futile attempt proved to be since Shinobu got a full sight of his red face.

She giggled and with a wink she walked to the bathroom, swinging her hips for the man to enjoy the spectacle.

Goyu Tomioka will fall for her again. Shinobu has ready swore to herself.


Breakfast wasn't something to talk about. Omurice, one of the specialities of the peach haired man. He even bragged about how the plate was famous on their tour days.

Shinobu only heard his rambling. Answering with nods. It was not that it did not interested her, though she was thinking. Now she can roam around the house as she likes, yet the doors are locked and there was no way for her to escape. The two men are not stupid enough to just let her out of her room without any precautions. That is what her instincts told her.

Sabito checked his phone and clicked his tounge.

"This can't be worst." He cursed under his breath "Shin has a fever and Kanae is losing it. With the incident, your dissapearance and all that. She's exhausted..."

Shinobu looked at him. This is partly his fault isn't it? However she can feel pity for the man, his work needs an iron will to take the correct decisions, even if that means to put a facade in front of the woman he loves.

"Why don't you go to see her?" The young butterfly suggested.

"I would love to..." He frowned "But Giyu told me to keep an eye on you."

Yeah, Giyu stric as always. That she has learned too, when it comes to orders, the water man is a demon. He got a temper from his army days. Shinobu found that... kinda sexy.

Maybe she wanted to see a different face from the stoic, cool-headed attitude of Giyu.

"I won't go anywhere." She said "I will be preoccupied if Shin-kun and my sister are sick, you know?"

"Sorry." Sabito answered.

"You can go. I assure you that I will be here all day. But..." She looked at him and her eyes locked for a minute "Please tell her that I'm safe."

Sabito look at his plate in silence. For some seconds silence reigns. It was like they wanted to hear the thoughts of the other. It's normal since they share one of the most beloved person in all the whole round world.

"I will."


The door to Giyu's room opened. Kocho Shinobu.

This was the last place to look —aside from Sabito's room—, where a phone could be found. She looked around everywhere. The kitchen and living room were no go automatically. They are no fools to leave something like that around, if that device were to fall into her hands...

What? Will she call the police? If she reach her sister, then it would involve a lot of people, after all, Shinazugawa Sanemi was close to her. He still hasn't given up on her.

She hasn't thought that far. Improvising will be the key.

For her surprise it was all tidy. Not a single strand of hair out of place. It wasn't that strange of him, since their highschool days Giyu was the type of man who likes order. He used to have some magazines and manga here and there, some cloth scattered and even one or two dirty glasses on his room. However, now it was all arranged in place, everything's in a specific place. It was almost disturbing to some degree. Even if you visit this room for the first you could get what you looking for by intuition.

She went straight to the desk. The drawers were most empty or had some pencils and papers on them. One by one she tried to find the so precious loot.

Shinobu found nothing but a small notebook. It was old and the pages began to turn yellowish. By no means she could forget it. A gift by her to him. She even knew what was written in the first page.

'When you feel alone, pour your mind into this notebook and I will read them. You're not alone, Tomioka-san. I will always be for you and with you.

Love you. Shinobu Kocho.'

Were those words lies? Her heart throbbed and ached. When she decided to give him this diary, it was for him to not feel alone anymore. Giyu lost everything, only she, Makomo and Sabito remained.

And what she did... it's unforgivable.

Holding back her tears, she flipped the page. It was then that her blood froze and her troath went. Even here's threatened with loss strength. The first line took her very own soul away

'May 29, 2016. Today I tried to kill myself.'

Chapter 14: Diary [Part 1]

Chapter Text

Life has been a bitch with me since I remember.

I lost my father and mother when I was a kid.

Though my sister was left in charge of me. My memories of her are as clear as water, every day she used to woke up early to prepare breakfast and get ready to school. My happiest memories are those where she dropped my at school and all my classmates praised her beauty. However, destiny can take away what you love. Fate is a kid who loves to see a face full of despair.

My sister died at the age of sixteen, she was killed by an idiotic truck driver who got drunk. That day I lost that light inside my heart. My soul rot and my emotions were locked deep inside me, a place where not even the sun reaches.

No relative took me in. I was left alone in this world. Only Sabito and Makomo were by my side. My two only friends.

Struggling and experiencing failure after failure, I learnt to live, to manage the money my parents left me. To work to sustain myself. Sometimes I felt envious of my classmates who can take it easy and go with the flow.

But, it all changed. That fateful day when I met, the most beautiful woman in the world. At first my reluctant self tried to get away from her. Like a self preservation instinct warning me of her poison.

Shinobu Kocho. The woman who put my world head on. Falling in love with her was inevitable, I cannot lie, unable cannot deny it... how can I?

She is the reason why my will to keep pushing forward came back. To keep living another day. Every morning when my alarm wake up, I remind myself that as all days her eyes will be in front of me. Her lips are mine to take and her warmth will be shared with my body.

Can I ask for something better?

Maybe that she didn't lied to me. It was all a plan, a stupid highschool idiocy. She went along with the bullies and tried to break my heart.

Well, she got her objective. I opened up to her. Accepted her, embraced her and even told her my deepest griefs.


I... tried to kill myself. Just like Iguro and Shinazugawa suggested. Trash like me, worthless scum who came to the earth to suffer and taste the pain.

To be honest I did not care about the humiliation, nor the hits or even the soda to my head. But, when Shinazugawa told me about the plan, refusing to belive him, my eyes wen to her face, pale and broken, my heart shattered. Deep inside she knew what she did on her own free will.

My memories are blurry. My legs ran and ran and ran, until exhaustion was such that my lungs were a single step away from gushing out. The marathon took me to a bridge. The name I do not remember. The height I do remember it like it was yesterday. Tall enough to kill myself.

My end was near. A pounding drum took the place of my heart. I can feel the temperature rising in my blood to the point of boiling. A wind hit me from the back, like God sending a signal to jump, a gentle push that will end with a single splat.

Shinobu deceived me. Her love was but a lie, she used my heart as a toy. Shinazugawa and Obanai were behind that lie all the time...

And everything was just one jump away from ending. A single stepnforward an all the misery, grief and penance will go away.

My body took the decision and time slowed as my suicide began.

Why didn't am I alive? Because someone stopped me.

"Young man stop!"

Before I could even move, someone dragged me back with such strength that my butt received all the impact of the fall backwards.

A man possessing unruly orange hair that flares out around his face, becoming redder near the ends above his ears, messily tied back behind his head. He has fair skin, bushy black eyebrows and bright, orange eyes that redden near the pupils.

I have seen the man before, it's like...

"Why were you doing?" He said while putting himself between me and the border of the bridge "Were you planning to jump?"

My mouth kept shut. I have no intention of even talking with someone right now. Trying to comfort myself, I hugged my knees.

The man sighed and sat besides me. For a second the two of us contemplating the view and the sounds of cars passing through. I wonder if some driver saw me trying to jump or if they just got their heads on the road and ignored the fact that some highschool kid tried to end his life.

"I have a son that is your age." The man talked "His name is Kyojuro."

I didn't heard what he blurted for some time. Maybe he rambled about why should I not finish my life. Why does he care?

As time passed, my stomach grumble.

"Hahaha, look at you." He was carrying a bag "Let me take a out... it's not much but take it."

He extended to me a bento box.

"Come on, don't give me that look. Can't an old man like myself share a meal with a youngster?"

I reluctantly took the food and after thanking him in a whisper, I digged in. The rice was mild flavored, while the fried chicken had a delicious sauce to accompany it. The vegetables were boiled and seasoned with peppers. It was all, delicious. A warmth feeling running through my body.

Soon I began to cry. Why are am I crying? Why? Why in front of a stranger?

"Yare Yare. It must been hard for you, right?" The man smiled at me "I can relate to you. People like us are attracted to each other, like... Stand Users haha, my kids love that Anime. We can pinpoint who is going through the same."

A silence fell upon us. Only the sun setting bathed with blood-red light the bridge.

"I lost my wife. My life crumbled after that day." The man said to me with his eyes lost in the sky "Can you imagine that? A young father left behind with two children, working in the military, being away from home for long periods. I began to forget how my sons looked like."

This man has gone through a lot too...

"Losing comrades during missions is not odd when you work for the military. Soon, I began to be left behind by a lot of people who cared for me." The man looked down "Even my life is expendable. That's when I began to fall intro depression. Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my heart... And my soul... The wife I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you?"

Tomioka felt insignificance when compared to what this man has gone through. And yet, he has the strength to smile and keep going forward.

"We are the only ones to decide what to do with our own lives." He looked at Giyu with a roaring flame on his eyes "We can end it if we want, but that won't solve any problem. It is an easy solution. The other option is to face the problem, become stronger, being able to overcome days of aspirations and nights of resignation."

I do not remember much after that talk with that man. Only that a flame was ignited inside of my heart. I... wanted to be stronger. To break my limits and stand on equal ground with that man.

That day I decided to join the JSDF.


Shinobu felt her heart pound inside her chest.

Did Tomioka Giyu tried to kill himself? Her legs trembled and tears threatening to come out of her eyes.

Why? Why has she done something so stupid? It was really worth it? Even after he plan was successful, she only found herself void. The feeling of accomplishment was replaced with repudiation and guilt.

She felt her stomach doing backflips inside her. It felt like her guts could come out any second now.

'My God!' A thousand of scenarios where Tomioka and her avoided all conflict and lived happy run through her mind.

And yet, the one and only truth is that she toyed with Tomioka until his Breaking Point. He was just one step away from dying.

And what was she doing at that time? Nothing. She let him go away and blamed herself, locking herself away from everyone. Why didn't she tried to reach him again?

'I wonder if that would have changed something.'

As she let herself to her despair, a photo slipped from inside the diary. With trembling hands she picked it up.

It was well conserved and the image was none other than Shinobu herself. She remembers that day. Their date at the aquarium. Even now, looking at herself woth that puny smile on her face, it felt so distant...

"Whatever is done is done..."

When she tried to return the photo to the diary. The text caught her eye.

Even though she knows that prying further into this book will only cause her grief those words were to big to ignore:

'Today, I killed a man for the first time.'

Chapter 15: Diary [Part 2]

Chapter Text

Middle East has been a warzone since... the sixties. When the USSR and the USA put the world in tension with the cold war and missile crisis. The two superpowers began to threaten each other with blowing up the entire world with nukes.

However, soon they realized that it was all an idiocy. What kind of benefit could they get from sending everything to hell? None, absolutely none. It will all be in vain and after all it's over, there will be no victory for either side.

Instead, their sights shifted to the growing industry of the twenty century. The petroleum.

Where to find it? Easy, the desert.

You name it. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. Wars against terrorism. Only excuses to get a hold on their resources.

Or at least that's what the rumors at the camp are. Even myself cannot distinguish what our reason are... though I have orders. Reasons does not matter when my superiors give me and my team command.

We were assigned to defend a village on the outskirts. Some kilometers away from the base. Why use a unit like us for this? This is our first tour. We have to get field experience to eventually carry over more dangerous and crucial missions.

Using us as guard dogs felt like the right work... or so I thought.

The village was atop of a hill. It had only one way up and one way down. A single bottleneck thay could prove a challenge to break down. And also it made this position a strategic point. It could be used to launch operations and easy to defend since the back was covered by an impossible impossible climb cliff.

Still, we have a problem. The villagers are living there. Even when a war rages around and everyday could mean death. I guess that they have accepted the cruel reality they live in.

"How does it look like?" Sabito asked while looking down from one of the houses atop. A single path with nothing but rocks for cover stood in my line of sight.

"Too easy." I sentenced "So much that it's scaring me."

"I agree. They could have sent anyone and the job still be done."

We mounted three defending points. The first one at the main 'street' in the two houses that made a choke, there was Inosuke and Genya with light machinguns. It will become a carnage if the enemies comes at them.

The second point were four roofs at the center square of the village. Muichiro, Zenitsu, Nezuko and Tanjiro were in charge of the place. If something went south, Genya and Inosuke were to fall back and join the defense.

And the last stand was at the higher point in there. A roof that has 'eagle view'. We can see everything from here. In the end, that would be our last line of defense and the headquarters. Sabito and myself decided to stay here, a snipers nest.

"What happened to the last unit?" Sabito asked.

"Wiped. Not entirely but enough to send us as reinforcements." And that was true. Another unit is posted here, six more people we can use as we like since their commanding officer was killed.

I don't plan to put them as cannon fodders. They will take turns turns Genya and Inosuke in the first post and the rest will be at the third defense line.

"Captain. We got movement." The radio announced.

A car approached from the base of the hill. Two people inside, driving at full throttle.

"Hostiles?" Inosuke asked.

"Don't know, but until we are a hundred percent sure that they aren't armed, they are hostiles." I didn't think it twice before jumping to action.

My faithful partner and favorite rifle is your turn. A ChevyTac M200 Intervention, only used for this kind of situations since it's hard to transport and handle. However, when it comes to distance and effective use, it's second to none.

I took prone and loaded the bullet into the chamber. The clicks were almost exuberant to me.

"Six hundred meters. Closing fast, I..." Sabito didn't lose a second either, as my spotter his duty is to guide my shoot, calculate distance and be aware of the danger around us. Be close or long range "I can see two men, the one at the passenger seat is carrying a large vest—"

The peach haired man held his breath for a second.

"f*cking hell, he's a f*cking suicide bomber!"

"Unf*ck yourself, lieutenant." I ordered, though our training was the hardest to prepare us for this kind of situation, the real sh*t is totally different "Give me measures and everything will be as good as ended."

Sabito looked at me with bitterness. He has not accustomed yet to be called by his rank at all and also to be ordered around by me.

"He must be coming at sixty or eighty kilometers per hour. At that distance... it will be a shot from seventy hundred meters... no wind." As a spotter his talent was unique. That big brain of him was perfect for calculations.

A lesson from my former Official came to me...


"In order to fire accurately you must be able to judge distance and wind direction."

Sergeant Cole looked at the thirty idiots. All of them in front of him. He has to admit that there are some that are not that useless. He even think that two or three of them can become S-class snipers.

"How far are those threes?" He asked while pointing to the edge of the shooting range.

"Five hundred yards." One answered.


"Six hundred yards!"

Again the Sergeant shook his head. Maybe none of this idiots even passed the f*cking math class.

"Three hundred." One of them judged from his point of view.

"Thee hundred. How did you figured out?"

"Uh... three football fields." The soldier replied, all the eyes on him.

The officer was satisfied with the answer.

"Three football fields. That's right." He even nodded at the answer "You take what you know and then multiply."

All the squad took note on this. It doesn't matter where you come from, you can use whatever you can to get an idea or approximate measure of the distance. This is crucial to their task.

"But please don't use your dicks. They are too short and I can't count that high, I don't wanna hear four hundred thousand inches." All the squad let out a laughter.

"Now, wind. You use what you have." The veteran instructor continue "Use a flag, use a plume of smoke, a little bit of dust, spit on your finger and hold that bitch up."

The effect of a wind on a bullet’s trajectory depends on the speed and the direction in which it blows. Every shooter is familiar with headwinds and tailwinds. A headwind is a wind that blows from the target toward the shooter. A tailwind is a wind that blows in the opposite direction, from the shooter toward the target. A wind can blow from any direction and it needs to be separated into components in order to compute its effect on a bullet trajectory.

"These are formulas you can use, but in the end you have to trust your gut." He sweept the platoon with severity on his eyes "Details gentlemen, details are the difference between you killing the target and the target killing you."


"Fire, fire, fire."


It took just a second to end it all. After Sabito made the calculations, he gave the green light and I unleashed the roar of my rifle.

From that distance we only saw the splattering of blood and the car going into a frenetic rampage. Killing the driver was the most effective way of stopping it.

"Good hit." Sabito confirmed through the spotter scope "They crashed at the side road. Let's confirm that no one comes out of that."

And with that... I took the life of another man. I killed another human being with my own hands. It must be weird, they say that you can experience a lot of emotions after the first kill.

However, the first thing I felt after it was the recoil of the gun and nothing else.

Are lives that worthless?


Shinobu felt as her breathing became heavier and heavier. Giyu took the life of another human. Just like that?

She was aware that soldiers are supposed to protect people. How was she going to accept the fact that Tomioka Giyu, the stoic, cool-headed and straight face man has taken the life of God-knows-how many people?

'Has Tomika turned into a murderer?'

It was enough for her. This book, this diary is nothing but troubles. Now the best is to find the cellphone and call for help. Yes, that is the best course of action.

She left the book where she found it and without any delay Shinobu tried to exit the room.

As soon as she turned around, something like a wall obstructed her way. She flinched back at the impact.


Her blood froze. Two ice cold eyes stared down at her. It wasn't the usual gaze he gives, a dark aura surrounding him and that feeling of being in danger invaded her. Shinobu could hear her own body screaming at her 'Run!' at the imminent danger.

"What are you doing here, Kocho?"

A grimly feeling made her shiver and her hands began to sweat. The face of Tomioka-san was something she has seen before.

It was the face of a man who can kill you at any moment.

Chapter 16: Kocho Manor

Chapter Text

The Kocho residence is the biggest house around the neighborhood. A manor you can call it and nobody would bat an eye. Since the taisho era the family has come from a long lineage. Their fortune came from the medicines and medical facilities, that has been the family business for generations.

The development of real estate was of course to be expected, since one of the most prominent households in town was settled there. It soon became a exclusive area for wealthy families. Houses and deluxe apartments have been built as years go and on.

It would normally be hard and expensive to get even one flat to rent. However, when it comes to working for the USA government, it will be a piece of cake. More if this comes from CIA and military.

Inosuke laughed at the same thought of the neighbors puzzled face when a young 'couple' moved to the building. The facade this time was that he and Nezuko —much to Zenitsu's rage— were a newly wed couple who bought a flat on the place.

It was nothing but a lie. Their work was to observe any movement on the Kocho estate. Their investigation lead it to them. Something was wrong with all the situation. Inosuke could sniff it, even though the Lieutenant and Captain were not convinced, his wild instincts were crying out loud that this girls were hiding something.

"Is that the Lieutenant?" Nezuko asked as she pointed at one of the screens.

The girl did not give a second thought on installing her techno-fortress. It was all cables and computers, Inosuke couldn't care less about it, however he knows the importance of the youngest Kamado when it comes to observation and intelligence.

Mounting a surveillance spot was a walk on the park for her.

Sabito walked inside the manor. He was indeed paying a visit to the Kocho family. It could be seen as a strange. However Inosuke was half aware of the situation with one of the Kocho sisters.

"Well, well. Let him be, there are times when a man needs to let out a big load."

Nezuko looked at him with a disgusted face, why is all the Unit filled with idiots? She sighed but ignored it.

"Since there is nothing to report, I'll take a nap~" Inosuke said before resting his humanity on the couch.





The last one made Inosuke jump out of his slumber, he tried to reach for something at his hip, a gun probably? Whatever it was, nothing was there.

He has been caught with the guard down, of the captain were there, be would yell his brains out at him.

He looked around before his eyes landed on a clock. It has been an hour since he went into slumber.

"Goddammit Nezuko!" He barked with veins popping out of his forehead "Why did you wake me up!?"

"Because of this." The pink eyed girl showed him her laptop.

For a second Inosuke tried to focus on what's in front of him. It was like his brain turned off after his short sleep and now it just restarted. When he got full attention on the situation he clicked his tounge.

Troubles. Big troubles.

"Call the captain."


Shinobu felt her body screaming at her.


However no response came from her muscles, only a deep trembling and cold sweat coming down from her face; for a second she wondered if this is the feeling of a gazelle in front of a lion.

Tomioka's gaze went from her to the desk. He knows exactly what is inside of every single place. His eyes returned to the girl, like a thousand daggers, his glare pierced all throughout her body.

"I will ask you again: What are you doing here, Kocho?"

A futile question. Shinobu knew that this man is already aware of her actions. It was just a facade or a desperate attempt for her to put her own head on the guillotine by her own free will.

"I..." her thoughts stopped as soon as she tried to come with an excuse.

And then what? Just having those heavy predator eyes upon her was more than enough to shatter her courage to a thousand shards.

"How much did you read?" He asked.

It may sound as a trivial expression, but Shinobu finally understood what the people meant when they say 'cat got your tounge?' Under the pressure of this man, she will be crushed if her words are not chosen correctly.

"N-nothing at all." She replied while taking a step away from the man.

"Bullsh*t." Giyu took a step forward and clinched his fists "I am not playing here, Kocho. What the f*ck did you read?"

Right through her lie. Maybe it was the fact that she is scared to death, one could detect a liar when it is at the verge of panic.

As the man approached her the ideas began to fade from her head. This man is not Tomioka-san, no, this is the captain Tomioka. A trained soldier who can kill without any hesitation. If she takes another bad step, it could mean the end for her.


Time ran out. No facade to put.


The vibration of the cellphone ended the trance of the man. He stopped and took a glance of the device.

After waiting some seconds, he picked up.


Shinobu felt her knees fail and fell to the floor. She could feel her soul returning to her body. Saved by the ring of a phone.

"What? Are you sure?" Giyu's tone became rash and his face a frown, he listened listened to the person at the other side side the phone for some time "Not good, call the others, we have to go in."

There was a reply. And Tomioka roared after that:

"I give a f*ck! Call the others, it's a f*cking order! I will take care of the consequences."

And he hung up.

The attention of the man shifted toward her after the call. A sever glare that pierced all through Shinobu's body, my God. The pressure, it was like she was completely naked to his eye.

"I won't leave you alone again and Sabito made the mistake of trusting you." Giyu squinted his eyes in rage "I won't make the same mistake, again."

For the second time in her short life, Kocho Shinobu felt her heart shattering to pieces.


"Here's your tea." Sabito smiled as he received the cup from Kanae.

After leaving Shinobu on her own, he made his way to the manor. The guards were no problem since Kanae has already made clear that Sabito could pass.

Now the two of them were sitting on the inner office. A fancy room were books are the main guests, nothing else is secured here. It felt kind of empty since a lone desk surrounded by a standard set of red couches were at the center of the room.

"Thanks." Sabito thanked "How are you doing?"


Kanae sit at his side and hugged his arm. Her voluptuous chest pressing against his chest and her face so close that the sweet aroma of flowers reached his nose. An entrancing sight for him to behold.

"I missed you~" She whispered with a blow to his ears "I was lonely."

Unexpected to him, Kanae took an aggressive stance against him. Not that it is not of his liking, all the other way around he must admit.


The tea became cold minutes ago. And yet the heat of the two of them was enough; Kanae sitting in his lap, facing him that made everything easier for them.

Her hands were like curious mice, running up and down his body. Enjoying themselves with the body of HER man, how much she once for this moment? Not gonna lie over here, there were cold lonely nights that she masturbat*d thinking about him, the only thought of those nights she spent with him were more than enough to light the fire of lust inside her.

Now, Kanae has the opportunity to satisfy her desire. And he came back even more handsome and hotter than the last time. Those muscles that were impossible to hide with clothes, not too bulky but ripped enough to cause her to have delusions about her being dominated by this stud of a man.

Her lips were more than anxious to help themselves. She feasted herself with the soft, seductive lips of Sabito. Every kiss was like a battle, her tounge against his, letting a moan from the single touch of those big hands of his.

"Sabito~" Kanae bit the ear with a playful tone "Please..."

What will come next to that? Make me yours? Please f*ck me? What?

Sabito mind was running at a hundred miles per hour.

"Will you..."

Yes? Yes? YES?

"Tell me where Shinobu is?"


Sabito felt his little friend losing all the excitement. From 100 to 0 in just one sentence.


Kanae smiled and pushed her body even closer to his. She knew that men can only think with brain, gut or dick just one at a time. If she can put this advantage — a great debuff for men—, then she will make use of her body to get all the information she wants from him.

"Come on Sabito-kun." Her eyes sent shivers with that sexy gaze "I know it already, just tell me where she is at and..."

Her hands went straight to his crotch.

"I will take you to heaven~"

Sabito cursed himself. f*ck it all, he was just to horny, classified information is a cheap price for the best sex he will get in his life.


One part of his brain was telling him to not do it, while his dick was screaming to DO IT RIGHT NOW.


"What?" Kanae jumped after the loud boom that came from outside.

Sabito came back to his senses. That sound can be from one thing in the whole world.

"Kanae, go with Shin-kun and hide of there is a safe place."

Trouble is coming.

Chapter 17: Am I late?

Chapter Text

Kanae did not hesitated when that warning came out of Sabito's mouth. When something is related to Shin there will be no doubt on her actions. She will put her own life in risk if it is for him.

Sabito and her took separate ways. The man said that he will think of something to get out.

It was only a matter of second for her to realize what was happening: someone came to kill or abduct her and Shin.


Even if her brain didn't yelled those orders, her body moved on its own, the dormant mother instinct were awaken by the danger of the situation.

As soon as she reached Shin's room, she opened the door and put a lock on it. The boy looked at her with an interrogation sign planted on his face.

"Mom?" The little kid asked with a small tremble.

It was the pale face of her mother that scared him. For such a long time there was not a single occasion where the always calm, smiling and loving face of Kanae Kocho shown a expression like this time: Her eyes wide open, cold sweat running down her face and uneven breathing. For a kid it was the same view imagined from waking up after a nightmare.

Kanae tried to regain composure, but, when you're in danger of being kidnapped or worse, there was no time for her to lose. She must take Shin away from this place.

For a moment she analyzed the room. Child proof, of course. The windows are secured and opening them will take some time, there is only one door to enter and exit. That means that the only way to escape is...

"Let's go Shin!" Kanae picked the kid up, escaping is the top priority, not time to pick clothes or toy. That can be replaced, life cannot.

The child could only tremble when her mother rushed to him.


Kanae held her breath. Heavy steps coming to where they are. She knows... every cell inside her is sending a warning, a signal to run away.

*Thump* *Thump*

With her eyes, she looked around. The window, too high to escape. The door... only if she wants to get caught.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Time's over.

When the door was forced opened, four masked men stepped in. Kanae was unaware of the fact that the red Oni masks were the same that attacked the Kocho laboratories.

"This is the room of the kid. Or at least what those bodyguards told us."

Four bastards were more than enough to search the upper floor. The other six will be downstairs. And one roaming around the house on search of any unexpected visitors.

Kanae felt her body temperature going down at any passing second. Not even the small body of her son cuddled against her is enough to calm the fear.

"Come out, come out wherever you are."

The loud boots where making their way to the only place where someone can hide.

The closet.

"And here they are!" The masked man opened the door, pointing his gun to make sure that no funny business is tried, one move and a bullet will made the work.



There was no bitch in there. Not even the brat that is supposed to be in the room. However they already knew that. They could feel the gaze of the woman. She was close and the stench of fear was there too.

Tracking a prey like here is nothing for veterans of the underworld. How many people have they kidnapped before? Too many to count, enough to be reached by such dangerous man who offered this juicy job.

The masked men exchanged glares and smiles; sad*stic grins of mad Men.

There was only one other hiding spot in the room.

"Bring that bitch here."

Kanae felt her heart stopping at that exact second. The men began to made her way to the bed. What came next was Kanae being dragged out of her hiding spot, screaming and fighting to free herself from the grasp of the men.

Shin tried to scream but the fear froze his small child body, what can he do against this evil men?

"Well, well. She's gorgeous." One of the mocked while running his hands all over her body "It will be a waste if none of us enjoys her!"

They all laughed at the struggle of the woman.

"Who wants the first turn?"

Kanae knew that this was worse than be killed. She will be raped and beaten by this men.

"I want it!"

Next thing she saw was the throat of a man being sliced and blood splurging from the wound.


"We are here." Shinobu said when the car stopped in front of the estate.

Giyu scanned the surroundings, all cleared.

"Stay here." He ordered, before getting out of the car he looked at her "Keep the car ready."

Their gaze tangled with each other for a second, a sea and a butterfly meeting again.

Shinobu smiled.

"Be careful."

Tomioka didn't said anything but nodded.

As he made his way to the estate, two people were waiting outside. Inosuke and Nezuko concealed themselves at the shadows of a tree.

"What took you so long!?" Nezuko cried when she spotted the raven haired man "It has been ten minutes since those men went in."

"We haven't heard gunshots, yet." Inosuke continued while giving a sweep with his eyes to the manor "If the Lieutenant is there, they haven't found him."

"Or that he is doing what he does best." Giyu added.

Nezuko and Inosike exchanged looks. For a second they just forgot who was the man inside the building.

"When it comes to undercover, night and stealth missions. Sabito is unrivaled."


"Are you ok?"

Kanae hugged Shinsuke against her. The scene in front them was not easy to swallow. The child's room turned to a gore room in mere seconds.

Sabito took the initiative and killed four men with his own hands. Now the floor is crimson and lifeless bodies remained there.

"We have to move, is there any way to go out besides the front door?"

The woman could not respond at all. Not after witnessing that: the man she loved killed effortlessly and without mercy another human being and not once but four times in a row.

"Kanae!" The shout made her flinch "Is there any other way out?"

"I-it is, we can go through the backyard." She replied "There's an old path... from the edo age."

"Good." The man took one of the weapons and after a quick inspection he took a deep breath "I will guide you there. Stay behind me and you must do as I say."

Kanae nodded and walked behind the man as he said. Her heart was beating fast, with with strength that it could tear a hole on her chest an run away.

They left the room and made their way towards the exit. It wasn't an easy trail, since other may be downstairs. Sabito walked slow and soundless, for the woman it was like he had some kind of soundproof shoes. What surprised her the most is the dexterity with guns he displays. It is not the kind of expertise an amateur can achieve.

This man is an expert. A trained one.

"What are the others doing?" The voice made them stop "Are they f*cking that bitch or what?"

Two of them were waiting at the living room. Sabito made the signal to stop and be silent.

Not even Shin made a sound. He knew that the situation is dire, now he has to follow her mother who at the same time is following Sabito.

The peach haired man put the gun in the ground and equipped his knife. With a peek the position of the foes was determined, now he needs two things: a distraction and improvisation.

If this were the field maybe a rock can be useful to create a distraction. However there is not such thing inside a manor, yet there was a way to create sound.

The metallic sound of a coin took the attention of the masked men.

"What?" One of them said while readying his gun "Go check."

And his henchmen did as told, just as Sabito expected. Now, the second part of his plan. Like a tiger, he jumped from the shadows and with swift moves, engraved to him like breathing, he cut the throat of the first man and took the knife he was carrying.

"Huh?" The other man did not had any time to react, a knife flew straight to him and the next thing he knew... a stream of blood came out of his neck.

"That's seven." Sabito counted even the man he killed before saving Kanae. He didn't got a knife out of nowhere.

That poor bastard has a broken neck upstairs.

"Let's go to the kitchen next. There's a door to the backyard there, right?"


The elder sister of the Kocho felt distant to this man. He is not the Sabito she knew. What kind of life he had before coming back?

They proceeded to the next room. Still doing no sound like a cat walking on the roofs at night.

There were three men left.

Sabito stopped abruptly and pointed his gun to the entrance of the 'tea room' Kanae and her sisters used to eat snacks during summer Sundays afternoons.

She heard even the breathing of the man. Silent and calm, almost imperceptible.

"These rich f*cks really knows how to live, right?"

From the door a man emerged. When he looked to his left, that was the first and last time he saw a gun barrel pointing at him.


A single shot straight to his forehead ended his life. To his partner it didn't go so different, the Lieutenant did not lose a second and shot three times againt the other one.

"That's nine..." He whispered before resuming his march to the kitchen "Let's go."

When the door to the backyard was at sight, Kanae could not help but to sigh out of relief. Today is not her day to go and meet God.

"Go to the—"


Sabito could not finish the sentence. He was sent flying againt the refrigerator. His gun and knife were tossed aside.

The butterfly took some steps back as the last of the attackers enters the same room as hers. She was towered by the figure of such man. At least the masked man is two meters tall and his build is like a professional wrestler.

"RUN!" Sabito roared as he rushed against the last bastard.

His punches proved ineffective against the golem of man. Hooks, straights and jabs. No matter what he sent, it's like tickles.

Sabito received a frontal kick that sent him to the ground again. It had such strenght that it was enough to made his grasp for air.

"Gah!" It didn't end there, the gigant grabbed him and slammed his body againt the kitchen's table.

It is more than obvious to say that it exploded into a rain of splinters.

"Sabito!" Kanae yelled out of concern.

His whole damn body trembled when he got up. Why hasn't she run to the backyard? This woman...

The masked man sent a fist against the soldier. This won't be that easy, if he dies, then he will at least put a f*cking fight.

Evading the attacks Sabito connected another combo of attacks againt the giant. This time he flinched back when an uppercut lifted his chin. Sabito grabbed a chair and used his resourceful mind as a weapon. The chair broke when it hit the man's back.

"f*ck you!" Sabito roared again before unleashing a barrage of fists against the man, Over and over again.

However, this proved to be ineffective as the masked foe grabbed Sabito's arms and with a headbutt he sent him to the ground again.

"AHHHH!" The bastard screamed as he began to kick Sabito with all his weight on every attack.

One after another, the kicks were leaving the Lieutenant without breath, it's like a battering ram hitting you over and over and over again.


A gun shot stopped all the action. The attacker took a hit to the shoulder and blood gushed. He was not death but injured.

A trembling Kanae held the gun in her hands. It was only one shot that she fired, but the detonation and recoil was enough to confuse her. How can people use this so easily?

"You bitch!" The giant left a breathless Sabito on the ground and with big stomps he tried to reach Kanae. She pointed again and pulled the trigger.

*Click* *Click* *Click*

Empty, jammed, or whatever the f*ck it has. The gun did not fired.

"R-run." Sabito called her while trying to get up.

The butterfly closed her eyes as the man closed the distance. Maybe this will be the day she will meet with God after all.


Another gun shot. This time the masked man fell to the floor, his humongous humanity fell to the ground with a loud thump.

When the woman opened her eyes, she found the body of the attacker and a new person standing at the door. Even though she will not admit it, seeing him is a relief.

It was thanks to him that she, Shin and Sabito can make it out of this situation.

"Am I late?" Tomioa Giyu asked as he approached Sabito, who looked like a hammered sh*t-bag.

"Only a little..." Sabito answered.

"Catch your breath and then let's get going." He said "We are taking you three out of here."

"We?" This time was Kanae who asked the questions.

Tomioka glared at her. Not now nor never the two of them will share a good relationship. And when she knows that they kidnapped (saved) Shinobu, there will come more resentment from her againt Tomioka.

Though, this is not the time to be concerned of such trivial matters. He answered:

"The Demon Slayer Unit."

Chapter 18: Hideout

Chapter Text

"Where are we going?"

"Why are you here?"

"Will Sabito be alright?"

Tomioka Giyu frowned at the rain of question that Kanae Kocho sent nonstop at him. For a second the captain could relate on how Shinobu and she resembles. Even if it comes to the annoying part.

"Ara~, won't any of you answer my questions?" Kanae sent a last one, this time she earned a glare from the blue eyed man.

"This is not the place nor the time to answer. Shall I remind you that moments ago you were about to be kidnapped?"

Kanae gulped, when Giyu looked at her like that, it felt like she's a rabbit in front of a wolf.

"Giyu, don't be so harsh with her." Sabito commented while Inosuke gave him a hand to walk.

The blue eyed man sighed.

"You're annoying, just like her." He commented.

Kanae didn't have to hear it twice to know who He was referring to.

"Inosuke, take another car and go to the safehouse, Tanjiro and the others will be waiting there." Giyu ordered.

The boar chuckled and nodded, it was time for action again. Before he took a run to the vehicle he looked at the captain and asked:

"Where is the safehouse?"

Tomioka Giyu facepalmed. He forgot that the boar is an idiot. The biggest idiot in the world.

Sigh. There will be no use in getting mad with him at all.

"Nezuko, take another car and go with Inosuke to the safehouse, Tanjiro and the other will be waiting there. However, first of all delete all information and retrieve the equipment on your lair."

"Yes sir!" Nezuko took Inosuke's hand an ran to the building, leaving Sabito reating on the captain's shoulders.


Giyu opened the door of the vehicle and his friend tried his best to accommodate himself inside. The beating he took was like being trashed around by a bull.

"You go with him, I'll take the shotgun seat." The water pillar said to the eldest Kocho sister.

"Aren't you driving?"

"No. Someone else is doing that part."

Kanae looked at him with puzzled expression. When the door opened, the first person who came to her view was the amethyst eyes of the gorgeous petite girl who waited at the car.



"Two times." The hit came from the other hand of the man, it was enough to push Douma back "Two times you have failed to capture those troublesome sisters."

The Senator can be scary when his rage is triggered. That hidden face of his is the same of a Demon of old tales. A minster of nightmares.

Muzan Kibutsuji glared at his most trusted subordinate. This has been a pain in the a from the beginning. However, the results were going his way at least until the recent days; the drug was developed successfully and the next steps will be perfectly executed. And yet, those butterflies are escaping from their fate, leaving no loose ends is crucial.

"I cannot be linked to all of this, do you understand?" The Senator took a deep breath, after this he has to meet a group of investors who wants to be part of his election campaign "Resolve it, take all the resources you need."

Douma nodded and after he said his goodbyes he took his leave. Walking out of that office always left a chilling all throughout his body, however for the first time, he felt a thrilling sensation after a visit to Kibutsuji.

Dialing a number, he smiled when the man at the other side picked up.

"Hello, Akaza-dono?" The response that came from the other side was harsh as Douma expected "I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright! Guess what? Muzan-sama has work for us. Tell the others to get ready and come see me."

He hung up before his teammate could even reply. Not in the mood to even take complaints about the job, he strode to the elevator. If the Senator is even open to use all means, then he will do whatever he can to clean all this mess.

The Upper Moons will soon be reunited.


"Where are we going?" Asked Kanae. It has been ten minutes since they have abandoned Tokyo. The buildings and city was replaced by the highway.

Giyu didn't answered at all. The oldest of the butterflies thought that he has become paranoid, since he has been looking at the mirrors without rest. He is just cautious.

She sighed, at least Sabito and Shin are birds of a feather. As soon as the danger around dissipated, both of them fell asleep. Kanae could understand why the man who was beaten decided to rest but her child...

As she observed her small, cute and sweet boy sleeping something clicked inside her.

"The girls!"

"That has been take care of." Giyu interrupted "They are safe."

Even Shinobu —who silently drove and followed the instructions Tomioka gave to her— showed a surprised expression.

"My men extracted them from school. Now they must be with them." Giyu explained.

"So... you knew about this all along?"

"Suspected." He corrected "We've been observing and hearing what other do not. Even though I prepared against a contingency like this, they were faster."

"And who tried to kidnap us?" Shinobu asked, she gave quick peeks to the man besides her.

Giyu didn't answered. If it was so simple then no need to go through all this troubles of rescuing civilians. When it comes to urban warfare, gathering intelligence on the target is crucial, during his first operations, they even got names and photographs of their next target. However, when they got assigned with this, nothing but a simple theory was handed to them, it was like they were walking on a dark trail; Giyu and his team were selected based on their effectiveness to carry on the mission.

It was fate or bad luck what brought together the ex lovers again.

"Just keep driving." He finally said.

Kanae Kocho felt a dangerous feeling inside her. Her survival instincts triggered again and uneasiness took over her.

"No..." Sabito whispered on his sleep and frowned while mumbling some curses.

It looks like a bad dream. What kind of nightmare can he be experiencing? It would be no surprise if he was reviving the image of killing other people, just like back at her manor.

How many has he killed so far?

"Take this, he will love if you aid him." Giyu handed her a first aid kit.

"Huh?" Kanae looked at him.

"Sabito likes to be pampered by you, he talked all f*cking day long about that." Giyu tried to imitate the voice of his friend: "I want Kanae to tend my wounds, rest my head in her lap and asphyxiate me with her big ti—"

Shinobu pinched the cheek of the man before he could finish that answer.

"Ara~ Sabito-kun is such a pervert isn't he?" The oldest of the butterflies smiled softly and caressed the peach colored hair of the man "He never forgot about me, right?"

"He didn't." Tomioka denoted "Coming back to you was his reason to survive everyday, he found the strength he needed to continue on that desire."

"I see..." trying to hide a true smile is impossible, Kanae felt her heart flutter inside her. The single thought of him thinking about her was enough to make her happy.

Giyu glimpsed at the girl through the mirror. For a second he imagined a scenario where Shinobu didn't toyed with his heart. Then this would not be an escape but the trip to a vacation day after a work day. Shinobu and him would be living together by now and his friend will be sharing the same fate with his family.

However, it happened as it happened.

Now he is who he is. He has done the unthinkable and traveled to remote places. There is no way that a normal life like that will suit someone like him.

"Is something wrong, Tomioka-san?" Shinobu asked.

"It's nothing." He answered.

'Nothing at all.'


The hideout is better than last time. At least it's not a rundown old shack. Even though it is deep in the mountain —they had to walk for about thirty minutes to arrive—, the cottage is modern and the feeling of security lingered around.

It had security cameras and the team installed sensors. If someone tried to come up from another way other than the main trail, they will know it immediately.

"Is this the place?" Kanae asked, a drowsy Shin walked behing her grabbing the hand of Shinobu who looked at the building with the same awe as her elder sister.

"Yes. You can go ahead." Giyu responded "I will check the surroundings."

"As diligent as ever." Sabito spoofed with sleepy eyes "You should take it easy."

Though the captain didn't mind the words and began to walk away. Shinobu tried to say something but talking with This Tomioka Giyu is nearly impossible for her.

"Let's go inside, I need to lay down and take a bath." The man rasped as he tried walked towards the door


A blonde young man was sitting at the porch. He had a book on his hands and a rifle at his side. Kanae and Shinobu exchanged gazes. It was like Sabito didn't even mind the fact that a gun is just there, chilling with the young man.

"We are here, you have the first turn?"

"Yes!" Zenitsu cried "I am posted here while the others are inside with cute girls! Can you believe that Lieutenant?"

"Yeah, yeah. You're suffering so much, we get it." Sabito rolled his eyes "Anyway, keep an eye out here the captain is reckoning."

"As paranoid as ever."

The peach haired man gave his comrade an apologetic look and headed inside with the newcomers.

"You should go and see the others, I will go upstairs and take a bath." He looked at the two of them "Get comfortable, we don't know how many days we will be here."

Those words were nothing but true. This will be the beginning of their days together at the Hideout.

Chapter 19: Bonding

Chapter Text

"Good Morning Onee-san!" Shinobu beamed a smile at Kanae Kocho.

"Ara~, you are up early, Shinobu." Her sister gave her a soft smile while preparing breakfast "Take a seat."

The scent coming from the pan was almost mesmerizing, Kanae has a good hand when it comes to cooking and more if it is Shin-kun who asked for a meal. Ah! This could be the perfect familiar atmosphere, a cottage in the mountains, the girls and a break from the crazy days on the city.


"Give me back my food, you pig!" Zenitsu rumbled as Inosuke munched the breakfast of his comrade.

"You're slow, Monitsu."

As the two of them fought for the food, Nezuko and Genya worked at the other side of the table. The young woman is in charge of monitoring the surrounding and extracting information for the web about any movement on them. Genya is at her side, taking notes and receiving instruction from the beautiful petite woman.

At the living room, Shin and Muichiro watched the weekend cartoons together with a bowl of cereal on their hands. Like two brothers.

On another room, Tanjiro and all the girls are playing cards. Kanao and Aoi became interested since they saw all of them playing.

"It's good for us to keep our mind active." Giyu said to all the 'guests.'

This is just as it has been their two days together. A big dysfunctional family.

"Good Morning to everyone!" Sabito opened the door, sweat running down his steaming face "Weather's great for exercise."

Kanae felt her face going red and all her body felt hot for some reason. Was it the scene in front of her nose?

"Oh? You prepared breakfast?" Sabito smiled when he looked at the extremely good looking food on the pan "If it tastes as it looks, it will be delicious."

Kanae felt a stupid smirk form on her lips. She felt like a highschooler again, spending time with him has been a blessing, even Shin began to create a bond with his father. Though she is not the only one who is happy with these men. Shinobu is silently enjoying her afternoons with Tomioka Giyu. The raven haired man tried to distance himself from her, however little by little he began to spend more time with her.

"Did you make for everyone?" He asked.

"Y-yes, the ones who wanted..." She received a peck on the lips.

"So considerate. That's something I love about you." Sabito whispered to her ear, sending a shock to every corner of her body.

"N-not here, Sabito-kun."

Shinobu rolled her eyes and took a plate of food. Such mellow atmosphere will make her sick, watching her sister get all lovely dovey with Sabito feels alien to her.

Leaving behind the couple and all the people at the ground floor, she took the stairs to the first floor and even further. This cottage has an upper floor, a terrace where you can observe all the hills surrounding the place, it also can be used as a star gazing spot at nights. Nevertheless, they are giving this terrace a different use: a sniper's nest.

"Good Morning, Tomioka-san." She greeted.

The man shifted his attention towards her. Those seductive blue eyes, deep like the ocean. You can see his very own soul through them. It is said that they are a window to our souls.

"Kocho." He greeted back with the same stoic and unnerve as ever.

"I brought breakfast, Kanae made it for everyone." Shinobu took a seat beside the man. From the terrace they could see all the surroundings, from the hills to the road and the distant cars that circulated from one way to another. It really felt like a distant place from the city. Even the air is different here.

"Thanks." He took the plate and in a blink half of the food was gone, Shinobu didn't mind at all, this two days she has been trying to close the distance between the two of them, to mend that severed bond.

However, it was a hard nut to crack. After she read the diary, all the efforts and development she has done before crumbled down or it was more accurate to say that Giyu build another wall around his heart. Again and again Shinobu always keep f*cking everything over and over.

If only she hadn't been such an idiot back at highschool...


Giyu took a peek at the woman. Her eyes were down and an upside-down smile rested on her face.

Maybe she wanted some breakfast too...

"Is something wrong, Kocho?" Giyu asked.

"Eh?" Shinobu looked at him with confused eyes.

"Your face, you look sad." The man took a closer look at her, their eyes were so close to each other that it was easy to reflect on them "I may have been far for a long time, however, I know you. What's happening?"

"I..." her lips trembled as the gaze of the man weights more and more at every second "I am sorry, Giyu."

Tomioka backed down a little after hearing his name coming from Shinobu. Those words never leave her mouth, she always call him by anything but his name.

"Excuse me?" He replied with a twister of feelings inside him.

Shinobu looked at him. If you ever want to break a man like Giyu who has been through intensive training for both, physical and psychological strengthening. You just have to make Shinobu Kocho cry. Those dammed eyes of her were like jeweles under the moon. Her skin, white like milk and radiant like the sun. Having a beauty like her, showing such defenseless face...

"I ruined everything. Five years ago, you went away because of me and now that you are back... I ruined everything again." Shinobu hid her face between her knees "I'm such an idiot."

The man looked at her. Why was she saying all this? Why now of all times?

*sob* *sob*

His eyes opened wide when the sounds of her crying reached him. Inside his chest a pounding began to grow louder and stronger, each time it felt more painful as she fell more and more into cries.

He always wanted this, right? The woman who broke him until the point of no return, he even tried to throw himself to death. Then why? Why does it hurts so much when he see her crying?

"Kocho." He called but she didn't looked at him.

"Kocho..." He called again, this time getting closer to her. Now their bodies were only a push away.

And yet, she didn't look at him. It's understandable, Giyu felt a smile forming on his face. This girl...

"During my deployment days, there were to times when I got really scared." Tomioka spoke while looking at the hills "Do you know what happened, Kocho?"

Hearing his voice made her calm. It was soothing and hypnotic.

"No..." She replied with weak voice.

"When I was about to be killed." He backtracked "Two times when I realized that my life could end in a blink. During those situations my mind only showed one thing: You."

Shinobu flinched and looked at Giyu with uncertainty and doubt. He could've said that he thought of his sister or parents. However she heard something unexpected.


"When I thought that my life was coming to an end, images of a beautiful purple butterfly invaded my mind." The ravenette continued "Even I could hear you calling my name. That gave me the courage I needed to continue."

Giyu caressed the soft cheeks of the girl. Stains of tears on her cheeks and gleaming amethyst eyes —so gorgeous—, Shinobu looked at him. That stern face of him replaced by a gentle smile, that is just straight unfair. She felt as his rough fingers cleaned the remains of her eyes droplets.

"I thought that my heart hated you. During my days of resignation and nights of aspiration, the only thing that kept me going was the thought of coming back to Japan and see you again." Shinobu could not avert her eyes form him. Those sapphires she loves so much are staring straight to her soul, how much she want to kiss him, to forget everything with kisses, to mend the scar of her heart enjoying a hard and wild sex with Tomioka Giyu "I changed, become strong, become a trustworthy man. And yet, I cannot hate you, Shinobu Kocho. Why?"

But the amethyst eyed girl could not find an answer inside her heart. Why indeed, there are so much questions inside her. Maybe it was time for her to be honest with him too.

"When you left... I did not have any courage to look for you during the first days." She began: "Tho, I waited for you everyday at the start of classes and during breaks I walked to your classroom, even though I knew that you will not be there... I waited and waited for you."

Giyu listened without even saying a word. Looking at her and playing with her cheek, his finger doing scribbled in the soft like silk of the young woman.

"And when I mustered all my courage to go to your house... you dissapeared." Shinobu felt her eyes tearing up again, even the faint memory of that day is enough to break her heart "Makomo refused to said anything about you or Sabito. You left before I could apologize."

Tomioka wiped again the slow rolling tears of the girl; her face is more beautiful when it's smiling.

"I am sorry, Giyu." She said again "What I did has no forgiveness. I know it too well..."

Tomioka felt all words leaving his mind and mouth. Can he forgive her? He doesn't hate Shinobu, absolutely not. However this and that are something really different.

Yes, he still feels the pain. But on nights of solitude it was her memories that kept him from having nightmares. He really wanted to forget her, however if he does he will forget even himself.

He knew even then that his own world was shattered. Only when Shinobu is in his head and not in his arms.

"Kocho." He spoke after some seconds of silence.

Shinobu stared back at him. Her eyes full of hope and despair. His next word could define the future for her.

"I... don't really want to take the step and hate you. Even now, I have feelings for you." Giyu trailed off "However, I don't know if I can't love you again. My brain is telling me to stop and go away, but my heart is telling me to keep going."

What came next was hard to process during the man.

Shinobu didn't thought twice before kissing him as soon as she heard those words. The sweet aroma of the girl invaded Tomioka as she hugged him more and more. Even now her tears began to roll down her cheeks.

And after their bodies screamed for oxygen, they separated with agitated breathing.

"Thank God, thank God." She repeated over and over "I will heal that wound, I promise, but please don't hate me, please don't."

Giyu blinked twice after Shinobu said these words. How can he do that when she acts like this? It's unfair.

And yet, it made him happy.

"Yes, help me to love you again, Kocho."

This is just the beginning of mending the severed bond.

Chapter 20: Good Night

Chapter Text

Nights are calm on the cottage.

Sumi, Kiyo and Naho are upstairs sleeping. The same applies to Shin-kun. Since they spend a lot of their time playing it was obvious that their energy is drained when the sun comes down.

The rest of the people at the cottage spent the night trying to kill the leisure. Being hidden and far from the city can be good for the mental health, however there is nothing to do at all.

Sabito sighed as he closed the book. TV was currently snatched by Kanao and Aoi, by the eldest Kocho advice, none shall disturb them when this happens. The peach haired man did not wanted to test if the warning was on point or not.

"Here, have some hot chocolate." Shinobu offered a cup to him. It was steaming and the scent was seductive.


As he took a sip of the beverage, the young Kocho slipped his way toward the sofa and with bubbly happiness, she let herself rest beside Giyu. Like a sticky candy, Shinobu got too close to his friend. For a second Sabito wondered how much time it will take for him to push her over, yet it didn't happened at all.

Instead, his friend —and Captain— only sighed and patted her head. This could be seen as a normal interaction to the eyes of any other than him; just a lovely dovey couple. Except for Sabito, he who knew everything. He who had to collect the sjattered pieces of his friend and try to put them together again.

"Did I missed something?" He asked.

Giyu looked at him and tilted his head.

"What do you mean?" The ravenette replied.

"About that." Sabito pointed to the girl who cuddled against Tomioka, like a little kitten who tried to get some affection from her master.

On the other hand, Giyu didn't replied at all he only looked at him with that blank state of his. Maybe it was his first time trying to find a excuse for the situation.

Sabito sighed.

"Just forget about it, however you should think of something to say to Kanae." Taking another sip of the chocolate and this time the strong and pleasant flavor got engraved on his tounge, such a bliss "She won't be happy at all. Not after she saw what kind of men we have become."

"She accepted you." Giyu scorned.

"It's not the same sh*t..."

Or was it? He averted the gaze from his friend and go back to his book. That will make a good excuse when the eldest of the Kocho comes down after her shower.

The hell will be unleashed and he will just feign ignorance about those two. That is the best strategy if he wants to see another day. That or another kind of escape plan.

'You're clever, Sabito.' He praised himself.

"The change of guards will be soon." Sabito reminded "I will take the front door and Nezuko the nest. Better to get ready."

Sabito hurried the rest of his drink. Nevertheless it was too late. Kanae Kocho entered the room and her field of view was filled with the scene of her sister and the despicable Tokioka Giyu acting all cuddly.

"Ara~ did I missed something?" She asked with a dark aura surrounding her.

Her eyes went to Sabito who tried to feign ignorance. Only that Kanae is not that of an idiot to buy it. Now he is included on whatever may come next.



Sanemi Shinazugawa cursed again as the butterfly estate came to view. The Kocho manor is well-known building at Tokyo. When he heard the reports about a mansion broke in, he had his stomach doing backflips inside.

His fears became true. And for his happiness —not so happy—, there was no one found inside the house, only a bunch of bodies with the same red mask as the ones on the Kocho laboratories. Such coincidence?

He stomped his way through the entrance, several teams are already working. The bodies of the security guard were already covered and ready to be transported. sh*t, he even was acquainted with some of them. Now they are gone.

"Sir!" Again the young officer came to his view. Still trembling at the presence of the detective.

What was his name again? Murata?

"What?" He growled.

"W-we found the tapes of security cameras."

At least, they have good news for him.

"Good, let's go." Sanemi ordered with a snarl.

They made their way through the manor. Even though it remained most of it unstained, at least ten death bodies were scattered inside. Every single one of them wearing those masks. As Sanemi ran quick inspections of the bodies, most of them were killed with a knife or with by hand. Only one —a two meter tall giant—, was shot in the head and arm.

"What happened here?" Murata asked looking around. The kitchen was a mess like a tornado just passed by.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sanemi inspected the humongous corpse "A fight."

'Tch. Killed by a headshot, and a good one.' The silver haired man frowned.

"Let's go."

They left behind the crime scene and made their way to the recording central, a place where all the recordings are secured. It has multiple screens that showed the feed of the cameras around the house. From the main entrance to the garden. It was all covered.

"And yet someone broke in." Shinazugawa whispered as he began to review the cameras.

The days has been boring most of it. A slow morning and tedious noon were gone with nothing interesting. However there were three times that Sanemi had to pause the video to had a closure look.

The first one came when a man walked inside. He could not pinpoint exactly where has he seen him before; for sure that late it will come back to his memory.

The second one was when three trucks stopped in the front gate and breaking in with those guns.

Third time was after a couple walked in front of the estate and all the cameras became static and froze. Not a single one was sparred, like a sudden bug or lag took over the system and everything went blank. After all it proved to be useless except for those three points.

"Kanae's whereabouts are currently unknown." Sanemi began to connect all the evidence together, he needs a hypothesis to work over "The man who came inside can know, but..."

It is unkown if he's inside. There are high probability that he was the one who killed all the men with red masks. That means that be is a potential danger.

"But where? Where have I seen him?" Somewhere inside his mind, in the very corner, he knew that it is not the first time he has seen the man on the screen.

And this was the key to find Kanae and Shinobu.

"S-sir?" Murata called from the door "We are ready to go."

Shinazugawa Sanemi didn't respond. There was enough evidence to build a case and start the search. However there are a lot of loose ends that he needs to connect before acting.


The moon sneaked inside the dark room. A pale blue light illuminated the floor. You cannot witness such spectacle during night, only if insomnia wraps it's claws to you.

Giyu experienced this.

Even though the day turned to be more mind-numbing than he expected, he could not grasp a wink of sleep. It was the argument with Kanae that drained all the energy he had. He felt even more guilty now that Sabito had to cover him.

"I won't approve this!" She tried to separate the two of them "Shinobu, you won't be seeing this man."

The butterfly tried to resist against the grasp of her older sister.


"Shinobu!" Kanae yelled with the voice of an angry mother. This time her rage was that much that you could see the steam coming from her ears.

"Kanae, let's calm down." Sabito separated the sisters "This won't solve anything."

The eldest Kocho sister shot a glare at him. If her eyes were guns, he'd be death in one second.

Kanae Kocho is kind, motherly and cool-headed most of the time. However when her rage is let loose nothing will stop her, to the point where she won't be able to hold back her actions and words. Sometimes she hurts her loved ones with poisonous truths.

"And what do you know!?" She groused "You did not saw him bad ir was for Shinobu when that selfish man just vanished alongside you! She was broken, crying every night to sleep. I forced her to eat because she just didn't had any will to live anymore! And all because of him! So no, don't tell me to calm down."

She took long breaths, Giyu and Shinobu exchanged a glance. This is the first time that the man has seen such an angry Kanae. And yet, he knew that it did not fazed Sabito at all.

"I don't know about her. But I do know about Giyu." The peach haired man responded "I do know what is like to put together a shattered man, piece by piece and you know what? No matter what I try, he won't be the same Tomioka Giyu, never. You don't know what we've been doing, the sh*t we have seen and done. You don't know how many nights we—"

Sabito took a deep breath. If he continues then it will just cause more damage. At least for him, since all those words, all the things Kanae said were like daggers to his heart.

"The only one who can fix him, to heal his heart is Shinobu." Sabito continued "And even though I say that Giyu should not do it, I don't have any right to meddle on his life. The only thing I can do is to give him advice and if he comes back gurt again, be there to support him again."

Kanae flinched at the words of the man.

"And you should do the same with your sister."

After that Kanae stormed out of the room, she knew that Sabito was right but she's too hard headed to accept it.

Giyu sighed. Why is Sabito always supporting him? Isn't it better if he takes Kanae's side?

To much sh*t to think about is giving him a headache. A creaking of the door put his senses back to their usual sharpness. Why is door opening? If someone has even close the the cottage then the alarms should have triggered.

"Are you up, Tomioka-san?" His muscles relaxed when Shinobu voice came from the gloom, she walked with cat-like steps to his room. For once Giyu thanked that the moonlight was enough to illuminate the figure of the young woman. She wears no pajamas since their escape was improvised, he was blessed by the sight of the girl with nothing else but a —too big— t-shirt that reached her tights.

Does she have panties now? I'll leave that to your imagination.

"Yeah, I can't sleep." Giyu answered.

"Me too." She hugged herself and bit her lips "I'm sorry for what my sister said..."

"No worries." The ravenette felt her heart pound when the girl acted a little shy, it just pull a string inside him "We already talked about that, right?"

Their time together on the snipers nest was fruitful. Sorting their feelings out, talking their hearts out and trying to mend their scars of the heart.

"Yes. I guess we did." Shinobu smiled and glanced at the man, he was sitting in the bed "Say Tomioka-san, can I sleep with you today?"

"Come again?" With visible confusion he tried to shook the surprise from the words of Kocho.

"Well, since both of us can't sleep, we can cuddle together and try to get some rest." Her hips swinging as she got closer and closer "Do you dislike the idea of sharing your bed with me?"

"Urk..." not a little. Far from that, he was looking forward to it. However, it would be hard for him to hold back and not try a move on her "N-no."

After he made some space the girl sneaked in. The two of then inside the blankets, sharing their warmth. Giyu tried his to hide the pounding inside his chest, though he could even heard his own heart. Maybe Shinobu can too.

The woman looked at him, her eyes like purple flames in the dark. She put her hand on his chest.

"So your heart is beating so hard too?"

Both of them stayed in silence. Only enjoying the presence of the other. No words were needed at times like this. You can only stay in silence and let your hearts do the talking.

"Good night, Giyu." Shinobu whispered.

"Yeah, Good night, Shinobu."

And they wrapped their arms against each other before letting themselves drift into the world of dreams.

Chapter 21: The next move

Chapter Text

Douma hummed his favorite tune. An old song he loves so much. Concerto in a Mirror from Bach is just exquisite. An ideal piece of art to hear while doing your favorite activity; Douma played the song whenever he has to torture someone to obtain information most of the times.

With a click all pieces came together. His reliable assault rifle is now assembled, Douma took his time cleaning it and putting every single one of the pieces together. Just the best hobby to pass his waiting time.

"I see you're having fun."

The voice of his comrade pulled him out of his own world. Enough about fantasize about tearing the Kocho sisters limb by limb. He does not want to have an erection while thinking about her screams of pain and anguish.

"Oh! Akaza-dono, what bring you here?" Douma smiled.

"We found them." The pink haired man asserted as he inspected the weapons hanging on the walls.

He knew that the Upper Moon two is a psycho. A man who has no remorse or shame when it comes to causing pain and suffering to others. A highly trained maniac at the orders of a greedy man, what a combo. If it wasn't for the debt woth The Senator, then Akaza would try to get a normal work, that way he won't be embarrassed when his wife asks about it.

"Are you kidding?" Mouthed Douma without erasing that smile of his face.

"Daki don't tell jokes, you should know that." Akaza explained "Hantengu and Gyokko went ahead. That coward wanted to be sure."

"Yes, Hantengu is very careful." The ash blonde man took a bowie knife from the wall and took out the blade. Sharp and clean. Ready to kill and feed on the blood of some idiots who are interfering with his work "Where are they?"

"Hiding like rats. A cottage deep in the mountains." His comrade didn't bat an eye to his actions "When are we moving? The others are anxious, Kaigaku and Gyutaro are getting restless already."

Douma nodded and with a laugh he took the knife and his gun.

"Tonight, obviously."


Shinobu felt her internal battery charged to a thousand percent. It has been the nest rest she had in years. Keeping her face from smiling is next to impossible, not when in front of her the sleeping face of Tomioka Giyu rested with such calm that it was contagious.

"So handsome..." She whispered while caressing his cheek, it was soft, contrary on what she expected "You look so peaceful like this."

"Do you enjoy this better than when I'm awake?" His voice made her flinch and tried to flinch and her hand retreated only to be caught by him "Please, continue."

Shinobu smiled and continued. The blue eyes of the man, like sapphires gleamed with the morning light.

"I wish we can spend more days like this." She said "Together."

Giyu knew that this won't be happening, even if he wanted or wished for it with all his heart. When all this is over, he will go back to the United States and continue with his live as a soldier. Until he can retire or declared KIA.

"Hey, Giyu." Shinobu called.

And his eyes met hers. It was like the ocean and a butterfly. Blue and amethyst together. Their own reflection on those crystals. She wanted to say it: Come back to me, leave the army and come back to me. Let's start it all again, together.

"Captain!" Inosuke barged through the door "Nezuko wants to—"

He stopped when he spotted the scene in front of him: Tomioka Giyu, his captain, the man who has a demon-like mood all the time is now smiling when Shinobu carried his cheeks. Both of them have their eyes wide open and a blush across their faces.

Inosuke Hashibira can be a wild, clueless and some kind of idiot, however he do have a common sense. As soon as he interrupted, the boar tracked back his feet and closed the door.

An awkward silence floated around.

"GONPANCHIRO, MONITSU." They heard the roar of the wild youngster "HEAR THIS, THE CAPTAIN, THE CAPTAIN!"

His stomps were so loud that it could be heard even from the other side of the wall.

"Ah, there he goes." Giyu snarls as he pushed himself up, time to get out of bed "Causing a ruckus over everything."

Shinobu giggled and agreed. During the short time she has spent loving with them, she took notice of the qualities of everyone. A unique group has been put together. And the one leading them was none other than Tomioka Giyu.

Her eyes admired the body of the man. He was indeed well trained and his muscles were not that big, however it was a feast to her eyes. That broad back, well sculpted abdomen, toned arms and even those scars on his right side...

Shinobu contained her gasp. Maybe it was because of the lack of light last night was not enough to see them. His left side had a lot of scars from different sides and shapes. Most of them looked from long ago and yet, she could imagine what kind of wound was the cause of them.

"Don't look at me like that." Giyu, who felt her stare and suspected why, mewled while he searchs for a clean shirt "It look worse that what it felt."

The kocho could not say anything. The simple thought of Giyu getting hurt was enough to make her heart pound inside to the point it hurts.

"This is what I do and sometimes this things happens." He explained "Peace needs sacrifices, and this scars are a cheap price to pay."

Shinobu could not refute anything at all. Giyu has all the reason.


"You finally decided to show your true colors!"

Giyu evaded the knife coming straight to him. The slash passed only some centimeter from him. An attack with all the intention to kill him, that was the moment that he understood that Kanae Kocho is not playing around about keeping him away from Shinobu.

"Onee-chan, calm down!" Shinobu held back her sister, it was like a raging tiger "It's not what it looks like."

"It's not fair captain, you fuc—" Zenitsu could not finish the sentence, a hand gripped his face and the captain who had the expression of a demon threatened with killing him if any word came out of her mouth.

"Let's just put down the weapons, ok?" Sabito sweat dropped at the scene of his girlfriend with a knife and his best friend one second away to commit murder.

Ah, such a normal morning. The same as always. Later they will find that this would be the last moment of calmness they could enjoy.

"You see, he is just an asshole who plays with my sister!" Kanae accused.

"And I tell you that it's not like that, Onee-chan." Repeated Shinobu.

"Yes, if I did something to her, you all would have heard." Tomioka boasted with a smile.

Shinobu felt her face go all red while Kanae could no muster any word. What a shameless man, even Sabito could not hold back his surprise.

'What is this idiot saying!? He really wants to be stabbed!' The peach haired man thought as he shifted his attention to Kanae who fought even harder to free herself from the grip of her sister.

"Just forget it, it's not like something happened." Giyu confess as he poured some coffee into a cup.

Nezuko barged into the kitchen with a frown on her face. She strode directly to Tomika and snatched the cup from him.

"Did you all finished your drama?" She spat venomous words "Now can we attend the real emergency?"

"I'm hearing." Giyu said while pouring himself another cup of coffee since his was ribbed by the pink eyed thief.

"We lost a sensor, at first I thought it was some wild animal, but..." She shook her head "It was totally different from that."

Giyu exchanged glances with Sabito who nod his head.

"Keep your eyes on the cameras and your systems." Ordered Giyu and the girl returned to her post.

"Tomioka-san? Is everything alright?"

Even Kanae changed her face at the words of the Kamado sister. She went from mad to serious in only a second. Now it is not the time to put her personal feelings before the safety of her sister and son.

Giyu took some seconds to think about his answers and doing mulligans inside his head, whether to say that everything was good and keep the two woman 'calm' or tell the truth and prepare them for their next move. However, the later was the right thing to do, if he wants to have some kind of advantage.

"I'll be honest, we have been tracked." He explained "We still have no idea who is behind this. It can be the police or..."

Shinobu gulped at the pause of the man.


"Or they are a small elite unit like us." He continued, his eyes became serious and the aura around him changed "If they are good then we must prepare."

He took a deep breath, he closed all the curtains. After some seconds he called everyone to the kitchen.

"It's likely that we're being observed right now. They know we are here and we know they are out there." Giyu explained "We must take precautions and prepare for everything."

All the presents nodded.

"Tanjiro and Zenitsu, you will remain on the nest. Keep your eyes open. Hashibira, move your humanity out of here and scout the surroundings, try to counter track them. Genya, Muichiro, bring all the equipment we need, prepare everything. Nezuko keep me updated with all the cameras and sensors."

With a 'Yes, sir!' They all disperse and began their tasks, Shinobu and Kanae exchanged gazes. They all changed gears in an instant, all of them.

"And for you two..." Giyu and Sabito explained what they must do, it was a simple yet important assignment

Shinobu and Kanae nodded and made their way to complete it.

Sabito sighed. It has all come to this after all.

"When are we moving?" The Lieutenant asked.

Giyu looked at his hand. The climax is just one step away.

"Tonight, obviously."

Chapter 22: Single shot

Chapter Text

When the moon is up, the demons comes out to hunt.

Douma watched his step, small and silent ones. Like a tiger stalking it's next meal. And that was a good comparison to him, they are the next targets and his team the killers.

Shadows mimicked their movements. Like stlakers in the dark, the Upper Moons made their way to their objective through grass and trees.

"Wait." Kokushibo called as he observed around, waiting for something to happen.

"What?" Douma whispered through the comms, his nerves were rising at every second "We don't have much time."

"Something's off." The Upper Moon one felt his sixth sense stinging on the back of his neck "Everything is going too smooth."

"That is bad, we should retreat." Hantengu, the coward, cried from the back.

"Retreat my ass, we are already here." Gyutaro growled from the back "Let's push and kill those f*ckers."

"I agree, we arearady here." Akaza seconded the sixth Upper Moon.

"Quite everyone." Douma said. He took a deep breath. Both parties are right, this is just too easy, no traps, no vigilance, not even a sensor. It was like they wanted two for them to come closer. But, Gyutaro is right, they are already here and another opportunity like this only comes once.

"Maybe they just let their guard down." He continued "We must end this right now."

As the appointed leader during the operation, not even Kokushibo can refuse to the orders of Douma. He was chosen by The Senator to guide them.

The continued their catwalk. Careful of every step, almost looking paranoid. As they got closer, they saw the lodge at the middle of the clear. It has the lights of the living room on.


All of them looked at the man who broke the twig: Gyutaro.

Everyone stood silent. Not even the sound of their breath could be heard. Waiting for everything to pass. To come back to normal and blend again into the silence of the night.

"Careful." Douma growled.

They continued their trail to the cabin and exited the forest. Now every time they advance, it's closer to the building. As they approached they heard the conversations inside. It was the voice of the Kocho sisters, the eldest to be more specific.

"Hantengu and Gyokko will go to the back. The rest is with me." The ash blonde ordered as they approached the entrance. Douma felt the exhilarating electricity running up his body. They are so close, he will capture the two of them and the satiate his torture urges with them.

"Let's go!"

With a bang. The five of them entered the building, though they have been away from the battlefield and operations after The Senator drafted them to become his personal hitmen. However, their training is never forgotten, swift movement, covering all their flanks and ready to fire if something goes south and a hostile pops from the corner.

As they entered the room, only the two butterflies were there. Frozen by fear and trembling at the sight of six armed people sneaking inside their lair. Oh yes! The sight of hopeless people cowering before his presence. Holding back his desires is becoming harder at every second.

"Who are you?" Kanae protected her sister.

"Register the rest of the place. I will take care of these two." The second Upper Moon ordered.

"I will stay here, to keep watch on them." Akaza seconded as he walked to the door leading to the kitchen. That will make harder their escaping.

As the upper moons spread through the house, the two girls looked around, finding a way to get out is crucial for them if they want to live.

"Where are the other?" Douma asked to the two girls, he looked at them, inspecting and planning.

Where to hit first? What limb cut first? What kind of wounds will make them scream more? Such a world of opportunities and so little time for him to enjoy.

"I asked you a question, where are the others?" He repeated "Don't play f*cking deaf with me!"

Shinobu flinched as the man took a step forward. Though she knows nothing about Douma being the masked man in front of her, something inside her felt familiar.

"We found a shed on the back." Gyokko informed "We are going to—"


The loud explosion shocked everyone. Douma and Akaza could not respond in time when the two sisters made a run for their lives. Now they are going to the forest.

"Hey!" Akaza pointed the gun at the sisters however Douma stopped him:

"Don't shoot, we need them alive!"

Now they are too far. If they want to have any chance to recover the target, it is now. However...


A single shot came from the dark.


"You all have heard this: Thou shall not kill." Sergeant Cole began his monolog. Since the idiots are trained enough to begin their practice on marksmanship.

He took the thirty recruits and drove them to the shooting range. One special made for sniping. Now Giyu and Sabito are paired to work as a two team cell of spotter and shooter.

"But hear this: f*ck. That. sh*t." He continued "Now, consider your targets."

Giyu though being prone at the ground, enjoyed the positions since it made sniping easier. Sabito had a spotter scope while Tomioka was given a M24 sniper rifle. The standard for trainings.

He looked through the scope. A single target awaited two hundred yards away.

"If you're lucky, through that window one day the head of the enemy will emerge." Sergeant Cole looked at the targets woth nostalgia, as if the image of him killing another person is his most find memory "The JFK shot, the pink mist."

Giyu adjusted the sights on his weapon, following the instructions of his spotter.

"Fire, fire, fire " the bang came after the third conformation.

A hole right at the center of the target. Right at the head of it. Even Tomioka was surprised. No, more accurate to say that inside him something felt... weird.

Again and again, every time he shot it landed where he wanted. Tomioka Giyu discovered his talent for marksmanship.


The sound of a snapping brach brought him back to reality. Giyu held his breath.

"Careful!" One of the attackers whispered loud enough for Tomioka to hear.

Being hidden at plain sight is his specialty. Covered by his ghillie suit, adopting the form of the terrain and letting himself being swallowed by the shadows. He has been there before sunset, just after they all finished with the plan. Giyu took his rifle and decided to wait.

As the attackers resumed their march. They are good.

"Get ready." He whispered through the comms.

"The king of the mountain is always ready!"

"We are ready, Giyu-san!"

"That's right, nii-san!"

"I was enjoying the night clouds..."

"I am ready."

"The escape route is secure and my car ready to pick up the ladies."

"Everything is ready, Giyu."

The reliable responses from his team made him smirk. How many times have he heard the same? Countless and everytime the same relieve crawled up his spine.

Colombia, Afghanistan, India, Somalia and [Classified].

No matter where, no matter when. He will entrust his life to his team.

As the men entered the property, he prepared his gun: M40 sniper rifle. Not his favorite, but what he got at hand.

For a second he felt sorry for the Kocho sisters. They were left as bait inside the cottage. It was the most critical role in the plan since they will be exposing themselves directly to danger. However, it was necessary. Sometimes to lure the wolves, you need to show the sheeps.

He took a deep breath before looking through the scope. Extreme focus. Steady breathing. Itching fingers. The hurricane of sensations unleashed itself inside him once again.

An unkown joy burning inside his stomach. When it came to shooting, he gets pumped.

The ravenette observed. The windows were clear enough for him to see when one of them approached the Kocho sisters. Clear enough for him to take aim.

All the knowledge he had acquired through five years of training and deployment began to stack in his head.

'Take what you know and multiply.'

Tomioka adjusted the scope.

'For wind use what you have: a little bit of dust, a plum of smoke.'

They tied small flags at the sniper nest as references. He made the necessary changes on his gun again.

Now it was time to wait until—


They inspect the shed at the back. Zenitsu and Tanjiro packed it with explosives after Giyu explained the escape plan.

A majestic blast reached him. However his attention was completely focused on the targets. Shinobu and Kanae made a run to the forest, just like they planned.

Giyu held his breath for a second.

It was just like sergeant Cole said: the luck of a sniper. The ecstasy of watching the head of an enemy emerge from the window. The pleasure of tapping the trigger and the detonation from the rifle.


A single shoot traveled through the night and blood splirted from the man at the cabin.

That was a hit. He targeted the head of the snake, now the rest of the body will die.

Giyu emerged from his spot when the task was done. Now it was time for them to escape and hunt down their pursuers if needed.

"Demon Slayer Unit going dark." Announcing the success to the unit

And without looking back, he began to jog away from the cabin. Though he enjoyed his stay there, it was the lace where him and Shinobu mended their relationship. A new beginning that came to an end too soon.

After he sprinted for some time, the silhouette of two people awaited in the trail ahead. He knew who they are.

"Tomioka-san!" Shinobu said relieved when a man —disguised as a bush— came out of the forest.

"We have no time to talk, let's go." He ordered.

Shinobu and Kanae exchanged a gaze but said nothing. Only one question came o of their lips.

"Now what?"

Giyu didn't looked at them before responding:

"Now we finish the mission."

Chapter 23: Memories [Part 1]

Chapter Text

Sanemi growled when his phone began to create a tantrum. How many hours have he slept lately? If four hours is considered a lot, then he is having a healthy amount of rest.

"Yes?" He barked at the phone.

"Shinazugawa-San?" The voice at the other side was none other than one of his coworkers: Uzui.

A flamboyant son of a bitch that put too much effort into his looks. At least that's how the silver haired man saw it.


"We found something interesting, we may have a lead to find the Kocho sisters."

When the information reached his brain, a shock traveled through his body. From his feet to his head and back again. The stress of the last seven days has taken a toll on his body and mind alike. Yes, he has been a police detective for years, however this kind of cases have never been seen before.

Most of the time, he will focus on drug dealers and Yakuza families. And yet, here he is, tracking the kidnappers of the whole Kocho household.

"Take a look." He heard the clicking at the other side of the line, some of the technology department employee must be helping him. Uzui is not that smart when it comes to computers.

As the information was sent to his phone and after activating the speaker on the device, Sanemi decide to check on the new Intel.

Three images where sent.

The first was a photo of the Kocho manor. He analyzed it, nothing new, the same one he saw at first.

"Look at the bottom corner." Uzui talked.

And there it was. A car approaching, as he squinted his eyes, even with the low quality of the image, the face of Kocho Shinobu was distinctive.

"Now look at the second one."

Shinazugawa frowned when the image of the Kimetsu Academy appeared. Five people where walking towards a black SUV. He recognized Kanao, Aoi and the small girls that live with Kanae. Are they getting kidnapped too?

"Now, the third."

The last photo. This time from a speedtrap camera. It was the same car but not only Shinobu was there, but also another face. One too much familiar. No matter how many years have passed, he won't forget the face of that bastard.

"Tomioka Giyu." Sanemi growled.


Shinobu catched her breath. How many kilometers has she ran? Her legs felt like they were on fire, her lungs screaming for air and sweat running down all her body.

Kanae was no different from her.

From the woods a rustle came. Both sisters flinched and took a step back. If someone tailed them it would be their doom since no one is there. Sabito and the others were scattered each with a mission, if one of the man were to be there...

"It's me. Don't worry." From the gloom Tomioka announced his presence. He was not wearing that weird bush suit anymore, instead he wore the same gear as back then on the laboratories.

He didn't mind wasting his ghillie suit I the forest. Good luck finding it.

"Giyu!" Shinobu felt her heart ease when the blue eyed man returned to her side.

Kanae looked at her sister, who, like a puppy ran to his side.


No matter how hard she tries. There is no way she can beat that man, no matter what kind of schemes and plans she can think of, there is no way to separate her own sister from Tomioka Giyu. She will not forgive herself if Shinobu's heart shatters again.

Even if that means to swallow her pride and apologize to this man.

Before she could say something, a deafening boom came from the forest, gunshots followed the explosion, in the void-like silence of the mountains, it could not be concealed at all. The echo resounding like the roar of a monster.

"That must be Hashibira." The captain commented while resuming his march "We have to continue, follow me and don't look back."

The two young women didn't refuted his order and began to follow his steps.

Shinobu found amusing the way Tomioka guided them. Even in complete darkness, he walked with such confidence, like he knew the way. If the highschool Giyu were to see the present one, he would gasp in disbelief.

Kanae on the other hand, felt terror. Yes, she really dislikes him, since their highschool days, however the man in front of her was nothing like that before. The shyness of the last has been washed away by overwhelming confidence. This can be taken as a good sign, yet, it engrains a fear to her core. What are you supposed to feel if that confidence comes from his ability to kill another human being?

"We are almost there." Giyu whispered as they could see the lights from the road, even some cars passing at this time of the afterdark.

Escaping the forest felt like coming out of a jail. Even the air they breath felt lighter for some reason.

"Agatsuma, where are you?" Tomioka spoke through the comms.

"On my way."

Giyu looked around. At the side of the road, waiting for a vehicle. If one car passes by it will encounter a surreal —at least in Japan—, scenario of a man wearing military wear and two young women. Maybe the driver will question it's sanity for the day.

"Ne, Giyu." Shibobu called him.


She didn't received the response as she expected, but it didn't surprised nor discouraged the butterfly. Tomioka is on soldier mode after all.

"Are they going to be okay?"

Giyu glared at her. This girl, really, if protecting themselves was not enough to worry for.

"Yes, they are trained soldiers and they know what to do." The captain answered.

Shinobu bit her lips at the words of the man. He is right, they all are trained to kill... she wondered how many people have fallen by their hands.

On the other side, Giyu meditated about the situation. Everything was going smooth, easy if you ask him. As they waited a rather unpleasant memory came back to him.


Three years ago.
Location: [Classified].
Demons Slayer Unit: Captain Tomioka Giyu.
Current objective: Rescue operation for [Classified].

Rain falls. Wind blows. And the strong prey on the weak. It's only nature running it's course. In this part of the world the law of the jungle is a daily basis. If you want something you have to earn it by any means, even if killing is involved.

Giyu loathes these kind of countries. Lawless barrens where the government don't involve themselves with the corruption and crimes of their population. And yet, this is the place where he has to work.

"I want to retire in a place like this." Sabito said as he looked around the bar. Tropical style building, much wood and adobe to maintain it fresh. The weather can be suffocating sometimes "You know, a humble house, a good whisky like this one."

"And a family?" Giyu asked.

Sabito smiled as he took a big chug of the whisky. Ah! The pleasure, it all tastes better when drank at a paradise. Or it will be if not for the fact that they are in a place where they can be killed anytime.


"Yeah, that would be nice. I wonder if Kanae wants to see me after, you know, leaving her without word." The peach haired man frowned "She has not responded even once to my letters."

Giyu shrugged. He missed Shinobu too, even though she shattered his heart to dust, he finds comfort on her memories. Does forgotten day of highschool where he found a little happiness at her side.

"But enough about this chattering. We have work to do." Sabito hurried the rest of the alcohol and shook his head after the liquid passed through his throat, that's a good whisky "You see those men over there?"

Giyu didn't need to hear it twice. The two soldiers have been observing the same table: four men have been chatting nonstop while having some beer. Did I mention that they have guns in there too?

"Excuse my rusty Thai, but they are talking about the slave camp." The Lieutenant faked a chuckle "They don't try to hide it, f*ckers."

"So they must know something about our targets, right?" The captain suggested.

"Well, there is just one way to find out."

Sabito walked to the counter and asked for two more drinks, beers to be more exact. They know that the liquid is no better than dog piss, however it's not for drinking.

His friend was walking when —not so—, accidentally tripped on his way back. With a crash the men at the table were drenched with that dog piss of a beer.

"Oh sh*t!" Sabito cursed as he stood up. The four men didn't even think it twice before pointing his guns at him "My bad, my bad."

They blaberred something in Thai, not that he cared. He just need to throw the bait.

"Listen, I'm just a tourist, I'm sorry ok?" He reached for his pockets and took out a stash of dollars "Can we just solve this with money? I have more if needed."

In this kind of places where people will slit your throat open for fifty dollars, this kind of idiots who exposes money like this are their main cash flow.

"Yes, go away, American." Even if they are not, one who have dollars is American. Or so they thought.

The soldier made a gesture to Giyu who left money for his drinks and walled out of the bar. Their vehicle was parked at the alley besided the bar.

"A perfect fishing." The captain praised.

"Yup, now we wait for them to come." Sabito seconded as he reached for his handgun.

Not more than two minutes passed when the four men came out of the bar. Giyu and Sabito were already waiting. It was just a flash and three of then are gone. Some thugs are nothing against them.

"Man, I will never get used to this." Sabito complained as he dragged one of the bodies to the trash bin.

"Just hurry, we need information from this one." Giyu scorned while pointing a gun to the last one alive "We must hurry if we want to rescue the target."

"Who was it again?" Sabito asked.

"Mr. Kocho and Ms. Kocho." The blue eyed man answered "Shinobu and Kanae's parents."

Chapter 24: Memories [Part 2]

Chapter Text

Southeast Asia is one of the most green part of the world. Jungles and Rainforest are common in these parts of the world.

Giyu is not that of a fan of the damp weather. He shares the sentiment with Inosuke since carrying the gear and extra weight of weapons will become a burden in a here.

"Captain, are we there yet?" Hashibira Inosuke asked from the rear.

"This is the fifth time that I say no." Giyu scorned from the front "If that question leaves your mouth a sixth time, my boot will end up your ass."

"Yes, sir."

"I share his thoughts. We have been walking for a long time and according to the information, we must be close." Nezuko seconded.

The Demon Slayer Unit traversed through the jungle with high awareness and steady pace. Every second counts.

They have received orders: Search and rescue. A mission involving VIPs from Japan, however it may be plausible that the USA government has interest in them. If it wasn't like that then they wouldn't be here.

"Why are we even here?" Zenitsu asked.

"These are our orders." Giyu replied "We don't ask questions."

That's the way they have been trained, don't ask, just execute.

They walked for another half hour before reaching their destination. In thr middle of the jungle you can hide anything. Drug cartels are the best example, deep inside the South American jungles you can find a variety of laboratories. Cocaine mostly.

In this part of the world, the story is no different. The only thing that changes is the product, instead of selling drugs, they sell people. A nasty business but the cash is always good.

To be part of this you will need a place to keep the kidnapped people until their ransom is payed, then they will be transported to a dock and sell as a slave. Double money. Easy, right?

And their it was. A facility of ten wooden shacks covered with palms instead of a ceiling. There were guard on small towers and walls surrounding it.

"Well, that's our five stars hotel." Sabito joked while looking through his spotter scope "Do you happen to have a platinum card? I don't think they will let us stroll through."

"I do have one." Inosuke made the gesture to search on his pockets and took out a grenade "This is the super premium card."

"We won't breach like that." Giyu scorned as he scouted the area "I'm sorry to say this, but we are not going to help everyone. We are here to rescue two specific targets."

"What?" Tanjiro stepped forward "But all the other people..."

"Orders are Orders." Giyu bleated as he faced his comrades "We will rescue them and then leave. I will divide us in two cells. Tanjiro, Nezuko, Muichiro and Zenitsu will be one. The rest stay with me."

"Captain I think we should help the others too and..." Tanjiro tried to convince him.

"I will have it in top of mind, Tanjiro." The water pillar faced him with a glare "Now. Move."

When they separated, Sabito approached his friend.

"Giyu, you didn't have to say it like that." He scolded.

"He will get over it."

Sabito sometimes wondered why was he promoted to captain.


When the rain began to fall, they made their move. Hidden by the veil of water and the cries of the skies. Their footsteps were muffled and not even their voice could be heard. The drizzle made a perfect situation for them to rush in.

Tomioka and his team ran until reaching one of the sides of the camp. Even such a rustic facility like this one has to have walls to prevent anyone from coming out or coming in.

Yet, there is always a way to get in.

They found a rusty wall on the back with a hole on it. Enough for them to crawl inside.

"We are going in. Tanjiro are you in position?"

"Yes, Captain. We see you." The redhead answered through the comms.

"Keep an eye on hostiles, take them out if necessary."

"Yes, sir."

Muddy and with awareness atop, the four men sneaked inside the facility. Even if they are outside, there are no guards around, they knew that the shack at the center is the one they use as their barracks —or at least they associated with something similar—. The other nine around are the places where the kidnapped people.

"Sabito will take Genya and search on the other shacks." Giyu explained "Hashibira with me."

After they got separated, Giyu and Inosuke made their way to the first shack. The door isn't really that much, barred with a metal rod to prevent the people from the inside to attempt an escape.

As they opened the first door, the putrid air hit their faces. If you just toss twenty or more people into a smal shed with precarious conditions, neglecting basic hygiene, then don't expect a nice welcome.

"Kocho-san? Are you here?" Giyu spoke in Japanese, since they are natives "Is Kocho-san here?"

No response came. Only the sight of trembling captives, they could not understand that two men just broke in to rescue someone. Only fear of their captive days remained.

"Let's go to the next one."

They went on until their third try bear fruits.


Giyu's voice reached an injured man. What used to be a five thousand dollars suit was reduced to muddy silk and tattered rags. He has been beaten badly and his face was full of injuries and cuts. It was a miracle that he could lift his hand for the recuers to spot him.

"We will take you out of here and bring you back home." Giyu explained "Can you walk?"

He already knew the answer, but he needed to confirm it.

"Captain, we have troubles, there is one hostile approaching to the sheds."

"f*ck." He heard the footsteps splashing from outside.

The man was blaberring slurs as he spotted the open door, he knew that his comrades sometimes unlock the shacks to have a way with the women captives. It was so easy to do whatever they want when you have power.

Though all actions have consequences and your sins will be punished in this life or the other.

As he entered the shack a hand came from the gloom and dragged him to the corner, covering his mouth and with a swift and smooth move his throat was sliced with a knife.

The struggle finished after some minutes, no matter how many times they take a life, it will never become part of them. They will remember the face of those who have been killed by their hands for the rest of their lives.

"Damn." Inosuke cursed as he released the lifeless body.

"Good work." Giyu encouraged, not even him liked the idea of acting as a reaper "Let's go, we have the VIP."

As both of them prepared Mr. Kocho to be carried by Hashibira, the other two spoke through the comms.

"Sabito, we have Mr. Kocho, how is search going?"

"We have Ms. Kocho, Captain but..."

As the words reached him, the raven haired man could only contain his curses from blurting out. The situation was not in their favor at all. Now they have to go to the extraction point.

"Tanjiro, take down the tower guards."

"On it."

A silent kill. They didn't even catch a glimpse of what took their souls. Only a fraction of second was needed for two bullets to take out the guards.

"Beautiful." Giyu praised as he triple checked that Mr. Kocho has been secured to Inosuke's back "Cover our escape, if someone come close to us, take him down."


They retraced their steps, back to where they got in. The rain poured relentless over them, unaware of the powerless humans running away from the water that bless the earth with its life.

"You go first." He helped Inosuke to make throught the exit, carrying an extra body is not the easiest task.

"Captain." Sabito and Genya followed some seconds later.

"Let's go, we have to go now." The blue eyes of the man swept the camp for a last time "We don't want to be here when they discover what happened."

With that, they were gone. Like a mistral in December, just passing by leaving a shiver in the spine of those who where in the way of the wind.


"This is sh*t, Giyu." Sabito lamented while he rested at the entrance of their improvised refugee: a cave in the jungle, lucky them for finding it.

"Will they make it?" The captain spat his question without a second thought "Be honest."

The Lieutenant sighed. Emotionless like always and since they enlisted his friend became heartless and somewhat cruel at times. Maybe they have traded away their old world for these combat days. What else do they have to do for the world to be at peace?

Sometimes Sabito got disheartened at the thought of their effort being just a waste of energy.

"She won't. Even if we got Ms. Kocho to the extraction point..."

"She won't make it."

His eyes were looking at the horizon and beyond that. Weighting his options in his own mind. However...

Nobody is left behind.

"We will move in twenty." Sabito smiled, for a second he feared that the order of leaving behind Ms. Kocho could leave the mouth of his friend, he was even ready to argue with him.

Yet, Giyu is not that heartless.

The captain sighed once his friend went inside to pass on the next orders. He took out his diary and opened it. The photo of a beautiful girl with a puny smile at the aquarium. It felt so distant and alien now. Like another life, an unknown time that slow fades away from his mind.

Really, the Kocho family is always causing troubles for him.

Chapter 25: Memories [Part 3]

Chapter Text

"Be careful." Giyu commented as he extended his arms and received Mr. Kocho.

The man could not walk on his own and the Demon Slayers took turns to carry uim aside from Inosuke who took the burden of getting Ms. Kocho body to the extraction point himself.

Fatigue began to took a toll on them, only God knows how many kilometers have they walked without rest. Haste is to be made since their awareness is at it's peak.

"I f*cking hate jungles." Sabito growled from the back as he slapped off another mosquito.

Giyu shared the sentiment, however he said nothing. His mind was focused on getting his team out of there.

"Nezuko, come here."

The girl made her way to the front, her small steps breaking branches and fallen leaves.

"Yes, Captain?"

"How much until the extraction point?" Giyu asked.

"Well..." Nezuko took out a small device from her pocket "Ten miles."

"Let's pick up the pace, we don't know if—"

The barking and sound of cars came to them. An echo resounded throughout the jungle, from the top to the bottom. An announcement from the hunters to their prey.

The Demon Slayers shared a glance.

"Let's go, we have them on our tail." It was Giyu who ordered the rest to keep up the pace.

With light feet, they resumed their march. If they get caught, only God knows what they will do to them. Death will be the easy way out, they will torture and sell them as slaves or even worse. Tomioka can't assure his safety at all.

The jungle swallowed their steps, escaping from pursuers letting themselves to the with the deep emerald color.

They went on for another hour before stopping. Usually this must be an easy run, if it wasn't for the terrain and extra weight it would be a walk in the park.

"Damn." Sabito cursed "Giyu, we cannot continue like this, they'll catch us in no time."

He already knew that. Even his legs are trembling from running through the jungle.

"Captain, we have to hurry, Mr. Kocho won't hold any longer." Genya informed as he gave some water to the VIP.

'I know, f*ck I already know that.' Tomioka ranted in his head.

Options are running low. Energy too and the moral is starting to drop slowly and painful. If this continues then...

"Does someone have a plan?" He asked.

Tanjiro and Nezuko shook their heads, tiredness began to take a tool on them. Zenitsu's brain cells were already fried, no need to ask him for something. Inoksuke is plainly an idiot, even if he has a plan it would involve something lime charging straight to the enemy.

Muichiro raised his hand.

The least probable member of the unit took the initiative.

"Yes?" Giyu asked, more surprised than curious.

"Let's use the enemy resources."

"What?" The Captain and Lieutenant looked at each other.

"My plan is...."


The jeep forced it's way through the muddy road. An improvised route they have been working on, transportation is an important part of their 'work'.

Those slaves must arrive in good condition to their buyers if they want to earn a good share. Quality is important for their clients. The higher this is, the more money.

That is the only important thing.

"Look over there, someone is in the middle of the road."

A body stood still in there. A woman without doubt.

"Hey, hey, maybe it's the bitch that escaped. Let's go." The driver said as he put the car into stop "Keep an eye on us."

The man in the mounted machine laughed as he nodded. That idiotic slave thought he can survive the jungle.

Now they approached to the girl with stupid grins on their faces. They did not suspect that—

As soon as they approached Nezuko rolled on her side and put a bullet hole in the forehead of the idiots. The man at the machine-gun was so surprised that he didn't saw when Giyu's shot took just life way.

—someone can put a trap for them.

"That was easy." Sabito joked "I didn't thought it would work."

Giyu shrugged and made his way to the car. They resolved the problem of tiredness, with the vehicle they can get away with more ease. No matter thay it's an old jeep maybe from the second World War or Vietnam days used by the scum.

"Let's go, Genya take the machine-gun. Agatsuma drive and Nezuko will guide, the others will provide cover."

As the others loaded the truck with Mr and Ms Kocho, the captain looked at the jungle, the sound of motors and dogs are closer at every second.

This has not come to an end yet.

"Giyu, we have to go." Sabito called his friend.

"Godspeed Agatsuma." The ravennete ordered as he jumped into the jeep.

"Yes, sir."

The ride cannot be described as smooth not even enjoyable. A muddy, bumpy road was their only way out of this emerald hell. Even with Zenitsu's skill it was not comfortable.

Giyu was on guard when Mr. Kocho took put from his pocket his most valuable possession, even though the man has been treated like sh*t, he held to a single photo of his two eldest daughters. Shinobu and Kanae Kocho. He smiled like a man who have seen their babies for a the first man, with such love that Tomioka felt a void in his heart.

How long have someone had looked at him like that?

"Are those your daughters?" Tanjiro asked while tending Ms. Kocho corpse, he treated even the dead with respect.

"Yes, they are. Though I have not seen them in years because of my job." He spoke with a mellow voice "They are the cutest girls in the world... I wonder what are they doing."

Giyu frowned and growled a little. If he answers that question nothing but hurtful words will come out.

"I wish to see them once more."

Those words felt like a sting to the hear of the captain. What does he feels like?


The alert came from Sabito, two other jeeps accelerated their way to them. Needless to say that bullets began to fly past them.

"Damn, cover Mr. Kocho." Giyu ordered as he shoot his gun at the attackers "Agatsuma, get us out of here."

The jeep speed up and the gunfight became more rushed than ever. Genya did not care about ammunition, he unleashed the full power of the mounted gun against them.

"f*ck!" Sabito cursed as he reloaded "We don't stand a chance, if more of them come we are a goner."

"I know that!" Giyu scorned as one of his bullets took out the machine-gunner "But we are close to the extraction point, if we get there we can get air support."

Another jeep made it's way to them, it had extra bulletproof equipment and a mounted flamethrower. They knew it since it unleashed the Dragon's breath.


"Kekeke, it's time for the king of the mountain!" The boar pumped himself as he aimed his grenade launcher at the jeep.

With a *thump* the grenade flew and impacted againt the vehicle. Unexpected for them the jeep came out unscathed and threw another fireball at them.

"sh*t!" Giyu ducked, now pinned by the fire jeep, immune to small explosives and bullets, it it's bad news indeed.

"To the right!" One of the vehicles tried to get advantage, however Giyu did not gave a chance.

He shot against them, first the gunner, then the man at the wheel. All in order for the jeep to get out of control and crash.

"Damn right!" Inosuke celebrated as he made his own work with the grenade launcher.

Now only the shielded jeep was chasing them.

"How are we supposed to get rid of that!?" Zenitsu cried from the front seat as he pushed the jeep to go faster.

"Just get to the extraction point!" Giyu growled from the back "They won't have a chance there."

"Uh, Captain." Tanjiro called Giyu.


The sound of a big truck took over, at least another twenty bastards where riding on it, ready to put on a fight and take what it's their (from their Point of View).

It can't get worse right?

"No ammo!" Genya announced as he switched from the mounted machine-gun to his rifle.

"Bloody hell!" Sabito cursed as he covered from the flamethrower "Give me a mag!"

"It's my last one!" Inosuke passed his last magazine and loaded another grenade.

"Are we there yet?" Zenitsu rumbled.

"Turn right!" Nezuko said.

The violent turn took them to an open field, a clearing in the middle of the jungle or most accurate to say, a farmland uses to grow drug plants like cocaine.

"Call them now!" Giyu ordered.

"There is no need, Captain." Nezuko smiled "We made it."

A second later the shielded jeep exploded when a missile sent it straight to hell. From the skies appeared an AH-1Z viper helicopter made it's glorious entrance. A modern day iron dragon armed with a 20 mm turret and a buffet of hydra rockets to feed the enemies.

"Viper 6-9 here, we will cover your extraction, Demon Slayers." The pilot informed and proceed to send a rain of bullets towards the truck.

"Roger, 6-9... we owe you a beer." The captain commented with a smile, they are going to make it.

Now the slavers are running and shooting on foot against the jeep.

"The other helicopter will be here soon, go!" Giyu ordered as he jumped out of the jeep.

The others followed covering themselves from the shooting remnants.

The hope came when another helicopter landed not too far from them. They can go home now...

"M-my photo!" Mr. Kocho ran after the paper that was blown away by the helicopter.

"No! Mr. Kocho!" Giyu tried to reach him, however he proved too slow to catch him.

Giyu Tomioka still hates himself for that day, even now the image of Mr. Kocho being hit by two bullets shows every once in a while in his nightmares.

Only if he has been more fast.

Then Shinobu and Kanae could have been reunited with him.

That day he failed to rescue Mr and Ms. Kocho alive.

Chapter 26: Anything

Chapter Text

When Giyu woke up the nightmare vanished as soon as it came. Only a memory chasing him.

"f*ck." He cursed.

Getting himself up proved to be more challenging than what he expected. Since running away from their hideout in the mountains they used an old department building in Tokyo, Sanya is not a neighborhood you want to be at night —even for a first world country.

Now they cohabitate different apartments in the complex. Sabito and Giyu shares one while the sisters are in two different ones. Tanjiro and the rest fit themselves in two apartments of their own.

Giyu walked out of his room in nothing but his underwear.

"For f*ck sake, where is the..." Giyu continued his slurs while rummaging through the kitchen.

"Too early to be cursing, don't you think?" Sabito called from the entrance door. After his dreams, seeing his friend wearing any other than military uniform feels abnormal and surreal.

"Never too early." Giyu replied.

Sabito laughed. It's never too early indeed. They learnt that in the army. As soon as the sun came up or even earlier than that, Drill Sergeant Cole will spit his best slurs and curses to the sh*t eating maggots he had as a platoon.

"Kanae and I will go to downtown, to buy some things and also to..."

"I know." Giyu said "Tomorrow our mission will most likely come to an end."

"Yeah, then we will leave Japan, right?" Sabito looked at him with an upside-down smile.

"Orders are Orders, Sabito." Giyu replied with an apologetics look.

Though he wanted to stay some extra time himself. A lie would be if he says that the days with Shinobu have been not worth it. Little by little the scars on his heart are healing.

And yet, he can't shake off the bad premonition on his gut. Something feels off.

"Well, I will be going then." Sabito said his goodbyes and walked out.

Now he was left alone again. As always, not matter what he always end like that. Sabito has his family now and Giyu has no right to break them apart.

He covered his face and killed the cry that wanted to get out of his body.

Soon they will go back to a life of a soldier. To follow Orders and go into mission again and again, after all they gave been trained as the most deadly operators in the world.

*knock* *knock*

Someone is outside, not a hostile since Nezuko did not alerted the team. That meas it could be someone from the Demon Slayers or...

"Good Morning, Tomioka-san~" Shinobu's voice came from the other side of the wooden door "I brought breakfast!"

Of course Shinobu Kocho is the other person who comes to pester him so early in the morning.

With a grunt Giyu walked to the door and turned the doorknob to open it. The petite Kocho waited at the other side dressed with her casual clothes, holding a tray with the breakfast: miso soup, rolled omelets and ogira toast.

To be honest it looked so delicious that Tomioka forgot about his lack of clothes.

"T-Tomioka-San!" Shinobu exclaimed as she looked around, assuring herself that no one is around.


"Get inside!" Her small hand pushed him inside, a shiver ran through his spine, not an unpleasant sensation but all the contrary. The touch of the girls was more than enough to made him tremble. "Put some clothes on! Pervert."

"I-I will go and get dressed." He said while taking a step back.

"Yes, please. I will prepare tea." Shinobu bit her lips and averted her gaze from the well-built body of the man in front of her "I-it's in the top shelf, right?"

"Yeah." Giyu responded from the room.

Shinobu rumbled around, it was impossible to reach it with her... small build. Even standing on her tips proved useless. The butterfly pouted as her efforts proved unsuccessful.

"Giyu, can you hel—"

She could not finish the phrase when the man, who like a tower shadowed over her and reached for the tea box.

For a second he pressed his body against her, their warmth mixing with the other. Tomioka's iron body felt so aggressive yet so comforting.

"Here." Giyu handed the tea.

But the young woman could not respond at all. Throughout her body an unknown electricity ran, her legs trembled and the urge to touch Tomioka invaded her very soul.

Her hands went straight to the man, the item handed was ignored an fell to the floor.

"Shinobu!?" Tomioka backed two steps, stunned by the reaction of the butterfly.

"Tomioka-san..." She stepped forward with a flame raging inside her and a heat coming from all her body.

Something inside her craving for the touch of that man. Lusting for his mouth, for his arms and hands, she wanted to moan her name over and over again while Giyu pounds like a wild animal.

And Shinobu Kocho always get what she wants.

"Kiss me, Giyu."

The man felt his heart pounding. An urge to embrace Shinobu took over him, to feel her from head to toe, kiss every single part of her body and not let her go never again.

Therefore Giyu Tomioka decided to follow his impulse once more. A simple brush of their lips was enough to start it all.

Delicate, soft and seducing. He could not resist anymore. Now he was the one pushing back, aggressive yet caring to not hurt her.

Soon it became deeper, every kiss became wilder and soon enough Giyu found himself carrying the woman to his room. To the place where she will be loved until exhaustion.

Shinobu felt like her first time together, the blush in her face felt so similar when Giyu removed her shirt. Again, his eyes ran a complete examination of the body in front of him. Tha smooth skin of her, Giyu build a trail of kisses all around her shirtless torso.

"T-Tomioka-San!" Her voice trembled when her breast were left defenseless, Guyu removed her bra with only one hand.

Did he practiced how to do that!?

The only thought of HER man in the arms of another woman was more than enough to bewilder and shake the core of her soul. Even if no love was involved no one has more right than her to love Tomioka Giyu.

She pushed the man down, now Shinobu lays on top of the man.

"Let me take care of you~" With a coquette voice she took away Giyu's pants and underwear, leaving nothing but his erect penis.

The young butterfly did the same with her own clothes, now both of them wore nothing but their own skin.

She climbed back, her breathing became heavy and lustful. Her eyes could only focus on Giyu's erect member, her hand went direct to it. She must take care of him, it trobs at the single touch of the woman. The moans that Tomioka tried to muffle are only an incentive for her... she wanted to hear him moaning for more, to beg for her to let him put it inside.

Except for the gact that Shinobu wanted him inside as soon as possible.

"I will put it in, To-mio-ka-san~."

The first contact released such ecstatic pleasure over their bodies. Was it the hardness of the man or the slippery wetness of the woman? They cared not, they only focused on the waves of long forgotten delight.

Both of them stopped for a second, when Giyu felt that he was completely inside her. They crossed gazes, his blue eyes like the peaceful ocean and her amethyst eyes like butterflies under the moon. How long have they waited for this moment?

They say that the eyes are the window to see the soul of a human. Shinobu and Giyu discovered that the rumors where true. Her eyes saying 'I have always loved you.' His eyes saying 'I will always love you.'

They shared a kiss before submitting to lust.


Giyu hugged Shinobu closer to him. An emptiness invaded his body when everything was over. Like a cold war after all that fire. After all the sweating and moaning.

A disturbing peace between the two lovers.

"Hey, Giyu." Shinobu called.

She was resting against his chest, hearing the beat of his heart, like a lullaby.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I love you."

Yes, he already knew that. After all, they just loved each other with their bodies, letting all the lust and desires out. They explored the body of the other and traced a path with kisses from head to toe.

"I love you too."

Shinobu squeezed his hand.

Deep inside her, she knew that their time together is coming to an end. Soon he will go back to where he belongs, still it isn't something so easy to accept, not again.

And she will do anything for them to stay together.


Chapter 27: [Classified 1]

Chapter Text

"The prime Minister was shot.. "

"Uproar in Japan..."

"The president of the United States of America is unharmed..."

Sabito clenched his fists. His eyes could not believe the footage in the TV.

It repeated the scene of the falling body at the speech. People running after Japan's Prime Minister died with a clean shot to the head. An almost impossible shot, since the security is tight and the possible sniping spot are covered by the JSDF and U.S. Marines.

Only a handful of snipers around the world can perform that shot.

Tomioka Giyu is in that list of renown shooters.

"You idiot!" Sabito cursed as he picked up his rifle.

Why is he not with Giyu? Because an order came from the headquarters: Only the captain was to be dispatched.

The rest of the Demon Slayers should be on stand by and ready to move out.

What the f*ck were the higher ups thinking?

Something felt off. And Giyu knew it all along, that bastard. Leaving the team aside again and again to carry on his duties.

Is he such an arrogant bastard that he will follow the order to kill the President of the United States?

Sabito growled as he mulled the options and found no answers to his own questions. Giyu is no longer the man he once knew.

"Lieutenant!" Tanjiro stepped into the room, his face as pale as a ghost "We have Colonel Urokodaki in the line."

For the peach haired man the news of having their commanding officer calling means only one thing: something went wrong.

As he took the communication device and began a talk with Urokodaki, the television showed the image of Tomioka Giyu.

The man responsible for killing Japan's Prime Minister.


Let's turn back the clock. To the morning after Giyu and Shinobu exchanged their love all day long. After the first round they ate breakfast and watch TV. The program was so boring that they ended up having sex again.

After the heat, they decided to kill time with some movies. But, it wasn't that interesting since they went for another round.

Such libido Giyu has. Can you blame him? Such a long time away, only fighting for his life and getting assigned to the most dangerous missions. Now that pent up sexual frustration can be released.

Shinobu on the other side... since they reunited her lust came afloat again. Much to say that her days at college were monotonous and senseless. She tried her worst to make friends and having a boyfriend was completely out of possibilities. Not even a chance.

Douma? She tried to have some dates with him in a futile effort to forget about Tomioka Giyu. The three dates were more than enough to clear her mind: There is no way she can replace Giyu with any man.

Her heart belongs to one and only one man.

Sabito and Kanae decided to not bother them. They knew that something was up since theri phones got a respective message.

Sabito: Don't be so loud, think about the neighbors. I will spend the night at Kanae's department.

Kanae: Just this one! I will let you have it... please use protection at least.

The purple butterfly was embarrassed when she read it. Her own sister is giving permission to have sex? That is just so weird...

She cares not, whatsoever. They spent the rest of the day in a cycle of trying to distract themselves only to succumb to lust and having sex.

Next morning felt surreal. To much action for so little time. Kocho Shinobu convinced herself that this is reality and not some kind of book. She spent the time with her beloved Giyu.

What used to be a fantasy became reality.

How many times she masturbat*d to this exact scenario? A lot, she may be to embarrassed to accept it.

She expected to wake up in the arms of her beloved man. Feeling those stupidly unfair muscles around her.

Yet, Giyu didn't was at her side.

"Tomioka-san?" Her question died in the silence of the room.

Taking her scattered clothes from the floor only managed to push the memories of the wild heat she experience all night long.

When her feet pushed her out of the room, she found the man. His hands were like those industrial robots, with precision and delicacy, almost a perfect motion, so soft to the eye yet so disturbing. Tomioka Giyu assemble his sniper rifle. After cleaning and corroborate that all the parts are flawless.

Kocho Shinobu observed as that man worked. Yes, this is not Her Tomioka Giyu, he a totally different person. She came came belive that two egos live inside Tomioka's body. The first is a sweet, shy and stoic person. Thus he is the one Shinobu loves.

Therefore, another face shows from time to time. When he shifts gears and turns into a soldier. A cold-blooded, focused and somewhat cruel man who will follow orders like a robot, only being able to complete a single directive.

He is Captain Tomioka.

"Giyu?" Her voice trembled as she approached. The reaction of the man can be unpredictable. She never know what the Captain is thinking.

"Kocho." There it was. A glacial response and a glare "Do you need something?"

Shinobu felt a stinging pain inside her chest. How can someone act like that after sharing such passion the day before? All the kisses, fondles and words of love were so void to him? They meant nothing?

"I-I..." her fists balled and her voice dissapeared for a second.

The butterfly took some seconds to inspect the room. Apart from the weapon on the desk, there was a backpack and an empty box.

Like he was getting ready to go out.

"Where are you going?"

"That is classified, you will stay here until I come back and then..." Giyu hesitated for a second and looked straight to her, a faint tone of melancholy mixed with the blue of his eyes "And then we will leave."

Yeah. Love is a bitch. It can take you to heaven, give you the best days of your life. Make you feel like such a unique person, like none is the whole universe is as happy as you.

Nevertheless, as everything in this universe it has an end. Nothing is forever. And cruel as it can be, love decides to close the curtain with pain and suffering. It will strike you as hard as it can. The more you love, the more it hurts.

"Leave?" Her voice broke, she didn't care.

"Yes, we will go back to what we do. This was nothing but a mission." Giyu sentenced.

Only a mission... maybe she was the only one who thought of this days as something special. Of a way to heal Giyu and take him back to her side. At the end of the day, it was just a one-sided delusion.

"I will go out"

Again. Giyu is leaving her side again and what will she do?

She gulped. There is no way all her effort, all that lobe she poured and the days spent together just dissapear like that.

"Giyu. Stop right there." Shinobu voiced with all her strenght.

She will not let him go again.


With a click, all the parts were assembled. Such magnificent rifle. There are better ones, yes, but this is his own and He will never change it.

He already knows how to handle it. How to adjust for wind, distance and how to control the recoil. It has been more than a partner. With trained moves, he prepared everything. The scope and notes, the bipod and the bullets. Though He said that only one bullet is needed. No more, no less.

Scouting for such perfect place took more than He expected. The angles must be perfect, a good distance between the targets and also somewhere away from the security.

If you want to snipe the Unite States President, you must be one hell of a shooter. It has just happened once in history, with the Kennedy incident. Yet, a lot of theories are discussed, what it was true was the fact that one man shot him from a great distance.

A marksman such as Him.

When he looked through the scope everything turned bigger. His sight became that of an eagle. Nothing is too far now.

The masses of Japanese and American people crowded the streets of Shibuya. Not everyday the Prime Minister and the President reunites in such public place.

Idiots. Exposing two VIPs without inconvenience. Just because no one has attempted against them in so long do not means that it will never happen. The security is lax and the ones in charge are overconfident in their 'preparations.'

He wondered what kind of panic will happen when he pulls the trigger.

Just as expected. Japan's flag was put behind them. Such stupid sign of patriotism. Now he can use it as a reference for wind.

Without taking his eyes from the target he adjusted distance and wind. There will be no second shot. Only one.

He just need one to fulfill his mission.

Preparations are made. His finger itching and his mind completely focused on the target. The world around dissapears and he can only see what is through the scope. Extreme tunnel vision.

And then it came. Like the roar of a monster, the cry of the reaper.

A single shot and the screams of people when it impacted againt his target.

Chapter 28: [Classified 2]

Chapter Text

"What?" Giyu shot a glare to Shinobu, his eyes like sharp knives. If they were, she would be dead by now.

"You are not going anywhere!" The young woman ranted, how can he be so heartless?

"This is not a discussion." Shinobu roared "Are you leaving like that again? Just a mission? Are insane Giyu!?"

For a second the time froze. Her rage was not to be locked, while the man who turned on his soldier side give zero f*cks about her emotions.

"Was all those day together just a farce?" Shinobu tried to held back her tears "was yesterday a mistake?"

The captain stayed silent. Maintain his composure and stoic face is the best course of action right now.

"I... I know that you have orders and all but, Giyu." Her words went lost when the piercing gaze of the man denoted his growing rage "You are leaving me again and didn't planned to say anything to me."

"I have to do what I have to do." He responded.

Shinobu knew deep inside her that whatever she says will bounce like a ball against a wall.

"Promise me that you will come back to me." She tugged the shirt of the man "I'm not talking to Captian Tomioka, but to the other man inside that head of yours. My Giyu Tomioka."

The man stood there. Silent and serious. His eyes like a glacier and her heart like a drum. Shinobu analyzed every expression the man could make, anything that could tell her what will happen next.

And yet, she has no clue of what will come out of Giyu's mouth.

The man looked at her and then to the ground, back and forth over and over again. Like a battle inside his head is taking place right now. One side is a crusade that wanted to say 'I will come back to you.' The other is a fortress with soldiers shouting 'I will not come back to you.'

When the decision came, Shinobu held her breath and balled her hands into fist. Words reached her ears and tears began to come out of her eyes.


Shinobu hugged herself as the memories of the discussion with Giyu invaded her again and again. There is no torture worse than the self-inflicted.

Her stubbornness kept replaying the scene over and over and over and over again expecting sh*t to change. But it was already set in stone.

"Stupid Tomioka-san." Shinobu sobbed while hiding her face between her legs.

Right now he must be doing his military work. Just like when he rescued her. That day when the reaper was roaming around her, extending the hands of the underworld to drag her down to the gates of the netherworld.

Giyu risked his own life to save her. Like a knight in shining armor.

However, life can take whatever it wants with such ease that it seems unfair. Now she is alone, heartbroken and at the verge of tears. The irony, just as the beginning of this story.

The door opened and closed with a loud bam. Heavy steps and curses came from the mouth of the one and only friend Guyu has ever known: Sabito.

"Bloody Idiot!" His voice made her jump "f*cking hell! What were you even thinking about!?"

Shinobu peeked from the room as the man rummaged through the kitchen. The peach haired man filled up a backpack with food, bottled water and... money?

"I know you are there. Come out."

The words, so cold yet so tranquil. Like he already has a plan or just a pretty good alibi to cover his rage.

"Something's wrong, Sabito?"

"Wrong?" He shook his head "It's a sh*tty mess. Giyu really f*cked up this time."

Sabito looked like he wanted to punch something. Not out of rage but preoccupation for his friend.

"In this backpack there are provisions, money and fake papers. You will need everything to get out of the country, Giyu will know what to do." He explained while walking toward the room "The priority is to find him before any other does. And you will need to find him, I trust no one else to do it."

"Others? Is Giyu ok?" Shinobu asked.

"I can't tell. But, he is in danger." Explained his friend "It was suppose to be a simple mission, a recon and keep the President safe. And yet... something went wrong."

"The president?"

"Yes, the United States President, he came to Japan." The Lieutenant sighed and covered his face with his hand "We are supposed to protect him. But, instead they sent Giyu to kill him."

"What!?" The butterfly flinched when the revelation came out "Giyu killed the President!?"

"No." Sabito denied "He killed Japan's Prime Minister."


That made complete no sense. Why would he kill the Prime Minister? What connection does it has with rescuing her and Kanae? What was the mission in the first place?

"It gets worse." Continued the soldier "HQ declared that Captain Tomioka Giyu has gone Rouge. In other words, he is not part of the U.S. Government anymore. Just a trained, dangerous man running wild."

Shinobu Kocho felt her heart flutter. She could perceive the fear in the words of the man and somehow understand what will come next, so simple yet so difficult to understand.

"I can give you one hour before the hunts begins." Sabito continued "They don't want thr truth to see the light."

"Giyu is the only one who knows the truth about the incident..." She whispered.

"And we were ordered to hunt him down."


With a click all the parts were assembled. Such a magnificent weapon. His rifle, his one and only companion during days of resignation and nights of aspiration. A tool that helped more than once to survive, even if that means that one soul must be traded.

However this time is to save someone else. If he must take another human being to the reaper, he is ready to do so.

Scouting for the perfect position proved to be more challenging than what he expected. Two time the man visited downtown to pinpoint the spots that could be used to take the perfect shot.

Giyu Tomioka had to think two-way. As an assassin and a protector. As a trained snipers he found three perfect spots to shoot.

Looking through his scope, like an eagle from above a perfect surveillance of his VIPs. First, the building in front of that restaurant where he and Sabito visited once. It has a perfect view but the only way to kill from there us from the office. It is almost impossible for a man to sneak a weapon. Second, the restaurant itself. An ample option for a shot. Yet, it has the same problem as the office: to much security.

Last but not less important, a luxury apartment building with view to Shibuya square. For Giyu this was the perfect spot to take out the President. It has everything; privacy, high ground and a surprisingly good position.

"I reported to them and I see no security." Tomioka snarled while adjusting his scope, there should be no mistakes.

He even took extra measures and found another spot near. A building under remodelation. People works during nights, so he will have no problems with intruders. Over there he can stay vigilant from the other spots and the President.

There is no room for mistakes. However as they say: if something can go wrong. It will.

"Where are you." Cursed the captain again while sweeping the crowd with his eyes.

The possibility of a frontal attack is insane, though it could happen.

When he pointed at the apartment complex he saw it: an open window and a what seems like a gun barrel peeking out of it.

"There you are, bastard." Giyu rasped while frowning.

Only a hand picked knew about the operation. Apart from his unit, less than five people are aware of his duty to take down any possible attacker. Reporting it is out of possibilities. Giyu is on his own.

Ho observed for another second. If any suspicious moves are made then he will pull the trigger without hesitation, but he cannot be sure and kill an innocent civilian.

A shade rested at the other side of the window. Gloom and shadows are hiding whoever is behind there.

The ravennete took a deep breath and without blinking prepared the weapon to fire. Preparing his finger to activate the rifle once again, smooth and natural, like something he could do any day.

The shade moved and his suspicious became true; more of that weapon peeked from the window, it is indeed an attempt to kill the President, just like the Intel predicted.

But, this time it will not be like J.F.K. because Giyu Tomioka will kill that bastard before he can shoot.

He took a deep breath and closed one eye. Awareness of his surroundings is null in this moment, entering an state of tunnel vision where the only thing he can perceive is what is at the other side of the scope. If someone sneaks from behind... it would be the end.

It will be over in one second. Just a small tap and—


"Stop right there you bastard!"

The loud bang of the door opening broke his concentration and as he turned around Giyu discovered a gun pointed at him.

A single man with scars on his face and silver hair behind the piece of lethal metal. A man Tomioka Giyu will always remember and despise.

Sanemi Shinazugawa.

"You are under arrest, Tomioka Giyu." Sanemi hissed.

Only a secondary later the screams of the of the crowd could be heard. This time Captain Tomioka could not complete his mission.

Chapter 29: [Classified 3]

Chapter Text

Sanemi Shinazugawa growled when another party of political supporters passed by with flags and banner of the Japanese Prime Minister.

Why is he working as security during these events? He is a detective, he should be investigating the dissapeared Kocho sisters, so close yet so far from even resolving the problem. He got the lead of the man who took them, an old... acquaintance of him. Tomioka Giyu, a man who came back from God-knows-where only to cause troubles.

"I swear that when I catch him..."

However, there was not even a lead to the suspect. Since those photos were taken, he vanished like a ghost for a second time. Just like their highschool days.

With a defeat sigh, Sanemi decided to keep himself working. When two important figures reunite at the same time, everything becomes a chaos and people got more stupid than what they really are. Such a pain the ass.

With a sigh he walked from his position to a nearby McDonald's, waiting there is troublesome and for his goddamn stubbornness breakfast wasn't eaten in the morning.

He ordered a burger and waited at a table. With a curse, Sanemi checked the messages and saw that all his coworkers are assigned to the same task. Not one is happy about it. Too much logistics, not much action.

When his order was ready, he didn't gave a sh*t about his surroundings only the delicious chicken sandwich and him. First bite felt like heaven itself, does clouds tastes like this?

People walking outside, strangers to each others, some happy, some sad, others living in another world and others with their feet in the earth.

Sanemi took some fries and took small bites of it.

The silver haired man studied his food once again, for a second his mind wandered away from the thoughts of the Kocho sisters, he does not need sh*t like that when pleasing the stomach.

"Finally, some f*cking good food." He whispered before giving another bite to the sandwich.

His eyes traced the people outside. Nothing out of the ordinary, families, businesses men, workers and Tomioka Giyu strolling through the jungle of iron and concrete.

Just a norm—

"Just wait a minute!" Sanemi slammed his hands against the table.

Running out of the restaurant, leaving behind a half eaten meal, confused customers and employees alike. Following the trail of the man, like a hound in the hunt.

Dialing his phone and keeping the eyes wide open searching for the man.


"Uzui! I found Tomioka, that bastard is here!" He blabbers at the phone "I need backup, now!"

"Wait, wait, wait." The flamboyant man at the other side of the line calmed his comrade "Are you sure that it was Tomioka?"

"Yes! I know what I saw. That f*cker is roaming here while Kanae and her sisters are God-knows-where."

A silence came from the other side of the line and after a second a sigh: "Ok, I will send reinforcements."

The sound pillar finished the call for good. Time is not to be wasted, one second without catching him is one second farther from retrieving Kanae and her sisters.

His eyes tracing the steps of his objective, where has he run to? What are his plans?


People evaded the detective like a river to a stone.

Desperation crawling from his feet to his spine, he knows that another chance like this won't come again. If Tomioka Giyu vanishes, there will be no other chance to get Kanae back.

Sanemi growled and honned his eyesight. Spotting an abandoned building and the security tape out of place, like someone breaking in. Pondering the possibilities. It could be anything and he has only one shot.

"f*ck it!" The silver haired man loaded a bullet to his gun and made his way in.

Careful on every step, he may be desperate but an idiot he is not. Covering every corner and checking for possible threats.

A single door remained.

If his judgment proved to be incorrect all hopes of finding Kanae will dissapear. No trace of that man will be found again.

Sanemi Shinazugawa took a deep breath and slammed the door with his body.

"Stop right there, you bastard!"

With the gun pointing to the raven haired man, Sanemi inspected the scene: Tomioka Giyu in an empty place with only a rifle and a full view to... the President and Prine Minister.

'This bastard was planning to kill them!?'

When his eyes crossed a chill ran through his spine. Emptiness and an obnoxious feeling is the only thing he can perceive from Tomika. Such a different person from the one he used to bully back in highschool.

"You are under arrest, Tomioka Giyu." Hissed the detective.

Only a second later the screams of the of the crowd could be heard.

"What the..."

Giyu clicked his tounge, he failed his mission and only due to intervention of an unexpected factor: Tokyo Police.

"Well done, idiot." Tomioka retorts "Now the US President is dead. And it is all your fault."


The riles should be reversed. Sanemi should be the one spitting sh*t to Tomioka's face and yet, he is the one being trash talked.

A buzzing came from his pocket. The cellphone screen showing Uzui's name.


"Sanemi, where are you?" Uzui interrogated "I suppose that you didn't catch Tomioka Giyu. Since the Prime Minister has been killed."

"What? The Prime Minister is dead?" Tomioka asked even his reaction was out of place "It was supposed to be the President..."

Sanemi stood in shock. What is all this situation? How does it escalated that quickly? Isn't he supposed to arrest Giyu and interrogate the man?

"Shinazugawa?" Uzui called from the other side of the line "Where..."

A keyboard could be heard from the other side and after a second he hurried a repsonse:

"Stay there! Other agents will rush to your position. Don't let him go."

Clever, the sound pillar is clever enough to guess that Giyu is in front of the man.

"It wasn't me." Tomioka stated with a blank face "You know that it wasn't me."

That was the last thing he heard before the raven haired man rushed like a wild beast against him.


A crowd of people running for their lives. Like a tsunami striking with full force the streets of Shibuya.

Spotting a man amongst them is nearly impossible. Giyu took advantage of the confusion to escape from Shinazugawa. If things went south then...

He must survive on his own.

The tidal wave of human being began to disipate, despite of the police effort to contain the hysteria, it proved ineffective. When fear strikes, nothing can stop it.

Soon, he reached an alleyway. He must think what action comes next, away from the ruckus of whatever happened.

"This is not what was planned..." Giyu whispered to himself.

When he received information about the mission there was nothing about the Prime Minister. Was it a bad shot from the sniper?

There is no way such operation will fail. Everything was carefully planned. From retrieving the Kocho sisters and not let the mind behind an important asset to fall in the wrong hands.

"Asset?" Giyu tried to remember what were they supposed protect "What was it again?"

He digged deep into his memory, but proved to be useless, there was no information at all. The thought never crossed his mind. What was the point of rescuing Kanae and Shinobu if there was an asset more important than that?

As Giyu rummaged through his own questions, a message took him back to earth.

Sabito: It's a wild hunt.

'So that's it? I was but a pawn... a f*cking scapegoat.'

Crushing the cellphone to nothing more than a crushed glass and components, Tomioka left the alley and made his way out of such crowded place. If a hunt is taking place then dissapear is the best option he has. Yet he has no money or means to get out of the country.

"Hey, sir. Do you have a second?"

And remember, if something can go wrong it will. Two police officers called him.

"We received a report about a suspicious man and you match the description." One of then talked as polite as he could "Can you accompany us only to clear any doubts?"

An obvious lie, as soon as he turns himself, they will put handcuffs on him and drag him to the police station where they will incriminate his ass for the kill of the Prime Minister.

One of the officers tried to approach while the other is ready to draw his gun if Giyu shows any sign of resisting.

Tomioka pondered once again, all the possibilities and varieties that are around him. He just left the alleyway and he was already found, that means that someone filtered the information of his location and profile since 'There was a report.'

His chances are pretty low to be honest. Maybe this is really the end of the way.

'I bet you already know how many people I have killed by now.'

"Sir, I will—"

This time the police could not finish the sentence. A screeching came from the street and what happened next was unexpected to everyone, including the cold and calm Captian Tomioka.

A car ran over the second police sending him flying some meters back. This was the perfect opportunity for Giyu to turn the tables and he does not let such a chance to slip. With dexterity and violence, he threw the officer out of balance and stomped on his face, it proved enough to knock him out.

"Get in!"

Tomioka didn't have time to question what was She doing there nor why was she there. Getting out and far from Shibuya is the top priority.

As soon as he enters the car, there she was... A pair of invigorating violet eyes beamed at him, a slim mouth with ruby lips that contrast with her pale skin. A unique butterfly ornament that helps keeping in place her onyx hair in place and those fading bangs of her such features are hard to pass. Such a beautiful woman.

Shinobu Kocho is her name.

She loomed at Giyu, his blue eyes studied every single part of her face and body. Like he was trying to guess if she was real or a devil took her place. However she is not in the mood to talk about that.

"Don't you dare say anything." She snarled with a frown on her face "I'm not so happy about this. You walked out this morning with all the intention of leaving me again and now look at you."

Shinobu sent a glare at him, like knives cutting through his defenses.

"We are together in this and together we will be. Are we clear?"

Giyu sighed. This woman, really. She is... really one and only love of his life.

Good or bad luck, the final part of this story is being written and they will end this together. Giyu would not like it to be other way.

"Loud and clear."

Chapter 30: On the run

Chapter Text

"It only get worse." Shinobu sighed while shuffling through the TV channels.

Everything revolves around the incident with the Prime Minister, from the scenes of his death to the footage of people running around. And even interviews from witnesses who claimed for the head of the responsible.

"Ara, you became so popular, Giyu~"

"I don't like to be popular." The ravennete snarled from the window.

Since the heat was up, they decided to hide until things calmed down... at least enough for them to attempt an escaping act. There was no better place to be than somewhere that tracks nothing about clients: a love hotel.

"You prefer being disliked by everyone?"

Giyu did not answered at all.

Shinobu smiled, satisfied by the reaction of the man. Though it only meant that his mind is focused on other things... like how are they going to leave Japan. Being an island country make the communication with the outside a challenge on it's own. Hitting the road will be a suicide, there is no way out. If they want to go to an airport that will be even worse, the moment they step in, the authorities will jump in.

There was one and only one way out of the country.

Tomioka frowned and walked to the bed where a backpack waited to be handled. It was Sabito's good luck gift. He rummaged through it, fake papers like passports and IDs, money, clothes and a handgun.

Giyu took the weapon and after a short inspection he gave the thumbs up to it. Tho, it has only one magazine; it is just an emergency measure after all.

"Giyu?" His partner called from the side.

The man studied her for some seconds. Such a fragile looking woman, a porcelain doll or a model. You won't expect such a beauty to be as courageous as her. Yet, there she is, risking her life to rescue someone as worthless as Him.

"Ara, you are mesmerized by my beauty?" Mocked the woman with coquette eyes.

"Yes." The reply came immediately taking Shinobu off guard.

What came next could be described as a vortex of emotions for Kocho Shinobu. A rough kiss yet so gentle, so comfortable and so lustful. Perceiving the desire Giyu held back, to rip her clothes, throw her to the bed and love her until her mind becomes numb with sex and pleasure. She wanted the same, however, this is a time to think with the head not with the crotch.

It came to an end soon. A loneliness invaded her when Giyu took distance. Like her lips made a strike against her brain, demanding for more kisses from Tomioka.

His blue eyes beamed with determination and he leaned once more, stopping on her neck, he took a large sniff of her scent. A shiver came from her toes and made its way up, up and up until reached her face her she bit her lips.

"When all this is over, I will give you the best nigh of your life."

Her face reddened immediately. It was such a rare occasion where Giyu took this behavior that it caught her defenses down. A blow to her heart where she cannot put any wall as a bulwark against his attacks.

Shinobu could only watch as the man smirked and began to walk out of the room.

Deep inside her, she wished for all the situation to be over quicker than anything.


"Listen up." Sabito walked inside the room where the rest of his —newly appointed—, tram awaited.

They are all ready to go out. Guns loaded, uniforms tidy and waiting for orders.

"As you may have heard, Japan's Prime Minister has been killed." The Lieutenant began to explain "The culprit has been identified already..."

Handing them a file and photography of their next target. As expected the reaction of the others was a horrified look and pale faces.

"Lieutenant, this..."

"I know what this looks like, Kamado." Sabito seconded the young man thoughts "Giyu has gone Rouge and is our mission to take him down. At first HQ was hesitant on giving us the task, but I insisted that we will be the ones to execute him."

Everyone exchanged a look, doubt was inside the team. Why would Sabito take upon the mission to kill his own friend? When the time comes will he be able to pull the trigger?

That is only for Sabito to discover.

"We don't know where he is, Nezuko you track his cellphone. I want to know where is he exactly." The man begin with his orders "Kamado, Agatsuma and Hashibira, I want to know that supplies do we have. Giyu is no easy to take out, the most equipment we have, the better. Genya and Muichiro, grab some maps and give me strategic thoughts about where he will move next."

The team hesitated for a second before Sabito roared: "Move!"

"Yes, sir!"

With shaking heart, the Demon Slayer began to work.

Sabito massaged his temple. Not the best day to be alive.

His phone buzzed and after groaning whe the Colonel name appeared in screen, he answered.


The voice at the other side of the line didn't lost a second to boss him around. As much as he hated it, Sabito must follow orders.

"Help?" Sabito frowned at the only mention of someone interfering with his operation "Sir, we don—"

Barking and yelling came from the other side, the Colonel had no problem with reminding who is the man in charge and that he will be punished if orders are not followed.

'I'm just making sure that our objective doesn't accidentally escape.'

That was it... HQ has no trust on him. No wonder that they were so defensive when Sabito insisted on taking the mission. Since Giyu and him have a long history, they cannot risk a witness of the truth to be on the run.

"Uh. Lieutenant, we have company coming..." Nezuki warned while the others prepared their guns.

"Don't worry, they are reinforcements." The officer growled as he contained himself from throwing the phone at the wall.

"What? Reinforcements?" Inosuke frowned from a corner "We are more than enough to kill the captain!"

Sabito knew what Hashibira meant by that. Though he didn't said anything, all the unit was in the same wavelength. Getting an outsider to interfere with them is a counter to their plan.

*knock knock*

Sabito opened the door and the first thing he saw was the Rainbow colored eyes of the man in front of him. Cold and relentless like a blizzard, a scar in his forehead and a smile showing sharp canines like a dog.

"Hello there~"


Giyu shifted his weight again. It was nerves or only the ominous feeling that something is coming for him or just the crawling fear of losing Shinobu at the hands of assasins?

She has involved herself with Giyu more than she was allowed. Yet, they are together till the end.

"What with that face?" Shinobu asked, the woman decided to take the wheel since Tomioka would work better with his awareness at any incoming threat.

"What face?"

"You know the 'I am thinking of abandoning Shinobu' face."

Giyu rolled his eyes and decided to ignore the chuckle from Shinobu, even though he loved the melodic sound of her laugh, oh how mich he yearned for a life without danger where Shinobu laughs for him and him only. Maybe on a peaceful country with beautiful season, a colorful spring and hot summer for them to enjoy their time outside, while the cold snowy winters will be spend inside of their house, no matter how cold it get, they will share their warmth with each other.

But first, he must take both of them out of such mess. No matter what.

"Are you really sure about this?" A red light stopped them and the butterfly wanted to reassure herself with the response of the man.

"Yes, my plan will work. The only viable way of getting out of the country is via sea." Giyu explained "Just trust me. Ships going from Japan to China or even to North and South America will always be available."

Shibobu pressed her lips together and took a deep breath. Even though she wanted to show courage, deep inside her heart a fear laughed at her own foolishness. If she didn't got involved in all this...

She won't be able to live a normal live again. Every day she will be an outlaw, always on the run and never settling down again. But, it will be at Giyu's side. Just like she wanted. Whatever life will bring upon them, together they will face it.

Now she can only move forward.

When the green light came, it all went downhill. Giyu's voice reached her too late, she could only felt the impact of the SUV against the car.

Her survival instincts kicked and her body tried her best to keep the damage at minimum. The feeling of the airbag hitting against her face was like a wall stopping her.

The car spun before stopping at the middle of the street, alone and in bad shape with two commotionated people inside.

Ah, Shinobu Kocho was right.

She won't be able to live a normal life again.

Chapter 31: Hunt

Chapter Text


Giyu could hear a distant calling. Groggy and hurting he pushed himself up. That crash took them off guard, not even him could saw the incoming car only when it was too late.

The taste of blood invaded his mouth. His vision a blurry mess and his body screaming from pain at every movement. Yet, his senses kicked in with an adrenaline rush when the realization struck his brain.


The woman is no different from Giyu. The impact was more than enough to throw her senses around.

"T-Tomioka-San?" She tried to grasp whatever is happening around her.

'Good, she is still conscious.'

That was a good start. Now, step two.

Luckily the door didn't jammed, getting out was easy enough, though his body was not pleased with the sudden movement. Pain crawled up his legs to his head.


Bad idea.

"Giyu!" This time Shibobu tried her best to get out of the car only to be held back by the pain on her side.

Pushing her limits she exited the car. The sight was worth beholding: a crashed car, a crowd of people trying to get a first row seat on the scene and two people crawling out of the accident.

"Are you alright?"

A man wearing an uniform from a local restaurant approached the lovers as soon as the crash took place. He was on his way back after a delivery and fate put him as a witness of such accident.

Belive it or not, the restaurant worker felt relief when the two people crawled out, at least no one is gravely injured. At least no live was taken... however.

A man in black suit, with a red oni mask walked out of the SUV, his hands holding a gun and his eyes were like fire. With a swift move, the gun aimed against Giyu and Shinobu.


Like the roar of a lion, bullets flew toward their direction, injuring the kind the unlucky worker who fell to the ground with a wound and blood splatter everywhere.

"Run, Shinobu!"

Giyu pulled the woman as bullets flew past their way. It was a race against death. With swiftness they reached the bike of the worker and Giyu started the engine. Shinobu on the other side was carrying their backpack and with all the strength her small body can muster, she grabbed to Giyu.

The bike immediately accelerated when the blue eyed man put his all to the speed. It is a matter of life and death. Time is up and their window of peace is over. Now it has become a hunt against them.

"Where are we going?" Shinobu asked from behind.

"I'm working on that!" Giyu accelerated and made his way to the main street, the more obstacles between them and their pursuers the better.

However, they are no fools. Hunting down an elite soldier like Giyu is something that cannot be done with guns alone. It requires more than that.

Two bikes trailed from behind, black helmets on their heads and machine guns at their sides.

"Uh, Giyu..." Shinobu spotted the new threat that approaches "You better speed up."

There was no time to explain since bullets began to fly around, they cared not about the traffic or the day time, it was a priority to take down Giyu.

"Hold tight!" The former soldier wanted as he took a harsh turn. An attempt to evade both, their pursuers and any civilian from harm.

Through the mirrors, he could see the attackers. Two of them, left and right.

"Shinobu, when I say duck, you will duck." He explained while taking one of Sabito's goodbye gifts.

The woman nodded, her confusion mattered not. If Giyu is the one who tell her this is because he has a reason.

Pushing the bike to it's limit, they trailed like a roadrunner a mostly empty street. Not a single pedestrian on sight. And not many cars too a perfect spot to-

"Duck, now!"

Like a reflex, Shinobu just let her already small self become even more minimal. Getting out of the way of Giyu and his gun. Two shots, like screams of devils were heard before the man resumed his escape.

- Take out one of the pursuers. It is an step closer to get themselves out of this mess. Just two shots fired and one man down.

Fifteen bullets left. More than enough. Or so Giyu hoped.


"Lieutenant. Are you okay?"

Sabito realized that he has been spacing out. Tanjiro and the others looked at him with apologetic eyes, they feel terrible about the situation. First the captain has been marked for death. And after that, it is the lieutenant the one who has been tasked with the responsibility of killing his one best friend.

"Yeah, Kamado. I am okay." He shook his head and loaded his rifle, there is no time for weakness "Are we close to the objective?"

"Two minutes. Boss." Hashibira Inosuke replied as he stepped on the gas, passing two vehicles.

It was only the three of them who came. Only the best among them will take such a chore.

For a second, Sabito thought of Kanae. What will he say to her? How will he face her when the time comes? Leaving again, after killing the man her sister loves. If worst case scenario comes true, Shinobu will have to die too.

That Douma bastard. As soon as he came, plans to kill both of them were made.

What kind of words can come out of his mouth that will fix such a mistake? What kind of acts can he do to mend such a wound?

Kanae will leave him for sure. And with that, Shin will be as good as gone too, forever. But they will be safe, they can continue their lives without any fear.

They say that there is a time when a man has to take a decision that will turn his life completely. And for Sabito, the time has come. Cruelty of faith as ever, a laughing kid extended his hands and put in front of him only two pills to swallow.

And he must make a choice.

Follow orders and kill them. Losing Kanae. Or save them and stay with Kanae, never able to experience a peaceful day ever again. They will be only outlaws, no more, no less.

Such weight fell on his shoulders. And he must find the strength before the time comes.


It took no more than a second for another vehicle to join the hunt and replace the fallen biker. Four more men team up and began a new problem for Giyu.

"Bloody Hell!" Giyu cursed as he accelerated, he didn't have any intention to wait for them to fire their guns.

With swift maneuvers, he escaped to a big street that will lead them to their destination: The Docks. A placer where they can escape. The only option left.

There were a lot of vehicle, for their advantage. Trucks, buses, SUVs, cars and bikes. None was left out. People who woke up that day without the thought that they will be part of a persecution.


The man looked at the mirror after Shinobu's call and saw the man with Oni mask with a machine gun.

That looks like bad news.

A concert of detonations came from their rear and death began to pass over their heads with every bullet that came from the cannon.

"These f*ckers!" Giyu dodged and used the other cars as shields, like a strident arrow making its way out.

The SUV didn't get any problem getting through the traffic, nobody will ever put themselves between a light machine gun and their target.

Soon, they were trailing behind and close to get to the side, yet, it was not over for Giyu and Shinobu, a bus saved them. Even though the attackers could keep the fire, they refrained from wasting bullets and ceased the violence for a second.

"Catch up!" The man at the machine gun ordered, it was the perfect opportunity for Giyu to escape or at least create more distance between them.

Following the command, the driver stepped on the gas. For their surprise, even after leaving behind the bus, Giyu and Shinobu were not at the other side.

"Wha-" the confusion was such that he didn't expect the bike to came from behind the bus and Giyu pointing the gun at him.

Three bullets came out of the gun. Unfortunately for the rogue soldier, it was an inaccurate burst. The masked man covered himself inside the SUV.

As much as Giyu wanted to kill them, there is no way his handgun could pierce. They are safe inside and as soon as they got the chance they will counter.

Or so they thought.

As a trained Elite Sniper, Tomioka Giyu is unfazed by such bluffs, there is more than one way to take out a group of people. He will use the old trick to get rid of a vehicle in movement.

He shot the tire. A simple yet effective method. A tire blowout will immediately cause your car to begin to slow down as well as pull to the left or right uncontrollably.

And when it happens in the middle of a transited highway, there is a high probability that it will end with a car crash.

The bus smashed the sides of the SUV, unable to react at the sudden lack of control that the vehicle presented, the brakes didn't make it in time. The driver only hoped for the best when Twelve and a half ton steel beast clashed against it.

"They are done!" Shinobu confirmed with relief on her voice.

Tomioka on the other side did not said anything. He knows that they just dodged a nuke.

However, it is not over until it's over. And deep inside Giyu felt it. The end is coming, trailing behind like the death itself. He knows that soon, the end of this will catch up.

Once again, he asked for strength. If his sister is watching him, please give him strength. He will need it for the culmination of this hunt.

Chapter 32: Pull the trigger

Chapter Text

When his senses came back Douma felt the stinging pain running up his body and mind. So close yet so far. Only one bullet short of taking the life of those two bastards.

With a grunt, he crawled out of the now wrecked SUV. Little helped all the numbers and guns that he already brought. How can they can't take out a single man and a woman. Maybe the man would be a problem, he is a trained Elite Sniper. A hand picked man who from the first day was scouted for his skills and traits. But the woman, there should be no problem at all, she is only a civilian, she should have been captured long ago. Shinobu Kocho proved to be more of a escapists than what Douma expected.

"Not a butterfly, she is a f*cking rat!" He cursed as he looked at the direction where their prey went.

For his own luck, a pair of motorcycle stopped by. Men that wears all black and carried guns. More of his hitmen.


Douma didn't have time to lose, he shot one of them and pushed his now lifeless body to the ground and got himself on the control of the vehicle.

"Hey, you." The man looked with his rainbow colored eyes at the remaining biker "If you don't want to end like that, you better keep the pace."


Shinobu felt her heart beating like a war drum. All the mayhem around her is new. She is Not prepared or trained to have bullets flying over her head.

She is not even prepared to shoot against someone. But even now, when her life is always in danger, now that masked men came after her once again and Giyu is putting his life on the line to protect her. There is no single second that she regrets leaving everything to be with him.

Her hands tightened the grip around Giyu's body.

"Shinobu." The man called, she didn't have to see his face to know what kind of expression he is making. A cold yet decided look gleaming on his face, he continues to talk with determined words: "When this is over, we are going to get lost."

She knew what he meant. And her heart filled itself with hope once again.

However it is not over until it is over.

From behind, two bikes made their way to them. Like hungry predators running behind their daily meal, a man with blonde hair and rainbow colored eyes is aiming at them.

"Douma?" Shinobu whispered to herself when her eyes spotted the danger.

But her eyes didn't lied at all. Soon the guns began to spit their spell of death on them.

"Hold on!" Giyu said while pushing the bike once again.

Now it became a persecution and once again their life was in the line. This time there was nothing that could block the way of their. However it meant that they must be more careful as well. Since they all ride the same type of vehicle. They all have the same risk of end with with a bullet on their heads.

"Damn it!" The man cursed as the mirror bursted into flints "These f*ckers have good aim!"

They are getting closer and closer to their destiny, he took an exit to the main dock market avenue, vendors and fishers out up stands on each side of the road while people roams around and look for the ideal fish, eel or seafood that will fill their stomach for the day.

This is just the final run until their escape and after that they can grab a boat and disappear forever. Just one more pull and they will escape this hell.

However, it was unknown to them, that from a high spot, a man was looking through a sniper scope. Stalking like a hawk from the heights, watching like an owl and ready to kill like a lion.

"Here they come!"

As soon as those word left Shinobu's lips, their pursuers leveled and aimed their guns once more. However, Giyu won't stand back this one.

With a tremendous amount of dexterity, he aimed back and shot twice against the left rider sending him back to where he came from. And he even thought about him and gave him a gift: two bullets.

When the man fell, Douma cursed again. This is not supposed to be happening. This was supposed to be an easy hunt, a simple seek and destroy operation. Yet, there he is, with a sh*t ton of lost men and vehicles destroyed.

However, as much as he hated to admit, he still has two cards to play. First he has the sniper waiting for his order to shoot and the other one is an ambush just ahead. A perfect plan that was just created in case of emergency. Douma hoped to not use it, however, extreme situations requires extreme measures.

"Cut their path!" He ordered first through the intercom system "And shoot! Take that bastard out!"

Another order. This time for the stalking sniper that was waiting for the order to pull the trigger.

It was then, that Sabito took a decision.


To kill or not to kill his best friend.

Follow orders or follow his own desires.

Sabito felt cold sweat on his back as he fought an internal war. His heart demanded that he saves Giyu and Shinobu. His brains saying that he should follow orders and live a happy life with Kanae. Love or friends?

The rumbling on his intercom brought him back. They are coming, fortunately for the others, he has positioned himself on an empty parking lot, third floor and a perfect view to the main street of the market. An amazing view without any obstructions. A spot to kill for.

"Bloody Hell." He cursed while loading the bullets to his rifle "Let's focus."

He looked through the scope. Hundreds if not thousands of people are walking around the street. Unaware of the situation. They don't even suspect that a persecution will take place there. They won't imagine that a man is looking through a scope with the finger on the trigger. A single tap could end a life without any effort.

Such a simple way of living. To be ignorant of whatever happens on the dark side.

Sabito took a deep breath when three bikes made a grand entrance. Trailing like running devils and worrying not about civilians when they shot one another.

Sabito growled. He adjusted and prepared to take a shot. A single bullet will be enough for the two of them. If he can have some kind of mercy, this will be. That way Giyu and Shinobu will not suffer at the hands of that psycho.

As he prepared for the moment, flashes began to plague his mind. Days at the army, at the highschool. Giyu's smile, Kanae's smile, Shinobu's laugh. Every single moment they spent together. That will be the only memory that will remain after he pulls the trigger.

Only a faint ghost of his best friend and Kanae's sister. Two phantoms that will vanish.

One if the riders fell. Giyu is still sharp as a f*cking knife. That bastard will drag as much people as he can if he were to die.

Then, his eyes spotted it. A vehicle that will cut their escape and probably put an end to everything. Yeah, that will be...


When he heard the order, his decision was already made, without any remorse, Sabito pulled the trigger.


It was a fraction of second. A truck was coming their way and there was nowhere to go. Game over for the two escapists. That should be the end.

If it wasn't for a certain marksman.

The driver couldn't saw where it came from. He died before he could even put the foot on the pedal. A sniper bullet pierced right through his head and ended his miserable life.

Giyu and Shinobu escaped their end, once more.

The blue eyed man smiled. No matter what, Sabito will always cover his back, even if that means to risk his own life and future.

"f*ck!" Douma cursed when he saw that his plan failed, once more "That f*cker!"

When he ends this, he will personally kill that bastard and his bitch too.

The two bikes turned a corner and made their way through a vacant warehouse. It used to be a big place for boats to unload their daily fishing earnings. However, time passes and now it is lucky if it sees one or two boats a day.

"Just die!" Douma accelerated and rammed against the other vehicle.

Bad move. He flew some meters after losing control. His anger was getting the best of him. Taking rash and stupid decisions is not the best, but sometimes can be effective as Giyu and Shinobu shared the same fate.

Nos the three of them sprawled on the floor after the fall.

Giyu pushed himself up. Ignoring the pain in his side and looked around. The guns were too far away to run. If that blonde bastard were injured, then there will be no problem. However, he is standing too. Smiling like he already won the battle. Shinobu panted and tried to get up, but she was too hurt to do it.

Giyu has to end it now.

"I finally catch you!" Douma smiled and walked like a champion to his cup "Now, let's end this stupid game! No guns, no weapons, only our fists!"

He threw some inaccurate punches. The former captain guarded against them and countered with body blows.

"Damn!" That f*cker hit hards.

Before Douma could react, a straight impacted his jaw, making him retreat and put all his strength on not falling.

Giyu took a step back and stared down at the new bleeding blonde. A satisfactory feeling crawled up his face and made him smile. Know he will take revenge for all this bastard has done to him and Shinobu.

Douma trembled when Giyu took a fighting stance again.

Maybe, just maybe. He f*cked with the wrong guy.

Chapter 33: Fist fight

Chapter Text

Shinobu finally grasped air after some seconds. Her lungs reacted to the emergency call sent from her brain. The impact of the crash was enough to activate her survival instincts and lock her body down.

As she looked up, wondering where Giyu is. He found two men fighting with their fists. On one side, Douma, her ex-fiance and the men she despises the most. On the other, her one and only love, Giyu.

They exchanged punches and kicks like wild beast. Douma sent a barrage of right handed hooks while Tomioka retreated at each blow. That bastard is not half bad at all. However, that blonde imbecile is not the most brilliant barehanded fighter.

Tomioka locked his arm and pulled down the man. A knee to his face launched his face up, the combination continues as Giyu punished his sides with hooks. That bastard's ribcage will be f*cking sore the next day of he survives. When Douma flinched from the pain on his core, a cross punch sent him to his knees. A clean hit that brought Douma back to reality.

It was just an overwhelming difference between him and Giyu.

"f*ck you!"

Again he tried to attack the blue eyed man.

This time his punches and kicks became more ferocious and wild. It came from different angles and even though the attacks may leave Douma unguarded, it proved such an impossible feat to counter.

Giyu took a step back as the hits became more and more violent.

Unknown to both males, Shinobu began to sneak behind. As the two men fought, the butterfly spotted a gun on the sidelines. A single yet mortal instrument that could end that stupid fight with just a single tap of the trigger.

As she crawled into sneak, Giyu kicked Douma back, that bastard was getting the upper hand, something that the former soldier could not accept at all. That rampage fit of him exhausted his energies. Now he was nothing more than a punching bag.

Giyu felt like a wild beast. Punching, kicking. Using his elbows as weapons, there is no time to lose, no way he will let that bastard catch his breath. Douma tried to clinch, with a tremendous strength, Giyu reversed it and left his foe core exposed.

Without mercy, his knees flew over and over again. Punishing the abdominal area of the blonde man.

"Gah!" Douma tried to free himself from the grip, however, Giyu was like a tiger. Once his prey is within his death claws, there will be nothing that can stop it.

Shinobu stopped for a second. The handgun was within her reach. She needed to just grab it and it will be over. Yet, her eyes traced to where Giyu was. Her heart accelerated as she saw her man beating the sh*t out of that bastard. Giyu broke the clinch and then with his fists, continued the attack. Face, ribs, liver, solar plexus. He tried to damage all these places that will ensure him a victory.

But, when it comes to a fight to death. Anything can happen. Shinobu held her voice as blood splatters. Her heart stopped for a second when everything took a bad turn.


Sabito growled in a low voice. Almost a whisper or a curse to his own stupidity. He just disobeyed a direct order and the only way to avoid consequences is for Giyu to kill Douma.

However, he still has to take care of the Upper Moons. Those bastards are going to catch up on what happened.

"Lieutenant." Inosuke called as he waited at the red light. His eyes are serious. A rare occurrence.

"What is it, Hashibira." Asked Sabito as he looked around.

"What is going to happen to us?"

The question felt like a little kid asking his parent, what will it be of them. After losing his mother or house.

Sabito stopped for a second. Analyzing the question. He pondered his options. Go back to the base, run away, fight for their lives.

What can he do? He has more than his life on his shoulders, the Demon Slayers are waiting for his orders. Kanae is waiting for him. Shin is waiting for him.

What is he going to do?

"Lieutenant." Tanjiro's voice reached him from the intercom.

"What is it, Kamado?"

"We are waiting for your orders." He paused for a second "Whatever you say, we will be ready for it. We are all together."

Sabito held his breath for a second.

The others were already part of what was happening, Kanae, the girls and even Shin. From the moment they got involved with the Demon Slayers, they were already inside the job.

Sabito knew what he had to do.


Shinobu held her breath. No words came out when she saw a the knife on Giyu's abdomen.

"Urgh..." The former soldier held his wound and backed from the fight with stumbling steps.

"There you go, bastard." Douma smiled from ear to ear, in delight of the spectacle in front of him.

Shinobu tried to scream the name of her beloved. Yet, not a single word came out. Like a wall on her throat prevented any sign of weakness at the moment.

Even when the void tried to grab her and drag Shinobu down to the gut of darkness, loneliness and grief, she did not lose hope at all. Giyu's eyes are lit up like a furious tiger.

And Shinobu was the same, this is no time for her to be frozen. She has to do something.

"Now yo—"

Douma couldn't finish his bragging, a fist impacted directly against his face. It made her brain dance a pretty good salsa inside his skull.

Yet, both men got back into offense as soon as they got the chance.

Tomioka knew that he has the disadvantage. A wound that causes unbearable pain and his opponent has a knife with him. While he evaded the slashes and stabs, he calculated that he has some minutes before the blood loss takes him out.

With one hand, he parried the knife, grabbing the forearm of that man, with the other he guarded against and counters. It was an exchange of violence once again.

He evaded the blade once again. This time a little to close for his own good. With his fist, he punished Douma's ribs once again.

"Ugh..." The blonde grumbled as he retreated. Even with that wound, the bastard is tough. Yet, he is sluggish now. If he has a chance, it is now.

With a feint, he launched another attack. This time, he succeed. The knife pierced flesh and blood splurge.

Giyu's reaction was slow this time. His forearm paying the price. Another wound that would be a —


Douma flinched and backed when he felt the sting. His side began to become numb.

At the distance, Shinobu held a pistol on her trembling hands. It was her fist time firing a gun. Yet, her accuracy was that of a veteran.

Before Douma could even curse at the bitch. A knife pierced his chest thrice. He did not expected that Giyu would take the weapon out and use it against him.

Such is life.

Without any sound, tear or word. Douma fell flat on his back.

It was over. The persecution, the fight. It was all over.

But it didn't ends with a happy ending like a fairy tale. Real life is cruel and will always push you to the edge. Sometimes making you jump into the depths.


Shinobu ran, with the gun on her hands, she didn't care about it, didn't care about the body of her once fiance nor the sound of sirens coming.

The only thing that was important was Giyu and only Giyu. He fell to the ground too, his face began to pale and his senses began to drift into a blurry picture.

The wounds began to take a toll on him. But, it was all over. It was thanks to Shinobu that he killed that bastard.

"No, no, no." Shinobu tried to call him, yet, she knew that there is no time "We have to get out of here, Giyu, please."

There is no way that it ends like this. She knows it. After everything, after all what they have done, what they have lived.

For some days she experienced the way Giyu lived.

Those extreme ways.

As the woman tried her best to wake him up, from the shadows a figure appeared. Not sneaky enough to not be detected by the butterfly.

Shinobu thought for a second. It could be a trap, but, she has no options left. Giyu is dying, she has nowhere to go back and they killed someone.

She reached for the backpack and took out some of the money. Sabito sure was generous with the amount of dollars he put inside. Maybe he foresaw this outcome.

Her eyes wet with tears and her heart rumbling inside. And even so, she talked:

"Please, help us."


Hey everyone! Author-san here.

It has been some crazy months for me. Changing jobs, moving out of home, living with my partner. It has been a rollercoaster, but, here it is, a new chapter.

Next time: final chapter of this fic.

Spoiler alert: there will be a second book.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy my writing.

Thanks for the patience!

Chapter 34: Extreme Ways


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When Shinobu opened her eyes, a light sea breeze came from the window. For a second she stared at the ceiling. Like a pendulum it sways for one way to the other. Left to right.

Being at sea is like that. Constant movement. At first, her senses and balance went wild. Her sea sickness was only worst than she remembers. And food, my god, Shinobu could not believe that a Japanese can get fed up of fish. After a week of nothing but tuna, she decided to loathe that fish for the rest of her days.

She jumped out of bed. Or whatever those planks and blankets are called. With a sore back she walked to the door and opened it. The soothing taste of salt and cooling touch of the watered breeze took away her pain.

Even at open sea, it felt like a dream. There are no more persecutions, no more people trying to kill them. And most importantly, no more Douma.

The boat where she traveled is a simple one. It is not the rustic and old boat like European countries use to fish. But a modern and comfortable boat that is also used as housing by the father and son that gently took them in. Shinobu smiled, who cannot be such a gentle man with thousands of dollars in front of them.

"Good morning."

Her eyes traced the voice. No matter how many times she sees the same blue eyes, it will only remain a pounding heart and a smile in her face.

Hee one and only love. The man she would take a bullet for and her partner during an adventure that came to a bitter end.

Shinobu knows that she cannot go back anymore. There will be no more Butterfly estate, there will be no more Kocho industries, there will be no more day with her sisters.

Only an uncertain future with Tomioka Giyu at her side.

"Good morning, Giyu!"

Yet, she didn't care at all. It was her decision and her way of leaving. Such ways...

The man was looking at some maps and a compass. Trying to figure out their location or the next move?

Kocho couldn't figure it at all. That stoic face of him does not change at all. She smiled when the man frowned and looked at her.

"Are we lost?" Asked the butterfly.

Giyu looked around and then to the maps. He did that twice. Sweeping the surroundings with his ocean blue eyes, draining the color of the sea itself into those lovely orbs.

"No, I am just planning where to go next."

"Oh..." Shinobu faked disappoinment and looked at the maps "I was really hoping that we were lost."

Giyu smiled.

Yeah, it has been an adventure. Maybe it was better to lose for a while. That happens when you follow such Extreme Ways.



Hello there!

You have reached the end for now. Thanks for the patience and for reading my book!

Will this have a second part? Yes

Will it be out soon? Not really

Tamales? Two please.

I hope that you all enjoyed the teasing as much as I enjoyed the writing. I will be seeing you soon on the second part or my other stories.

Thanks for reading!

Extreme Ways - Jagodbaird - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.