Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

3 1-4. 4 20 Marion, Indiana, Chronicle- Tribune March 11, 1956 GIANTS LOSE 72-69 THRILLER, SOUTH WINS nod Marion Club Bows In Last Minute After Desperation Rally 'Nearly Pulls Out Victory BY JACK LAKE came to the end school FORT WAYNE -Marion's Giants basketball trail for the 1955-56 season' at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum here Saturday afternoon, but there were were few among the 9,525 fans who watched their exit not aware that Weir's team had been here. Monday primarily, Includes Elkhart's Blue who, -often a stirring battle, finally overcame. the Giants, 72-697 in a first-round duel of the northeastern semi. final tournament.

It' was a scorcher from start to finish, certainly the best performance for the Giants this season. and probably the finest showing by Elkhart's deadeyes. That, if there's any one item that did might be the tipoff on the Blue Blue Blazers, too, for Max Bell's team simply kept the pressure on Marion with a dazzling. display of accuracy from floor. Giants, be it known, had their.

"eye" on the right spot almost as much' as Elkhart but one or two 44- "lapses" proved fatal. A Elkhart. getting tremendous shooting from 6-5 Ted Luckenbill. bolted into a 16-11 edge at the first pause and the Giants appeared in trauble momentarily. But Bill Wampner, coming on relief of Charlie Clark, turned in another 'stout showing and sparked a Giant attack that put Marion in front.

34-31, at the intermission. Back charged the stubborn Blue Blazers, however, to assume command again at 54-46 at' the third stop a pause that brought to an a nightmarish quarter which was the one bad one Marion ed to have almost all season. The Giants. though, never could be accused of giving the ship during the regular campaign and they didn't quit here. Rallying brilliantly after being down by 11 points twice in the second half, the Giants came on like a truck and whittled away at Elkhart's spread.

It came hard. Landy Stops To Help Runner, Timed In 4:02.4 World mile record holder, earned MELBOURNE A John Landy, a special spot in Australian sports Saturday -by passing up the chance of another record and jeopardizing his Olympic team berth to help a fallen teammate. The Australian star was on his way to another under-four-minute in the Australian championships at Melbourne's Olympic Park area. But a fellow runner tripped and fell 580 yards from the finish. Landy stopped, turned to help but was urged on by the prone runner, Ron Clarke: "Get going, John.

you later. Don't. worry about me." And Landy got going. He made up the 30 yards he had lost, overtook. the and won in 4 minutes, seconds: The stop cost chance of bettering his own time of 3:58.

Club Withdrawn From Tournament KANSAS CITY- The NAIA announced Delta Teachers College of Cleveland. had withdrawn for 32- team National Intercollegiate basketball Tournament here next week and was being replaced by Wheaton' Ill. College. While there was no mention of the racial controversy in a carefully worded statement by the association's executive committee, it was. clear that the integration issue led to the withdrawl of the Mississippi School.

Negroes have played in the tournament for years. This year three all-Negro teams--Tennessee Texas: Southern, and Central State of Ohio--are entered. A1 Duer, executive secretary of the National Association of InterCollegiate Athletics, said it was mutually agreed by the executive Alabama district that committee and them this particular time it would not be wise" to enter a team from that district. OUT IN FRONT PENSACOLA, Fla. -Young Don: Fairfield of Casey, banged out a sizzling 7-under-par 65 Saturday to push two strokes in front in the $12,500 Pensacola Open golf tournament.

MANN SIGNS CHICAGO (UP)-Dave Mann. a starting rookie halfback with the Chicago Cardinals last season, has signed a 1956 contract, managing director Walter Wolfner announced Saturday. I but Marion stayed alive with Dick Persinger, Marion spearheading crept the within attack. three counters at 64-61 and 66-63 and later moved within 'one at 70-69 in the final hectic minute. Travis Burleson, Elkhart forward, calmly sank two free throws with just eight seconds left to team in front at 72-69 and simply couldn't come on again.

The Blue Blazers had a 10-point spread at 61-51 when the Giants made their final bid for victory. Bill Hanley, an able worker throughout the game, and Persinger each sank two 'free to pull the Giants within six at 61-55. Dick. Barkman stemmed the Giant bid briefly as he helped take a 64-57 edge, but and Toby Richards pumped in quick Marions fielders to make it 64-61 left. Barkman then flipped in two free ones, but Charlie Masters matched them for Marion to make it 66-63.

The pair by Masters came with 2:40 remaining and Marion was far from done here. Burleson and Marion's Jim Perkins traded fielders to push the score to 68-65. then Dick Tepe broke loose for Elkhart to score from underneath to give the Blazers a 70-65 margin with 1:12 to go. The Giants were pressing here. gambling on a possible 'Elkhart "breakthrough" in order to try for possession of the ball.

Tepe got loose. But Persinger went under to score for Marion seconds later and then promptly dumped in another two-pointer after the Giants, scrabbling all over the floor. had induced Elkhart into a vital error. Persinger's second fielder here came with just 21 seconds to go and, as practically everyone went wild. The score suddenly went to 70-69.

Elkhart. The Giants, though, were called for a A last desperate effort to get the ball and Burleson's two attempts at the foul stripe both dropped in cleanlv. It was A hearthreaking finish for the Giants, but a gallant, if losing. bid. Elkhart led through much of the first period after Al Faunce's fielder put the Giants into a brief 2-0 edge.

Luckenbill hit 10 points for the Blue Blazers here to heln them take a 16-11 edge at that stop. But Wampner. going in after Clark had picked up three personin the first seven minutes, waxed brilliantlv as he personally brought the Giants back in the next round. The Blazers had a 31-26 edge 2:08 left in the half. but Wampner hit from underneath, Perkins took A pass from Wampner and scored Hanley dunked in a rebound and then scored again from close in to! put the Giants command at 34-31 at the intermission.

But that "one-quarter bugaboo" caught Marion in the third round and the Blazers. hitting with deadly accuracy, scored eight straight points for A 39-34 lead and later moved ahead 49-38 with 3:17 remaining in the session. Elkhart held that 11-point bulge until Faunce's one-hander cut it to mine at 55-46 at the third buzzer. Marion managed only 12 points to nine at 55-46 at the third-quarter buzzer. Marion managed only 12 points to Elkhart's 24 in the third heat.

In Elkhart sniped 29 of 57 shots for a nifty .492 average. By periods. the Blue Blazers went 7- for-18, 7-for17 and 6-for-11. Marion, meantime. hit .370 on 27 fielders in 73 attempts.

For the Giants, five cagers ended in double digits--topped bv Persinger and Hanley, each of whom centered 17. Perkins, Wampner and Faunce each had 10 and all of Wampner's came in the second round. Perkins, besides sharing in the scoring. held Elkhart's No. 2 scorer.

Dave Kollat. to three points in a top: defensive performance. 3 Elkhart (72) fg. ft pf tn Barkman, 5 3 1 13 Burleson. 2 2 20 Luckenbill, 8 2 2 18 Kollat, 3 3 Tepe, 6 6 4 18 Hudkins 0 0 1 0 Totals 29 11 13 72 Marion (69) ft pf tp Hanley.

6 5 4 17 Persinger, 3 1 17 Clark. 3 1 Perkins. 5 0 4 10 Faunce. 1 10 Wampner 0 10 2 0 2 Richards, 27 1 15 0 14 1 69 Score by quarters: Elkhart 16 15 24 17-72 Marion 11 23 12 23--69 Free throws missed: Elkhart (8) Barkman 3, Burleson, LuckKollat, Tepe. Marion (7)- Hanley, Persinger, Clark, Faunce Wampner.

Errors: Elkhart 15, Marion 11. Officials Eugene Sparks and Jim Patterson. LET US PUT YOUR WATCH IN TICK-TOCK Shape. Expert WATCH REPAIRING Regardless of age, make or condition, we'll expertly clean, repair and adjust your watch 10 It's like new again. ant BRANDT'S 121 South Washington St.

3 -I 55 34 BE HANLEY HAULS ONE DOWN. Marion's Bill Hanley comes off with a rebound in the Giants' afcontest with Elkhart. Back of Hanley is the Blue Blazers' Ted Luckenbill. Other ternoon Giants in range are Charlie Clark (55) and Dick Persinger (34). Elkhart eliminated the Giants, 72-69.

(Chronicle- Tribune Photo.) Bobby Bragan Positive His Pirates Are Not Last Place Club This Season 5: FORT MYERS. Fla. (UP) -Bobby Bragan doesn't expect to accomplish any miracles with the Pittsburgh Pirates this year. but there is one thing he is sure of: definitely is not a last place ball "I don't know how high we can: go, but from what I've seen in the camp. out I'm convinced we are going to get of the cellar.

There's too much talent here not to accomplish at least that much." he said. Bragan, getting his first shot at a major league managing job. pointed out that he's seen last place clubs so he has A basis for comparison. "We finished last in 1940 and again in 1941 when I was with the Phillies." Bragan recalled. "Why with some of the players I have here.

those clubs could have come pretty close to the first division." Bragan said the Pirates' big weakness was "inexperience." as many kids as we have. you are bound to lose games through mistakes established play. ers. don't make," he pointed out "But until these kids get experience through playing you have to expect inexperience to hurt you." He singled out his pitching as the team's strongest department. "I wouldn't trade it for either the Cubs, Cardinals or Redlegs pitching staffs," Bragan declared.

He Bob Friend. the league's leading pitcher in earned runs last season, Vernon Law, Dick Hawks Whip Lakers 105-97 In NBA Game ST. LOUIS (UP) St. Louls Hawks put themselves within one game of clinching a berth in the National Basketball Association playoffs Saturday by handing the Minneapolis Lakers a 105-97 defeat in a nationally televised game. The Lakers jumped off to a six point lead within minutes of the opening buzzer but the Hawks tied it up at 6-6 when period was five minutes old.

The Lakers, paced by towering Clyde Lovellette, tantalized the Hawks repeatedly by staying a mere point or two ahead until late in the third period when the St. Louis team, which had trouble sinking its fieldgoals earlier in the game, started hitting with regularity. Bob Pettit, fresh from setting a new NBA, rebound record as the Hawks defeated the Lakers 103-102 Friday night, dropped in 34 points Saturday to outscore Lovellette's 20. Pettit hit on 14 of 20 field goal attempts. East Squad Adds 2 More Players 1 NEW (INS) Charles Rolles of Cornell and Hal Lear of Temple were added to the East squad Saturday for the East-West All Star Basketball Game March 31 at Madison Square Garden.

Both will play with the college Olympic squad that will compete in the final trials for the U. S. team at Kansas City next month. Rolles and Lear are the fifth and sixth members of the East team that will be coached by Dayton's Tom Blackburn. The others are Si Green of Duquesne, Tom Heinsohn of Holy Cross Dayton's Bill Uhl and Jim Paxson.

The West, to be coached by California's Pete Newell, has Bill Russell and K. C. Jones of San Francisco: Carl Cain of Iowa, and Paul Judson of Illinois. Each squad will have ten men. 4 2 Players Could Settle AL Race By HARRY WISMER (Copyright, 1956, by I.N.S.) a pretty good fight of the pennant chase last year, and this time they appear even stronger.

If Score can come through like many experts say he can, in addition to the tremendous pitching staff the Indians boast, the Cleveland ball club will have a fighting chance to win the American League pennant and make up possibly for their humiliating World Series shellacking at the hands New York Giants in 1954. Not since Bob Feller skyrocketed A strikeout a king a and speedball aracross the horizon has there tist with the potential of Score. Meanwhile, in the National League, the only team with chance of upsetting the Brooklyn Dodgers would appear to be the Milwaukee Braves. Charlie Grimm has done a fine job with his athletes in Milwaukee is somewhat on the spot as they start the 1956 baseball season. Grimm reportedly has to win this year or his number will be up as manager.

Jolly Cholly felt: the wolves close on his trail last year and just managed to shake them I off. The Braves are well fortified -with hitters and should their pitching staff come through, Grimm would 'have the combination that he has necded all these ycars. The Milwaukee team is blessed with a magnificent spirit and the most loyal following in baseball today. Two men, one in the twilight of his career, and the other a brand new star on the horizon, have a good chance of deciding the American' League pennant race this year. They are veteran slugger Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox and young southpaw sensation Herb Score of the Cleveland Indians.

This will be the first year that Williams has been ready or will be ready for opening game in some time. During his baseball career has. had almost everything happen to him, but this maybe fate will smile on Big Teddy and he'll be able to start the campaign with all guns firing. And if fate smiles on Williams, and he has a great season, fate also will be smiling on the Bosox. Even when Williams did get a chance to play in the World Series, he wasn't clicking on all cylinders and it would be terrific to have this all-time baseball great have a chance to bow out in a blaze of glory the October classic.

The Red Sox, as you will recall, made Scores CITY LEAGUE Crest Lanes Standings Pet. Byrd Lumber 48 .615 Matts Tavern .........45 33 .577 44 31 .564 Quigley Agency 12 36 .538 Paranite Wire 42 38 .538 OF 41 37 .526 Nicks Chili Bowl 39 39 .500 Labor Temple 32 46 .410 Modern Laundry 30 48 .385 Marion Pure Milk 27 51 .346 A 200 Alexander. Games-Kelch, 219; Pierce, 232: 212; Hunter, Doran, 221: 211. Splits-Sims. 5-7: Lytal, 5-10.

INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Crest Lanes Points Air-Flow 83 Marion Tool 82 Moose 81 Wonder Bar IBEW-1112 63 Curran Rfg. 611 Kaiser Allen 59 Anaconda 50 State Rig. 4912 193): Van Duyn, 630 (245-200-183); 600 Series--Johnson. 600 (203-204- Pherson's 4212 Addison. 616 (203-191-222).

200 Games-Scott. 200; 213: Pierce. 204; Tracy, 203; Hyatt. 206: Sims, 203: Kelch, 204; Hall, 202: Showalter. 201; Watson, 237; Miller, 212; DeNardo.

Ackley, 210. Split-Doyle. 6-7. Bonus Points--Scott. 642; Watson, 255: Moose, 2921: IBEW 1112, 1031.

BUSINESS LEAGUE. CREST LANES Standings Pet. Hawkins Ford 60 21 ,741 Fluhrer's Cleaner's 2842 .654 Kroger 3412 .580 Jonesboro Presby. 46 35 .568 Runyon's 45 36 .556 Grapette 44 37 .543 Indiana Bell 37 44 .437 HHN RB Con. 30 51 .370 JAC 29 52 .358 Folkies Tavern 19 62 .235 200 Games-H.

Pierce, 210: Duke, 205: McGahey. 213; Murch, 213: Thompson, 203: Polley, 203. Splits- -J. Lynn, 5-7; Murch, 5-10. FRIDAY NITE MIXED LEAGUE Bowl Aire Standings Points Richeson 35 McCroskey 32 McBride Yunker 30 Myers Harrell 19 Itams 18 Davis 14 Libbert 9 500 Series--B.

Douglas. 585: J. Boston, 537: I. Ancil. 538: E.

Davis, 518. 200 Games-B. Douglas, 235: J. Boston, 218; I. Ancil.

201. Splits Converted- -V. Rank, 5-7; D. McBride, 6-8-10. FRIDAY INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Bowl Aire Standings Pet.

Anaconda No. 2 .725 Dana 33 .360 Allov Machinist 34 .547 R.C.A. No. 40 35. .533 Alloy Welders .37 38 .493 R.C.A.

No. 3812 .487 Anaconda No. ............30 45 .400 Chronicle 30 45 .400 Games- J. Williams. 212: Leslie, 204; Carmicheal, 222; Strieb, 223; Fisher.

219; Hamaker, 221; Merritt, 203; 214. THURS. NIGHT LADIES LEAGUE Crest Lanes Standings Pet. Moores Hdw. .742 Jacoutot .653 Grice Motors.

........50 28 040 Gotschall 49 .627 RCA 32 .589 Respecks ...42 38 ,538 Boles Market. .518 Dana 57 .269 General Tire Danettes .16 62 .205 500 Series- Whitcomb, White, 50 Smith, 550. 175 Games -Enveart. 186; Douglas, 198; Green, 181: Millspaugh. 178; McDonald.

189; White, 205; Webb, 176; Smith, 202; 177; Van: Horn 189; Whitcomb, 208, Archers Triumph Over Wabash, 69-58, But Only After Third Period Scare By BILL DAVIS FORT WAYNE capacty crowd of 9,500 found out the Wabash Apaches, despite 10-15 season's record, reached northeastern semi-finals of the diana State high school basketball season at Allen County War Memorial Coliseum here Saturday ternoon. The Apaches finally bowed Fort Wayne South Side. 69-58, not before a stirring third-period rally which had the "Archer fans sweating blood. The host Archers finally snapped the Apaches' spurt with a fourthto qualify for championship, Blazers. game against ElkFort Wayne forged into: a 20-11 lead at the first stop and had stretched its margin to a comfortable 16 points, 42-26.

at the termission. But then Wabash suddenly caught fire and threatened to pull the prize a upset of the tournament. They picked up six points in the first minute of the third quarter on three free throws by Jerry Hipsher. one by. Joe Deeter and Kenny Miller's jump shot.

That closed the gap to 42-32, Fort Wayne, and the Archers came back to life. their margin 49-38 edge They had added, one point with 1:53 left in the session when Wabash struck again and Women's Bowl Winners. Announced Winners in the annual women's bowling tournament held at the Marion Bowl-Aire recently were announced Saturday. The team, doubles and singles events were decided on 8 handicap basis. Boles Market captured top honors in the team event with a total of 2,760 pins.

Knotty Pine Cafe was second with 2.748. Other leaders in the team event included Foster-Forbes, Appliance Roessler's, 2.659: Moore's Hardware. 2.611. and Gotschall's Insurance Agency 2,612. W.

Ashbrook and K. Naegele won the doubles event with a 1,164 total. Other tip scorers in that event were turned in bv E. Webb J. Drake, 1,130: R.

Michaud and and McCracken, N. Millspaugh E. Thomas, C. Hartman and White, 1.101: J. McNeely J.

Ringle, 1.089; M. Warnock and 0. Scott, 1,086, and. Feazel and S. Enyeart, 1,082.

Winner in the singles event M. Munson, 714. B. Barley was second with 621, while S. Enyeart.

609, L. Fisher had 609: R. Armstrong, 607: W. Washbrook, 606 W. Kirkpatrick, 583; E.

576: P. Copp. 574; 0. Scott. 569: McNelley, 565; and D.

Kuehn, 562. Munson won the all-events, which was decided on An actual pin basis, with a total of 1.512. Other leaders in that division were W. Ashbrooke, 1467; 0. Scott, 1,457: W.

Kirkpatrick, 1.457: J. 1,443: B. Barley, 1.384: J. White. 1.384; J.

White. 1.377; L. Smith, 1,373: L. Fisher, 1,343, and W. Snyder, 1.342.

Swiss Champ Wins Ski Tournament SESTRIERE. Italy. UPleine Berthod. a farmer's daughter from the Swiss Aips. flashed her Olympic gold medal form Saturday to win the women's championship in the 21st Arlberg Kandahar ski tournament.

The slim 25-year-old brunette outraced 31 competitors from nine nations in the special slalom. closing event for women. This victory, added to her second place finish Friday in the downhill, assured her of the title which is awarded on combined performances. 1. viciously.

Deeter pumped in a hander from the right corner, how Tyte dropped one in a edge of circle. Hipsher the verted a pair of free throws In- Deeter too popped withe another hander narrow gap to South Side. af- Deeter again connected the right corner as the fourth to ter got underway to cut the but chers' lead to a single point sent the crowd an uproar. it was the Apaches' last bid. Fort Wayne reeled off 10 straight points to move out of danger Wabash couldn't get another underway.

the The Apaches held 2-0 and leads in the opening minutes of first period. But then they, moved away to a 12-8 margin with remaining in the quarter and later boosted their advantage to in- points at the first stop. Terry ler and George Wehrmeister paced their opening period assault with eight and six points respectively. The Archers reached their peak in the second session. connecting for 22 points and pumping in nine of 14 attempts from the field a .643 average.

Dave Willard narrowed it 10 20-13 at the start the quarter and then the winners reeled off eight of the next 12 points to to move into 28-17 margin with five minutes left before the half, to They later upped their advantage 31-19 and went on to post their 42-26 advantage at the intermis. sion. And then Wabash opened up with its third-quarter rally only to fall back again in the final round and suffer its 16th reverse of the seal son against 10 victories. Johnny Lewis and Miller shared scoring honors for Fort Wayne with 17 points each. Lewis got 13 of the last half while Miller connected for the same number the first two periods.

The Archers had twa players in double figuresWehrmeister, who collected 13 and Campbell. who tossed in Wabash also had four cagers, who climbed into double figures. Tyte paced their offensive with 17 counters. Deeter and Hipsher added; 14 and 13 respectively and Miller pumped in 10. The Archers had a big edge the statistics.

They connected 25 of 57 attempts from the field; for a .438 percentage. The Apaches picked up 22 baskets in tries for a .319 mark. From foul line. Fort Wayne cashed 19 25, Wabash converted 14 of 23. Fort Wayne (69) ft pf J.

Lewis 4 9 3 Wshrmeister 5 3 4 Blackledge 3 0 0 T. Miller en 6 5 4 W. Campbell 6 1 J. Beal 0 Chris Stavreti Carl Stavreti Howe 0 2 Totals 25 19 14 69 Wahash (58) ft pf tp Miller 5 0 5 10 Deeter 6 2 2 Hipsher 4 5 1 13 Rove 2 Tyte 3 3 17 Willard 2 O'Bren i 2 Rdenour Koenig 0 0 Stevens 0 01 Totals 22 14 13 58 Score by quarters: Fort Wayne 20 22 7 20-69 Wabash 11 15 20 72-58 Free throws missed: Frt Wayne (6)-J. Lewis 2, Wehrmeister 2.

Blackledge. Campbell; Wabash (9)-Miller. Tute 2. Hipsher 3 Deeter 3. Errors: Fort Wayne 13, Wabash 8.

Officials: John Hilligoss. Richmond. and Schwomeyer, Indianapolis. Wriaht Finance Loans Financing Phone Gas City 8-4981 Main Street, Jonesboro 6 MUNTZ TV 24 in. 95 Price includes Federal Tax and Warranty; Delivery installation $10 if desired; legs extra.

JIM DAVIDSON, Enterprises Open Till 9:00 P.M. Weekdays 1330 West 3rd St. Phone 868 left Dale outer con- and left49-46, of 65 in from quarAr- and But and rally 4-2 the 3:20 nine Mil- for of his 12. in 63. the of in 17 131 6 17 12 14: 2 Spring Training Scores Littlefield.

Rob Kline and Leroy Face as "five pitchers who are major leaguers." "A lot clubs would like he smiled. "The only trouble is they don't want to give us anything worthwhile in Bragan expects the veteran George Munger, who won another major league chance by hurling 23 victories for Hollywood last season to a big help." Bowling, Notes, Seven split--Conversions were, recorded in the Booster League at Crest Lanes last week. Six of them were converted by four keglers rollng with Young's Day Nursery Team. Polly converted the 2-57 and 5-7, Holloway turned in a 3-10, Briggs, the 5-7 and 4-5 and Eachor converted the 5-7. Parks, of the Co-op team, converted the 6-7-10.

Three bowlers turned in splits in the Monday Night Ladies' league at Crest Lanes. L. Pratt, of the Johnson Package Co. team, picked up the 5-7 and 5-10. G.

Hobbs, Sports Bar, turned in a 5-7-9 split and P. Copp, Roessler's, converted the 7-9. TUESDAY LADIES' LEAGUE Bowl-Aire Alley Standings W. L. Pct.

Hammond Shell 54 27 .667 Webb's furniture 271 .661 Kenny's Drive Inn ...48 33 .593 Rupert's heating 34 .580 Miller's Cons't. 38 .531 Vighi's Hairdressers ..39 42 .181 Twin City Chev. 4212 .475 Foster Forbes ..38 43 .469 Phi Delt Club 5642 .311 Marion Nat'l. Bank 6119 .242 Chism, 516; Brindle, 501. GAMES -W.

Ewing. 178: C. Hartman, 182; Fisher, 146; M. Real, B. Chism, 221.

CIVIC LEAGUE Bowl-Aire Alley Lions Club 1.18 00 .750 Fontaine 16 .667 Westminster 13 11 .542 Converse 12 12 .500 Kiwanis Club 12 12 .500 B'nai-B'rith 11 13 .458 Exchange Club 13 .158 Fairmount 11 13 .458 Foremans Club 4 15 .375 South Marion 7 17 .292 200 GAMES-Lenon, 200: C. Green, Armstrong. 209; Atkinson, 216; Thomason, 214: Friedman, 223; Musser, 200; Doyle, 211-203; Linn, 246; Carnes, 223; Anderson, 213; Monohan, 209. BOOSTER: Crestlanes, Standings Pet. Co-op 55 23 705 Spikers 48 32 .590 Mercury Hurricanes 45 33 .577 Mayos 34 ,364 Youngs 2312 .554 Powells 42 36 .538 Hunts Furniture 37 41.

.474 Miller Const. .33 45 .423 Marion Refrig. 551 .257 Montgomery Ward 22 56 .245 T. 200 Games--Sims 203, Holloway 203, Hi Hulley 201, Fordham 200. W.

Achor A. Human 224. H. Stevens 210, Fox 226. CLASSIC LEAGUE Bowl Atre Points Price Hutchins 29 Bells Trailors 27 First Nat.

Bank 25 Marion Truck 22 Jewelers 18 Johnson's Big Bud American Hutchison Bros. Superior Metal 14 Ray 11 600 -Botkin, 605 (158-235-212); Anderson. 623 (203-221-199); Cultice, (203-245-225); Peckid, 614 (211- 200-203); Foust, 643 (182-236-225). 200 Games- Weisenauer. 206; Ra- 219; Hutchison.

212; Barber. 205; Roberts, 202; Watson, 213; Monahan, Showalter, 222; Sink, 202; Scott, Strieb, 213: 201: Futrell? 210; Huffman, 215; Connelly, 200: Snyder 203: 224: Holt, 218; Beck, 208: Hare, 210; Johnson, 220; Favors. 221: Lis213: Millspaugh. 214; Jones, 202. Bonus Points--First Nat.

Bank, First Nat. Bank, 1103; Foust, ison, Foust, 254. Cincinnati (N) 8, Chicago (A) "B' 5. Washington (A) 8. Detroit (A) 2.

Kansas Ctiy (A) 3, Pittsburgh (N) 1. St. Louis (N). 1, New York (A) 10 (11 innings). Chicago (N) 3, Baltimore 2.

Nw York (N) 7. Cleveland (A) 3. OUTSIDER TRIUMPHS MIAMI, Fla. UP -Mielleux, sider in the betting at 32 to 1, captured the $18,335 Appleton Handicap before a crowd of 727 at Gulfstream Park Saturday. League Standings, MONDAY LADIES' Crest Lanes Standings Pct.

Knotty Pine 5612 1512 .785 7-Up 4812 2312 .674 Shoe 45 27 .625 Coco Cola 41 31 .569 Roesslers 37 35 .514 Sports Bar, 39 .458 Appliance ......31 41 .431 Johnson's Packing 41 .431 General Tire 21 51 .292 Becki's Bowlers 16 58 .222 450 Series Schulz, 454, 460, Osmann 463, Porter 465, Guy 472. Knotts 458. Foust 171, Osmann 158-189. L. Pratt 150 Games- Rich 159; Schulz 188, 150, English 159, McBride 168, Douglas 166, McNamee 164, Evans 157, Porter 163-169, Goss 165, Devitt 170.

Copp 156-158, Buskirk 165. Kirkpatrick 172, Guy 160-167, Knotts 212. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Bowl Aire Points Lynch Corp. 3-35 Paranite 5-30 7-7 Foster Forbes 1-5 Dana Corp. -24 Bell Fibre 0-19 General Tire 2-17 R.C.A.

1-17 Ind. Mich. Elec. 3-12 Swift Co. 1-10 600 Series 615 222; Collins, Stevens, 231; U.

200. -Swope, 203; Willman, 220; Alexander, 202. Bonus Points Anaconda, 2785; Paranite, 966; Linn, 657; Stevens, 242. CITY LEAGUE Bowl Aire Standings Pet. of C.

18 .750 Anaconda 16 .667 Foster Forbes 13 11 .542 Moose 12 12 .500 Crossroads 12 12 .500 Phi Delt No. 11 13 .458. Wrights D-5A 13 .458 Chronicle 10 14 .417 Phi Delt No. 1 9 15 .375 8 16. .333 600 Series- 608 (207-236-165); Stevens, 604 (211-195-189).

200 Games-Reed, 202; Crawley, 200: Harrell, 211; Holt, 215: Davis, 210: Eastes, 211; LeRoy, 206; Wood, 209; D. Stalker, 214; Biddie, 205. COUNTY LEAGUE Bowl Aire Standings Pct. Fudgie's 16 8 .667 Peoples Credit 13 11 .542 Shroat Market 13 11 .542 Ermas 12 12 .500 Liniger's 12 .12 .500 Leows 12. 12 .500 Liberty Loan 13 .458 N.

13 .458 Hat 10 14 .417 Myers Dairy Bar 10 14 .417 600 Series- 688 (247-195-246): Cultice, 683 (211-248-224); Lewis, (222- 201-225). 200 Games- 211: Frantz. 204; Wright, 215: Thomason, 210; Rosselle, 214; 215; Hutchison, 203; 205; Beutler. 204: Uptegraft, 206: Reynnlds, 200; 211; McGahey, 201; Jim Wood. 213.

BOWL Bowl AIRE ALEAGUE Standings Pet. Edgewood Restaurant 64 .759 Kaiser-Allen 914 .648 Roof .16 11 .593 Chevrolet .15 12 .555 Williamson Bros. 13 .519 Kerbys Signs 13 14 .481 Jacks Cafe 16. .407 Malleable 17 .370 Shoe 17 .370 Stollers Tavern 19 296 600 Series- 620 (173-223-224). 200 Gray, Games Barber, 203: Stephens, 210; Barton, 222; Cooper, La Armstrong.

204; Doyle, 201; Kaiser, 211; Gause, 210; Futress, 219; Monahan, 215; A. Hyman, 207; J. Henderson, 200; DeHaven, 234; Hutch227: Starks. 200: Frantz, 215; Tomlin, 213; Miller, 201. I 1.0 A 1 1 4 a PRO 2..

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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