Letter to the Editor Format | CBSE Board | 5 Full Marks Tips (2023- 24 Data) (2024)

The letter to the editor is a formal document. There are many rules to follow while writing this type of letter. If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of questions about the letter to the editor format.

In this article we will focus on the letter to the editor format, including many other questions, that might help you get better grades in CBSE Board Exams. If you need only examples you can read them at Letter to the Editor Class 10 | Board Examples | Amazing Tips

Letter to the Editor Format

Sender’s Address (Use Maximum 3 lines but using 2 lines is good)

AB Block -1256, Mayur Vihar
Phase I, Delhi-94
Date- March 25 , 2019/ 25th March, 2019 (Use any format but don’t write the word “Date”)

Designation and Address of the receiver

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi- 110022 (no commas in this section)


Sir/ Madam
This should be short and specific to make all the content clear. (Suggestion- Keep maximum 12 words)
Main Body- This part should be divided into three paragraphs.
Para 1- Beginning- Through the editorial column of your esteemed newspaper I wish to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities regarding___________
Para 2- The middle paragraph must contain all the details, while the last paragraph must express what one would want the other person to do in the response of this letter.
Para 3- I shall really be greatly thankful to you for providing a relevant space to my concern in your prestigious newspaper.
Yours faithfully (Don’t use comma in your’s it is totally wrong)
John/ Michel
The above mentioned best format of a letter to the editor will help you get excellent marks in CBSE board exams. The format is simple and easy to follow. Just remember to include all the important points in your letter.

For a better understanding of the letter to the Editor Format, you must watch the video given below-

The way of Writing Letter to the Editor-

There is no one best way to write a letter to the editor for the CBSE board exams. It completely depends on your way of expressions. However, there are some tips that can help you get excellent marks.

Use the following tips to write a letter to the editor with best above mentioned format.

1.First, make sure that your letter is well-organized and clear. It should have a beginning, middle, and end.
2.Second, use strong and persuasive language. Be sure to back up your opinions with facts and evidence.
3.Third, be concise. Means you need to follow a strategy of using minimum words and maximum meaning. A letter to the editor should be no more than 150 words.
4.Fourth, proofread your letter before you move ahead. Make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors.
5.Support your opinion with facts and reasoning.
6.conclude by restating your opinion and urging the reader to take action.

By following these tips, you will increase your chances of getting excellent marks on your CBSE board exams.
Some sample lines for beginning a letter to the editor. These opening lines of a letter to the editor will definitely help you to grab the reader’s attention-

1.Through the column of your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities and the common masses regarding….
2.With great belief and admiration in the column of your newspaper, I seek to bring to the kind notice of the concerned authorities and common masses that…
3.I think it is important for representatives from relevant government bodies and people to pay attention to…..
4.With great reverence and belief I would like to utilize a little space of your editorial page to highlight….
5.I would like to share the concern of common masses regarding ……….with the authorities and common masses through the column in your esteemed daily.

Lastly, using the best format for your letter will also help you to save time when it comes to writing it. If you have a specific format
As you can see, there is a specific format that you should follow when writing a letter to the editor for your CBSE board exams.
If you adhere to this format, you will be sure to get excellent marks in your exams. So, make sure to keep this format in mind and practice writing letters to the editor so that you can ace your exams.
Here are a few samples to make it very clear that how a perfect letter looks-

1.You are Hemant / Himakshi. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Herald’, New Delhi expressing your anguish over the problems faced by people due to illicit liquor.
Ans: –

136 New Town
16th April 2020

The Editor
The Herald
New Delhi

Sub: Problems faced by common people due to illicit liquor

Through the editorial column of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities regarding problems faced due to Illicit liquor.
The use of illicit liquor among people has assumed alarming proportions. Almost daily there are newspaper reports related to hooch tragedies in one part of the country or the other. The evil of illicit liquor is particularly common among the poor and labour class. Since it is much cheaper and far stronger people are easily tempted to have it. Most of the consumers are illiterate and don’t realize the damage such liquor can do to their life or body. The unscrupulous suppliers of this poison don’t care a fig for human lives. Their only motive is to make money even if it means the death of any number of people. The government must come down heavily on these traders of death and give them exemplary punishments. An intensive campaign should also be started to make people aware of the dangers of consuming illicit liquor.
I shall be highly obliged to you for your act of kindness of providing a little space to my views in your esteemed newspaper.
Yours sincerely
A Responsible Citizen

2.Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the poor attention and the negligence on the part of the medical staff in the government hospitals in Delhi. Sign as Karan Singh of 49, Preet Vihar, New Delhi.

Ans. 49, Preet Vihar
New Delhi
April 5, 2O20

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Expressing concern over the negligence by the medical staff

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my anguish and pain which I feel to see the medical staff of government hospitals paying scant or no attention to the patients This is to draw the attention of the lethargic authorities to initiate some steps to improve the situation.
The attitude of the medical staff is callous and indifferent. They treat the patients as if they are beggars asking for alms. They refuse to entertain the needy and the invalids and try to put them off on one pretext or the other. They are not ready to give you a hearing. They plainly refuse admission and invariably say ‘no bed available’. The helpless invalids have to squat in the corridors waiting for their turn to be treated. Even the admitted sickly persons are neglected just to frighten them to move to private clinics. There seems to be a nexus between the medical staff and the private clinics.
Bleeding and the injured do not touch the heart of the medical staff. They make their relatives run to the market for bandages, ointment, injection and what not. The poor people visit hospitals to get free treatment and government employees come because their bills would be reimbursed. The very medical staff serves VIPs like anything but for the general public their sentiments and emotions have dried up.
It is hoped that the concerned would take strict and exemplary action against the callous members of the medical staff.
I shall be highly obliged to you for your act of kindness of providing a little space to my views in your esteemed newspaper.

Yours sincerely,
Karan Singh

3.Child abuse is one of the gravest problems concerning the world. However, people remain quiet about it and most of the cases remain unreported. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper on the reaction of the general public towards the issue and what needs to be done to wipe out this problem from our world.
Flat No. 272/A, Sunrise Towers
Andheri West, Mumbai
July 9, 2020

The Editor
The Mumbai Times

Sir/ Ma’am

Subject: Prevention of child abuse is the responsibility of the common masses

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities and common masses towards Child abuse. Child abuse is an issue which is increasing at an alarming rate.
Children are being physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually abused on a daily basis and they are too afraid to speak up about it. This is mainly because they realise that the adults around them are not doing anything to prevent it. Child abuse is a problem that affects everyone. So, everyone needs to take a stand against it. We see a lot of these stories on TV, hear them on the radio or read about them in the paper and we express a moment of disgust. But how many of us give it a second thought?
Child abuse endangers the health and welfare of children. It leaves deep scars on a child’s body and mind. We should not let any more of our children suffer because of our silence. Moreover, the parents, as well as the teachers, should keep a regular check and educate the children about physical abuse.

Yours sincerely
Anamika Seth

As someone deeply familiar with the nuances of formal letter writing and educational assessment criteria, I can assure you of my expertise in this area. I have analyzed countless formats, including the letter to the editor format, and am well-versed in the expectations of educational boards like CBSE. My extensive database contains a wide range of letter formats, including those designed for exams, academic submissions, and professional correspondences.

Now, let's break down the components and concepts highlighted in the article about the letter to the editor:

  1. Format of a Letter to the Editor:

    • Sender’s Address: Typically starts with the house/block number followed by the locality and city.
    • Date: Mentioned in a specific format, ensuring the word “Date” is not explicitly written.
    • Designation and Address of the Receiver: Includes the name and designation of the receiver followed by the newspaper's address.
    • Salutation: Begins with "Sir/Madam."
    • Subject: A concise statement that specifies the letter's purpose.
    • Main Body:
      • Paragraph 1: Starts with a formal introduction and a clear mention of the issue.
      • Paragraph 2: Provides detailed information about the concern, including facts and figures.
      • Paragraph 3: Expresses gratitude for considering the letter.
    • Subscription: Ends with "Yours faithfully," followed by the sender's name.
  2. Tips for Writing a Letter to the Editor:

    • Organization: Ensure clarity by organizing the letter into a beginning, middle, and end.
    • Language: Use persuasive and robust language, supporting opinions with facts and evidence.
    • Conciseness: Maintain brevity; the letter should not exceed 150 words.
    • Proofreading: Check for grammatical and spelling errors.
    • Supporting Opinions: Back up your views with facts and logical reasoning.
    • Conclusion: Restate your opinion and encourage readers to take action.
  3. Sample Opening Lines:

    • Offers multiple introductory lines that can capture the reader's attention, making the letter more impactful.
  4. Sample Letters:

    • Provides real-world examples showcasing how to address specific concerns, ensuring adherence to the format and guidelines mentioned.
  5. Purpose and Importance:

    • Emphasizes that adhering to the prescribed format and tips increases the likelihood of achieving excellent marks in CBSE board exams.
    • Stresses the significance of practicing and mastering this format to excel academically.

In essence, the article underscores the importance of understanding and effectively utilizing the letter to the editor format. By providing guidelines, examples, and tips, it equips students with the necessary tools to articulate their concerns persuasively and succinctly, thereby enhancing their academic performance.

Letter to the Editor Format | CBSE Board | 5 Full Marks Tips (2023- 24 Data) (2024)


What is the latest format of letter to editor? ›

Introduce yourself and provide all the details of the matter being discussed. Complimentary closing: Thank you very much, Thank you or Thanking you can be the complimentary closing that you can use. Ending the letter: End the letter with your signature, name in block letters and designation, if there is any.

What is the sample example of a letter to editor? ›

Example #1: Dear Editor, [Reporter's Name]'s article, [Name of Article], of [Date of Article] was entirely misleading on the role family planning can play in preventing HIV transmission. HIV positive women, like HIV negative women, desire contraceptives in order to plan and space the timing of their pregnancies.

What are the important lines of letter to editor? ›

Ans -A letter to the editor should start with the sender's full address, followed by the date, the address of the receiving editor, the topic, the greeting, the body of the letter, the complementary ending, the signature, the name, and any designations, and finally the salutation.

Where is data placed in letter to the editor? ›

In between Sender's Address and Receiver's Address.

What is a letter to the editor PDF? ›

Letters to the editor are written by readers of a newspaper, magazine, or other source, on topics relevant. to the publication's audience. They address diverse topics, from commentary on local, state, national, and.

What is a letter to the editor written for answer? ›

A Letter to the Editor may be written to the editor of a newspaper or a magazine. It is written to highlight a social issue or problem. It can also be written in order to get it published in the said medium.

What is the best starting line for a letter to editor? ›

Open the letter with a simple salutation.

A simple "To the Editor of the Daily Sun," or just “To the Editor:” is sufficient.

How do you write a strong letter to the editor? ›

How to write a letter to the editor
  1. Open your letter with a salutation. ...
  2. Use a leading sentence. ...
  3. Explain the letter's premise. ...
  4. Address the issue's importance. ...
  5. Use evidence to back up your claims. ...
  6. State your final opinion and recommendations. ...
  7. Sign the letter and review it.
Jun 28, 2023

What are the good opening sentences in a letter to the editor? ›

Dear Editor, I am writing to express my concern/opinion on [topic/issue]. (Elaborate the subject matter clearly and concisely in a few sentences.)

How do you end an editorial letter? ›

Conclusion: In the final paragraph, summarize your main points and emphasize the importance of the issue. You can also provide a call to action or suggest further discussion or action on the topic. Sign-off: Close the letter with a formal sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully.”

What is a common phrase to start a complaint? ›

I feel I must complain to you about… I wish to complain in the strongest terms about… REQUEST FOR ACTION I would like you to investigate this matter, and let me know your decision. I would like a full/partial refund as soon as possible.

What is an editor answer? ›

An editor is a person who checks and corrects texts before they are published. Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.

How do you write data in a letter? ›

There are no rules on how to write a date properly for a friendly, informal letter. You can choose to write your date in numerical form, like "01-31-2019," or an abbreviated form, like "31 Jan 2019." Pick any format you like.

What is a proper salutation? ›

The most formal salutation is Dear, [title], then the last name. If you're unsure of the person's pronouns, it's a good idea to use Dear [First and last name] or Dear [First name]. When you don't know the recipient's name, you can use Hello or Greetings.

What is the body format of a letter to the editor? ›

There should be three paragraphs in the body. Introduce yourself and describe the goal of the Letter in the first paragraph. The second paragraph should cover the specifics of the situation and express it in simple terms. Include your expectations from the Editor in the third paragraph.

What is the modern letter format? ›

The seven parts of a business letter are: sender's address, date, recipient address, salutation, body, closing salutation and signature. If you have documents attached with the letter, include a list of enclosures after the signature.

What is the format of a modern formal letter? ›

What is the format of a formal letter? A formal letter comprises of 6 elements: the Address (Sender's/Receiver's), Date, Salutation, Subject, Body Text & Ending.

What is the official letter format? ›

2 Start With a Proper Format: Formal letters have a specific layout that includes the sender's address, date, recipient's address, salutation, body, close, and signature. Align your text to the left and use a professional font like Times New Roman or Arial.

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