Wealth Management | wealth planning, products and services | Fidelity (2024)

Keep in mind that investing involves risk. The value of your investment will fluctuate over time, and you may gain or lose money.

1. Fidelity advisors are registered with Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC (FBS) and licensed with Fidelity Personal and Workplace Advisors LLC (FPWA), a registered investment advisor. Whether a Fidelity advisor provides advisory services through FPWA for a fee or brokerage services through FBS will depend on the products and services you choose. Clients with $500,000 or more at Fidelity may qualify for a single point of contact for support and guidance as needed without enrollment in an investment advisory program.


Fidelity® Wealth Services (FWS) Wealth Management service-level clients and all Fidelity® Strategic Disciplines (FSD) clients must generally qualify for support from a dedicated Fidelity advisor, which is based on a variety of factors (for example, a client with at least $500,000 invested in an eligible Fidelity account(s) would typically qualify). Account investment minimum is $50,000 for FWS, $100,000 for an FSD equity strategy, and $350,000 for an FSD bond strategy. Non-discretionary financial planning is available for Fidelity Strategic Disciplines clients if they qualify for Private Wealth Management.

3. The advisory fee does not cover charges resulting from trades effected with or through broker-dealers other than Fidelity Investment affiliates, mark-ups or mark-downs by broker-dealers, transfer taxes, exchange fees, regulatory fees, odd-lot differentials, handling charges, electronic fund and wire transfer fees, or any other charges imposed by law or otherwise applicable to your account. You will also incur underlying expenses associated with the investment vehicles selected.


To be eligible for Fidelity Private Wealth Management through Fidelity®Wealth Services ("FWS") or Fidelity®Strategic Disciplines ("FSD"), clients are subject to a qualification and acceptance process, and must typically invest at least $2 million, in the aggregate, in FWSand/or FSD and have investable assets of at least $10 million. For details, review the relevant Program Fundamentals, available online or through a representative.

5. Fidelity® Wealth Services provides non-discretionary financial planning and discretionary investment management through one or more Portfolio Advisory Services accounts for a fee. Advisory services offered by Fidelity Personal and Workplace Advisors LLC (FPWA), a registered investment adviser. Brokerage services provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC (FBS), and custodial and related services provided by National Financial Services LLC (NFS), each a member NYSE and SIPC. FPWA, FBS, and NFS are Fidelity Investments companies.

6. Tax-smart investing techniques, including tax-loss harvesting, are applied in managing certain taxable accounts on a limited basis, at the discretion of the portfolio manager, Strategic Advisers LLC (Strategic Advisers), primarily with respect to determining when assets in a client's account should be bought or sold. Assets contributed may be sold for a taxable gain or loss at any time. There are no guarantees as to the effectiveness of the tax-smart investing techniques applied in serving to reduce or minimize a client's overall tax liabilities, or as to the tax results that may be generated by a given transaction.

7. "Managed portfolio" or "managed account" refer to the discretionary investment management services available through one or more Portfolio Advisory Services accounts for a fee to investors who enroll in Fidelity® Wealth Services. Tax-sensitive Portfolio Advisory Services accounts are managed using tax-smart investing techniques at the discretion of Strategic Advisers. See the Fidelity Wealth Services Program Fundamentals (PDF) for program details or speak with a Fidelity advisor.

For clients who prefer single-asset class strategies, Strategic Advisers employs multiple tax-smart investing techniques proactively to seek to enhance after-tax returns in Fidelity Tax-Managed U.S. Equity Index Strategy and Fidelity Tax-Managed International Equity Index Strategy accounts enrolled in Fidelity® Strategic Disciplines. For taxable accounts in the Fidelity Equity Income Strategy, Fidelity International Equity Strategy, and Fidelity U.S. Large Cap Equity Strategy through Fidelity Strategic Disciplines, Strategic Advisers could also implement tax-smart investing techniques, on a limited basis, consistent with the strategy, although tax management is not a primary goal of these strategies. See the Fidelity Strategic Disciplines Program Fundamentals (PDF) for program details or speak with a Fidelity advisor.

8. Investor's Business Daily®(IBD), September 2023: Fidelity is the #1 Most Trusted Wealth Management Company. The study was conducted in two phases, with data collected via online surveys in May, June and July 2023. In phase 1 507 respondents ranked 12 trust attributes to identify the trust characteristics that are most important to consumers. Using the attributes in phase 1, 7,597 survey respondents in phase 2 were asked to score companies on 7 different criteria, weighted in descending order: financially sound/secure, quality of products and services, commitment to protecting the privacy and security of personal data, ethical business practices and values, customer service and treatment of customers, fair pricing and fees, and sensitivity to customer needs in the current economic and financial climate with the overall score based on the composite scores for each criteria. To be included in the ranking for the wealth management category required at least 125 respondents. IBD's ranking of Fidelity as the #1 Most Trusted Wealth Management Company should not be construed as representing any client’s experience with, or endorsem*nt of, Fidelity or its wealth management services. Third-party rankings or past performance are not indicative of future performance. The third-party trademarks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.

9. Fidelity commissioned Corporate Insight to study bond pricing, available online, for self-directed retail investors from three brokers (Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo) that offer corporate and municipal bonds for comparison to Fidelity's standard online pricing. The study compared online bond prices for more than 27,000 municipal and corporate inventory matches from January 28 through March 2, 2020. It compared municipal and corporate inventories offered online in varying quantities. The study found that, on average, the three online bond brokers were asking $15.41 more per bond. Corporate Insight determined the average price differential by calculating the difference between the prices of matching corporate and municipal bond inventory at Fidelity, including Fidelity's $1 per bond mark-up for online trades vs. the prices offered online for the same bonds from the three brokers, then averaging the differences of the financial services firms. The analysis included investment grade corporate and municipal bonds only, as the three brokers in the study do not offer non-investment grade bonds for purchase online.

The value of advice claim depends on the time period and how returns are calculated. Depending on the time period and how returns are calculated. Value of advice sources: Envestnet's "Capital Sigma: The Advisor Advantage" estimates advisor value add at an average of 3% per year, 2023; Russell Investments 2023 Value of a Financial Advisor estimates value add at approximately 5.12%; and Vanguard, “Putting a value on your value: Quantifying Vanguard Advisor's Alpha®,” 2022, estimates lifetime value add at an average of 3%. The methodologies for these studies vary greatly. In the Envestnet and Russell studies, the paper sought to identify the absolute value of a set of services, while the Vanguard study compared the expected impact of advisor practices to a hypothetical base-case scenario.

Minimum markup or markdown of $19.95 applies if traded with a Fidelity representative. For U.S. Treasury purchases traded with a Fidelity representative, a flat charge of $19.95 per trade applies. A $250 maximum applies to all trades, reduced to a $50 maximum for bonds maturing in one year or less. Rates are for U.S. dollar-denominated bonds; additional fees and minimums apply for non-dollar bond trades. Other conditions may apply; see Fidelity.com/commissions for details. Please note that markups and markdowns may affect the total cost of the transaction and the total, or "effective," yield of your investment. The offering broker, which may be our affiliate, National Financial Services LLC, may separately mark up or mark down the price of the security and may realize a trading profit or loss on the transaction.

Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice, and the information provided is general in nature and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Consult an attorney, tax professional, or other advisor regarding your specific legal or tax situation.

You could lose money by investing in a money market fund. An investment in a money market fund is not a bank account and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Before investing, always read a money market fund’s prospectus for policies specific to that fund.

Other than with respect to assets managed on a discretionary basis through an advisory agreement with Fidelity Personal and Workplace Advisors LLC, you are responsible for determining whether, and how, to implement any financial planning recommendations presented, including asset allocation suggestions, and for paying applicable fees. Financial planning does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of any offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security by Fidelity Investments or any third party.

"Separately managed accounts" refer to the discretionary investment management services available to clients enrolled in Fidelity Strategic Disciplines.

Fidelity® Strategic Disciplines is an advisory service offered by Fidelity Personal and Workplace Advisors LLC (FPWA), a registered investment advisor. Fidelity® Wealth Services is an advisory service offered by FPWA. Brokerage services provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC (FBS), and custodial and related services provided by National Financial Services LLC (NFS), each a member NYSE and SIPC. FPWA, FBS and NFS are Fidelity Investments companies. These advisory services are provided for a fee.

Fidelity has a broad range of offerings suited to different client needs. For more information, see our offering list (PDF) or speak with a representative.

Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917

Wealth Management | wealth planning, products and services | Fidelity (2024)
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