Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (2024)

Adding solar power to your home can save big money long term. Here's how to do the math.

Fidelity Viewpoints

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (1)

More homeowners are harnessing the sun to power their homes, and new government subsidies are making the idea of solar panels more attractive. But can adding solar panels really save you money? The answer is often yes, especially over the long term.

We can help you figure out how long it may take you to recoup the cost of adding solar panels to your home, and if you’ll think getting solar panels will be worth it to you.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (2)

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First, gather the information you need

Whether solar will be worth it for you depends first on how much the system will cost. Here’s what you need to know to get a rough estimate of how many panels you may need and how much it might cost.

How much energy you use: You’ll find your monthly usage on your electric bill, but you need to do a little work to figure out your average daily usage. You can either average your actual monthly bills or add up your usage to get an annual number, and then convert to average daily usage.

The average US household uses about 889 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), but this varies widely by state. In 2022, EIA data showed Louisiana had the highest annual usage, at about 1,230 kWh per month, while Hawaii had the lowest, about 515 kWh per month. You’ll need to convert this into average daily usage by dividing the number by the average number of days per month, which works out to 30.42 days. For the average household, that works out to just under 30 kWh per day.

How much sun do you get? Of course, solar panels can’t produce power without sunlight, so the amount of “peak sun” your home gets is important to the calculation. The number of hours of peak sun ranges from less than 4 hours a day in the northwest to more than 7 hours in the desert southwest.

The average nationwide is about 4 hours, which is generally considered the minimum you need to make solar panels worthwhile. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has a helpful map of peak sun hours.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (4)

Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes.

If you live in a sunnier climate, you might need a smaller system, but lots of other things come into play, including the position and angle of your roof.

Now you can take the amount of energy you want to produce and figure how many panels you might need.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (5)

Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes.

You can also use your generation goal to get a very rough estimate of cost. Solar costs are often estimated to fall between $3.20 and $5.20 per watt generated, according to research from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory. For a 7,500-watt system, the total estimated cost would range from $24,000 to $39,000, before the federal solar tax credit. The range is due to the type of panels as well as where you live and other factors.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (6)

Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes.

A solar energy professional can help you figure all of this out, but if you want to do some research before you engage a contractor, this is a good start.

Will it be worth it? First, you have to figure out how you’re going to pay for the system.

How to pay for solar panels

There are 3 basic ways to put solar panels on your home:

Buy the panels outright: Choose a solar company to install panels on your home’s roof. This is the most effective way of going solar, but it also has the highest upfront cost. You can pay the upfront cost in cash or using financing.

Solar lease: You enter a financial arrangement with a company that installs a solar panel system on your home but retains ownership of the system. You pay a fixed monthly amount to use the system and receive any electricity it produces.

Enter a Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): A developer company arranges for the design, permitting, financing, and installation of a solar energy system on your property at little to no cost to you. The company will bill you for the electricity the panels generate, based on measured metering. Your monthly cost is generally lower than what’s charged by a utility company.

Overall, purchasing a system provides the greatest savings and flexibility, especially when it comes to selling your home, but it requires higher upfront investment.

There are pros and cons to each option:

  • Little to no ongoing electricity cost.
  • Federal and state tax credits may be available.
  • May increase the value of the home without increasing property taxes.
  • Higher upfront cost or ongoing monthly payments.
  • You are responsible for maintenance, including damage to the roof. Some solar companies provide roof damage maintenance for the first 10–15 years.
Solar lease
  • No upfront costs.
  • Predictable monthly energy prices.
  • You are not responsible for maintaining or repairing the solar panels.
  • Not eligible for incentives such as federal tax credits.
  • Can make selling your home difficult.
  • Solar leases include price escalators to reflect the increase in electricity prices, so your costs will increase over time.
  • Your system may not get the required maintenance, but you are still responsible for monthly lease payments regardless of production.
Solar Power Purchase Agreement
  • No upfront costs. Predictable energy prices and net metering benefits.
  • Not responsible for maintaining or repairing the solar panels.
  • Not eligible for incentives such as federal tax credits.
  • Lower long-term savings compared with purchasing a system.
  • Residential PPAs can make selling your home difficult.
  • Most PPA contracts are long-term contracts, typically 10–25 years.

Getting help to pay for solar

Adding solar panels to your home is a big investment, but there are incentives available to help if you want to purchase panels.

Federal tax breaks. The most valuable incentive available now is the federal Residential Clean Energy Credit. It is commonly known as the "solar tax credit." The credit equals 30% of the costs of new, qualified clean energy property for your home installed anytime from 2022 through 2032. For more details on this valuable tax credit, check out our complete guide to the solar tax credit.

For the hypothetical scenario above, the federal tax credit alone would bring the initial purchase price to $16,800–$25,900, down from $24,000–$39,000.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (7)

Source: Fidelity Investments

State and local incentives: Some states offer income tax credits, sales tax exemptions, and other incentives that can help offset the initial investment in solar panels. Check DSIRE, the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency maintained by North Carolina State University, for incentives available in your state. You can also talk to your tax professional for information.

Net metering credits: Consumers who produce more energy with their solar panels than they use can typically transfer excess power to their electric company in exchange for a credit. This allows you to build a smaller system to cover your average energy use, not your highest use. Rules vary by electric company, though, and you may not be able to roll over those credits from year to year. In those cases, the electric company may pay you for any credits you haven’t used, but it will likely be a fraction of the retail price.

The bottom line: Is going solar worth it?

Now that you know how much solar panels may cost and ways to pay for them, that leads us to the big question: Is the investment worth it? The answer is often yes, especially if you are looking at solar panels as a long-term investment.

Start with your energy bill: The cost for the average energy user across the US ranges from a low of about 9 cents per kilowatt-hour (in Nebraska and North Dakota) to a high of 44 cents (Hawaii, a real outlier), according to the EIA. For an average household, that means a one-month electric bill ranging from $81 to $396. Clearly, Hawaii residents will recoup their investment a lot quicker than Nebraskans.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (8)

Source: US Energy Information Administration

Let’s return to our hypothetical average household. They decided to purchase their panels at a cost of $30,000, or $21,000 after the solar tax credit. They finance $21,000 through a home equity loan at 9% interest.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (9)

Hypothetical example for illustrative purposes. Assumes an initial cost of $21,000 financed with a 10-year loan at 9% interest.

After 10 years, this homeowner’s solar panels would be paid off, and they would no longer have a monthly payment or an electric bill. The industry standard lifespan for solar panels is 25–30 years. That’s at least 15 years without an electric bill.

Consider what our hypothetical average household would pay for electricity over that span, and how it compares to the cost of panels:

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (10)

Source: Fidelity Investments, based on a $156 monthly electric bill and factoring in 5% annual inflation for electricity.

Bottom line: Our hypothetical homeowner is saving more than $57,000 over the course of 25 years. Worth it? For them, absolutely.

Going solar is a big decision. If you’re interested in solar and think the investment might be worth it for you, find a solar installer you can trust—preferably more than one—so you can explore further.

Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity (2024)


Are solar panels worth it? | Fidelity? ›

The answer is often yes, especially over the long term. We can help you figure out how long it may take you to recoup the cost of adding solar panels to your home, and if you'll think getting solar panels will be worth it to you.

Are solar panels actually worth it? ›

For most homeowners, solar panels are worth it. Over the lifespan of your panels, you will likely see thousands of dollars in energy savings. Plus, you can generate clean, renewable energy for your home.

What is the downside of solar panels? ›

Some of the cons of solar energy are: the cost of adding solar, depends on sunlight, space constraints, solar energy storage is expensive, installation can be difficult and environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing panels.

Do solar panels pay for themselves? ›

Key takeaways. Solar panels pay for themselves over time by saving you money on electricity bills, and in some cases, earning you money through ongoing incentive payments. Solar panel payback time can range between 5 and 15 years in the United States, depending on where you live.

How to calculate if solar panels are worth it? ›

The solar panel payback period is the time it takes to break even on solar panels. This can be calculated by dividing your initial cost by the annual savings you experience on your utility bill. Most households should expect payback for solar panels within eight to 13 years.

Do you really save money with solar panels? ›

Do solar panels really save money? Yes. You can save thousands of dollars if you have a suitable area with decent sunshine, and especially if the local power company charges a high electric tariff.

Is it worth paying off solar panels? ›

The lifespan of solar panels is around 25 to 30 years. Homeowners typically recoup their investment in around eight to 12 years. This means after paying off your solar panels, you'll likely benefit from an average of more than 15 years of savings on utility bills.

What is the average lifespan of a solar panel? ›

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar panels last between 20 and 30 years. Some well-made panels may even last up to 40 years.

What is the main problem of solar panels? ›

Solar panel connection issues are often caused by faulty wiring. The most common problem is a loose connection between the wires and the terminals on either the solar panels or the inverter. This can be due to corrosion, damage, or simply a poor connection.

How long does solar battery last? ›

How Long Will Solar Batteries Last? Most solar batteries on the market today will last somewhere between five to 15 years. While that is a significant amount of time, you'll likely need to replace them within your solar system's 25 to 30+ year lifespan.

How much is a solar system for a 2000 sq ft house? ›

Although the amount of energy a household uses will influence how many solar panels it needs, it will likely cost between $15,000-$22,500 to install solar panels on a 2,000-square-foot home.

How many years does it take for solar panels to pay off? ›

What is a Good Solar Payback Period? The most common estimate of the average payback period for solar panels is six to ten years. This is a pretty wide range because there are many factors that will influence the number of years it can take to pay off your panels and the monthly savings you can expect.

What is the average payback time for solar panels? ›

It's difficult to say: but the answer depends on how much you pay for the panels, how much your electricity would otherwise cost, how much green energy the panels make from the sunshine you get, and whether you have a battery installed or not. The average payback period for solar PV is anywhere from 12-26 years.

Why are my solar panels not saving me money? ›

But if your solar panels aren't saving you money, there may be one or more of the following reasons why: not enough sunlight, incorrect orientation, poor insulation, inadequate solar panel size, or old, inefficient solar panels.

Is solar worth it in 2024? ›

Do solar panels increase the value of your home? A 2024 home value study by SolarReviews reviewed over 400 homes with and without solar and found that solar panels increase home value by an average of 6.8%. That means solar panels could increase home value by about $28,000, based on the median U.S. home value!

What happens after I pay off my solar panels? ›

What happens after I pay off my solar panels? Once you pay off your solar panels, they will generate energy at no additional cost.

Is it worth buying a house with solar panels? ›

Solar panels create clean energy and can help power your home. A functioning solar panel system may add home value and, though it's an investment upfront, eventually save you money – all while supporting an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Are solar panels actually efficient? ›

Most commercially available solar panels have an efficiency of less than 23%, with an average range of 15% to 20%. SunPower and Canadian Solar currently top the industry with 22.8% efficient panels. These numbers may seem low, but keep in mind that solar cells use a free energy input with zero emissions (sunlight).

Does solar increase home value? ›

Do solar panels increase the appraisal value of a house? Yes, solar panels increase the appraisal value of a house by 4.1% on average, according to a study conducted by Zillow. These values vary based on your location and the strength of your local solar market.

Do solar panels work on cloudy days? ›

Solar panels can produce electricity on cloudy days, but not always on overcast days. If an overcast day occurs, you can determine whether your system is producing energy by checking for shadows outside. Your system is most likely generating power to some extent if you can see objects casting shadows.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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