What Should I Drink For The Super Bowl? - The Cooking Facts (2024)

As the Super Bowl approaches, many of us are gearing up to get our snacks and drinks ready for the big game. Of course, there are plenty of classic options for food and beverages, but making sure you have the right drinks to enjoy during the game can be a key part of the experience. But with so many different options available, it can be tough to know where to start. So, what should you drink for the Super Bowl? This article will explore some popular options and give you some ideas to help you make the most of your Super Bowl party.

Whether you’re a beer lover, a fan of co*cktails, or prefer a non-alcoholic pick-me-up, there’s something for everyone when it comes to drinks for the Super Bowl. With so much excitement and energy in the air, it’s important to make sure you have beverages that can keep up. From light and refreshing to bold and boozy, the right drinks can help you stay refreshed and focused, whether you’re cheering on your favorite team or just enjoying the game with friends and family. So, let’s dive into some of the top options and see which ones might be best for your Super Bowl watching experience.

Quick Summary

For the Super Bowl, you should choose drinks that complement game day foods. Beer is always a classic choice, or you can mix it up with co*cktails like Margaritas, Bloody Marys or Moscow Mules. For non-alcoholic options, try flavored sparkling water, lemonade, or fruit juices. Remember to stay hydrated and drink responsibly.

Table of Contents

Top 5 alcoholic beverages for the Super Bowl party

The Super Bowl is an event that brings together family, friends, and fans to enjoy some great football, mouthwatering food, and of course, some delicious drinks. If you’re planning a Super Bowl party, it’s important to have a variety of drinks on hand to please everyone. Here are the top five alcoholic beverages to serve at your Super Bowl party.

1. Beer: Beer is a classic Super Bowl drink that is a crowd pleaser. Go for some traditional lagers and some craft beers to appeal to every taste bud.

2. co*cktail Punch: co*cktail punch is a drink that offers great flavors and can be made in large amounts. Make large batches and let guests help themselves.

3. Margaritas: Frozen margaritas are very popular during the summer, but they’re also perfect for the Super Bowl. Offer different flavors like strawberry, pineapple, and mango.

4. Bloody Mary: Bloody Mary is an excellent choice for a late morning or early afternoon party. Include some snacks, and your guests will have a great brunch.

5. Wine: If your guests crave a more refined taste, wine is always a good option. Serve both red and white wines, and offer some bubbly for celebrations.

A guide to non-alcoholic Super Bowl drinks

The Super Bowl is one of the most widely anticipated sporting events in the world, and for many, it is a time for celebration. Many people choose to enjoy alcoholic beverages during the game, but there are also plenty of non-alcoholic options available for those who prefer them.

For those looking for non-alcoholic drinks to enjoy during the Super Bowl, there are many options. Soda, lemonade, iced tea, and sparkling water are all popular choices. Non-alcoholic beer and wine are also available for those who want to enjoy the taste of their favorite adult beverage without the alcohol content. Additionally, many people choose to make mocktails, which are mixed drinks made with non-alcoholic ingredients. Some popular mocktails include the Shirley Temple, the Arnold Palmer, and the Virgin Bloody Mary. Whatever your preference, there are plenty of delicious non-alcoholic drinks to choose from on game day.

Building the perfect Super Bowl beer lineup

When it comes to building the perfect Super Bowl beer lineup, there are a few things to consider. First and foremost, you want to have a variety of options to please all of your guests. This means having a mix of light beers, IPAs, stouts, and maybe even a sour or two. It’s also important to keep in mind that some guests may prefer non-alcoholic options, so be sure to include a few non-alcoholic beers or other beverages like sparkling water or soda.

Another important factor when building your Super Bowl beer lineup is quantity. You don’t want to run out of beer midway through the game, so be sure to plan accordingly. As a general rule, you will want to have at least 2 beers per person per hour, although this may vary depending on the size of your party and how much your guests tend to drink. By keeping these tips in mind, you can create a beer lineup that is sure to delight all of your Super Bowl party guests.

Craft beer options for Super Bowl Sunday

Craft beer has become a popular choice for game day beverages. With the wide variety of flavors and styles available, there is something for every beer lover. Some popular options include IPAs, stouts, and lagers. If you’re looking for a hoppy beer, try a West Coast IPA with its bold bitterness and citrusy notes. A rich and full-bodied stout is also a great choice, perfect for sipping as you watch the game. Alternatively, a crisp and refreshing lager provides a lighter option for those who don’t want their beer to be too heavy.

When it comes to choosing craft beers for the Super Bowl, consider supporting local breweries. Many cities have their own craft breweries that offer unique flavors and styles. This not only supports your local economy but can also provide a fun conversation topic for guests. Additionally, be sure to have a variety of options available to cater to different tastes. Consider setting up a beer tasting station so guests can sample different brews and find one they enjoy. Craft beer is a great option for Super Bowl Sunday and can elevate the game day experience for any beer lover.

Wine and Super Bowl: pairing tips and recommendations

When you think of pairing wine with savory snacks, the Super Bowl may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, pairing wine with game day favorites can be a surprisingly enjoyable and unexpected experience. Here are some tips and recommendations for pairing wine with Super Bowl snacks.

For spicy or savory snacks like buffalo wings or nachos, try a red or rosé. A light-bodied Pinot Noir or a crisp rosé can help cut through the heat of a spicy dish and complement the salty flavors of nachos. For a classic pairing with burgers and hot dogs, a bold and full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon or a fruity Zinfandel can hold their own against the hearty flavor of grilled meat. If you’re serving pizza, go for a juicy red like Sangiovese or a Chianti to match the tomatoes and herbs in the sauce. Whatever snacks you choose, there’s sure to be a wine that will complement your Super Bowl spread.

Unique Super Bowl co*cktail recipes to impress your guests

Looking to take your Super Bowl party to the next level? Consider impressing your guests with some unique Super Bowl co*cktail recipes. These drinks will not only add a fun twist to your party, but they’ll also ensure your guests are sufficiently hydrated during the game.

One great option is a bourbon-based co*cktail called the Kentucky buck. To make the drink, combine bourbon, lime juice, ginger beer, and muddled strawberries. Shake the mixture well, strain it into a glass, and garnish with a slice of strawberry. Other options could include a “Touchdown Tea,” made with pineapple juice, vodka, triple sec, and lemon-lime soda, or a “Hail Mary” bloody mary with bacon-infused vodka, roasted garlic, and horseradish. With these unique drink options, your Super Bowl party will be a guaranteed hit.

Super Bowl coffee and tea drink options for a late night snack

After all the excitement and high-energy action from the Super Bowl, you might find yourself struggling to wind down. Fear not, coffee and tea lovers, as there are plenty of options to satisfy your cravings and help you relax after the big game.

If you’re looking for a warm, comforting drink, a hot cup of tea is the way to go. Bonus points for the caffeine-free options if you’re looking to wind down before bed. Chamomile tea is a classic choice for relaxation, but if you want something with a little more flavor, try lavender or peppermint tea. For an extra decadent treat, add a splash of milk and honey to your tea.

On the other hand, if you need an extra caffeine boost to stay up for post-game analysis, coffee is your friend. Brew up a pot of your favorite blend or try something new, like a gourmet flavored coffee. If you want to make your coffee a little more indulgent, add a dollop of whipped cream or a splash of Irish cream liqueur. Whatever your preference, these coffee and tea options are sure to hit the spot and keep the Super Bowl party going.

Final Verdict

When it comes to choosing what to drink during the Super Bowl, there are plenty of options to choose from. No matter whether you prefer a classic beer or a trendy co*cktail, the most important thing is to drink responsibly. Make sure to pace yourself, drink plenty of water, and avoid driving under the influence.

Remember, the Super Bowl is all about having fun and enjoying the excitement of the game. So sit back, relax, and cheers to a great game with a refreshing beverage of your choice!

What Should I Drink For The Super Bowl? - The Cooking Facts (2024)
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